basically building a sustainable society requires, yourself as a genuine person first ov all.
secondly ill tell you a basic method which if you follow through, honestly, you can do it.
what you need to do, is to create a non-profit entity, organisation, charity, and/or incorperated society.
make sure it has a GOOD name which makes sense when savign the world
the mission for your non-profit, is to create FOR the community/society a sustainable conditon which benifits the wellbeing of all peoples.
your non-profit must have certain goals, as would most,
what you want to do with it, is this.
down the line. you want to
eventually promote or manifest the creation of a new power source/generator, such as with solar power, etc
and create a non-profit funded power station which provides free power to your community.
create a non-profit community watch/service which provides free safety/security for your community
create a non - profit housing and real estate - which provides, cheap or free housing to your community.
allow for willing volunteers to assist you, in manifesting your fundings, and person required services. (who understand your mission for the community)
continue this process, until your non-profit is providing with your communitys help.
free/cheap affordable to anyone.
power/internet/security/housing/music-art-movies production/phones/laptops/food/water/social-education-ministry services/employment training.
basically the goal is not to wait for the government to do it for you.
because there NOT,
we have to do it, person to person.
obviously this would take a large amount of resources, if you dont have the skills.
so get the skills. or the people who have them. on your side.
youll have to start small.
and maybe put a small amount of your own money into it. if you have no support.
what the mission does.
is put your basic desires for the people/community/world down on paper.
which means.
if you do NOT fail. / if you succseed, then you WILL have your society.
start small, dont ask for much,
and dont ask before you start doing the work,
do the work, start the movement towards unity, then ask,
as an example.
buy some paint and some paint brushes.
( finesh your trust deed and establish your non-profit)
then start on your street, go to your neigbours and tell them you are working for this non-profit.
say we are small atm, but we are offering you this service atm,
"if you would like, im offering to paint your fence for free, to benifit our community im doing this"
maybe youll have to contact the home owner/real estate.
then do it.
if they ask what your about, tell them.
ensure them you dont ask for much.
1$ per week is the basic asking of person(s) (which a homeless man can offord) which is only for the stability of income.
tell them.
to call you IF you need any help/support in any way, and IF you CAN you will (only if your willing to help the person(S)
follow through house to house until youve done your street.
over time of course.
you can fill in the gaps yourself, but this is the general idea. and basic example.
when youve got a street. maybe 3 people decide to donate, and thats ok, dont give up, just keep going.
week after week. month after month.
eventually you wouldve painted the whole community

and have 30 to 300 - 3000 people donating.
additionally- everyone can see what your doing.
everyone can see. because youve already told them.
everyone knows. call YOU if you need anything, help/support.
everyone knows YOU and you know everyone.
everyone may help you, because youve already helped them.
everyone will follow you - because you went to all of them with help
this is simple social services/ basic psychology / physically easy and God willing, a very good way.
from here you have to trust people.
trust that someone will see. and give more than 1$ per week maybe ten,
you can imagine.
what you could achieve with this method.
it is a method based on love.
loving thy neigbour as thyself.
jesus gave us this idea 2015 years ago, and no one listened.
I own credit for this idea to Jesus,
if you go through with it.
good luck to you.
i know how hard your countrys are.
your governments.
but trust your people.
love your neigbours.
God bless you my bro.