How do you celebrate yourself, your steps, accomplishments and life?

*rofl* It's amazing how naturally and easy food fits into treating yourself.
Man, how stepping onto a scale will make you feel "super efficient and successful". lol

heeeheeees! :D

Basically if you don't have a cardiac arrest, you didn't celebrate right.
:tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy: I love how the Mexican I met like to put everything (like all the courses) onto the same plate perfectly during Velas. Total food Tetris. :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

Thanks everyone to participate here. Very appreciated! :) <3
Um... accomplishments. I guess when I achieve a big one I celebrate a little, but I don't have rituals for this.
We often go to restaurants for celebrations.

I prefer quiet holidays.

I prefer to spend my birthday quietly, doing what I want without making excuses or apologies. When we lived in the city I liked getting dressed in sophisticated, lovely clothes, and going to an art museum, and then going home with take-out (pizza!) to play video games.
I hate birthday parties, and big birthday events. Yikes!

I really want to drive to the coast to see snowy owls for my birthday. I've never seen one. That would be amazing. I feel rude asking to do that, though, because it is a very long drive and we'd have to stand out in bad weather to see a bird for a few minutes.

I also always buy new skin care products on my birthday. (Either refills, or a new one to try.) It is a reminder to take care of myself.

This resonates alot with me.

I love the idea of your snow owl and I hope so much that you will find the courage to ask for this trip anyway. The people might be given a great opportunity to be giving you something in return and that's a real gift in both ways. :blush:
The snow owl reminds me alot of the "ghost cat". Self-care is also great on daily basis if one learns to do so but the kind of ghost cat/snow owl moments are really really lovely ways to mark a birthday with something meaningful and special. (Thank you so much for this, Asa!!)

I think someone posted it in the forum recently, I'm sorry for reposting!! I'll add it to give the context, though.

So, I decided: I'll be watching meteor showers with my SO this year at my birthday. Something to cherish again later on once more. :relaxed:

As I've got older it's more about what I am than what I do, or have done. I just celebrate existence - the whole world, and me with it, is filled with life and presence and that is more than enough for me to celebrate.

Oh yes - this does include, cake and beer (and malt whisky :hearteyecat:) and music (@Deleted member 16771 I prefer Tchaikovsky's 6th but that's a marginal preference - do you know the Mravinsky recordings - they are electric?), and Harry Potter or LOR re-runs. And holidays to places I've been to lots before, and re-reading old familiar books, and just being at home doing my own thing.

I don't mean everything is fine - it isn't - but that doesn't matter.

:<3orange: My dear, John. It's always lovely to read you. Enjoy what you love and met to love. To reach that place of inner peace where the present moment is more important than the future is a great and wonderful gift itself imho. <3 <3 Life doesn't need to be 100% fine it just needs to have fine balance, doesn't it? :)
@Impact Character – A birthday meteor shower sounds perfect! It's so fun to watch the peak hours when they shoot across the sky by the dozens.

My birthday was last month. So, no snowy owl.
I saw a barred owl the other day. I get super excited every time I see any wild animal. I live in a forest, so, well, wild animals are common. To me it is always a gift to see them, or even hear them. (I hear them a lot, but usually don't see them.)
Like John, I do celebrate every day. That sounds super dorky, and it might not even show on the outside, but it is the truth. (OK, sometimes it totally shows on the outside. Haha.)
@Impact Character – A birthday meteor shower sounds perfect! It's so fun to watch the peak hours when they shoot across the sky by the dozens.

My birthday was last month. So, no snowy owl.
I saw a barred owl the other day. I get super excited every time I see any wild animal. I live in a forest, so, well, wild animals are common. To me it is always a gift to see them, or even hear them. (I hear them a lot, but usually don't see them.)
Like John, I do celebrate every day. That sounds super dorky, and it might not even show on the outside, but it is the truth. (OK, sometimes it totally shows on the outside. Haha.)

@_@ Is it weird if I wished you happy very belated birthday? (I don't even know if I knew and did so.) Your future is still your future.. maybe there is a snow owl that wishes to see an Asa on her birthday? (hihi sorry for being silly.)
(I'm excited since I allowed this back in my life, and thinking about that meteor shower. It's kind of a quirky sprout feeling. - Now that sounds dorky!)
Wow, barred owls look gorgeous! The last city I lived in was green, had nature and there were rabbits and squirrels - the tiny red ones. Very enjoyable little guys overall, though many people didn't really pay attention to them or rather thought of them as vermins.. People walk by, depressed from winter, I believe something happens when one truely hears the first singing birds at the start of a fresh year.

It isn't dorky at all! You guys are very wise and I'm very happy for you. <3 (I've to work some more for that but I'll get there! woop woop :smile:)
I haven’t had income in years, so I just have to be content with what’s happening inside. I’m pure gold spiritually, a legend, and I know it. I get roaring applause from the spirit world (which I feel in my body) for writing inspired things on message boards that get me banned. The inner experience of glory is obviously worth it, because I keep doing it. And I know what I’m saying is right, anyway.

I watch music videos and experience a party in my spiritual body, complete with dancing. (I can’t physically dance anymore or I’ll lose everything I have spiritually.)
I haven’t had income in years, so I just have to be content with what’s happening inside. I’m pure gold spiritually, a legend, and I know it. I get roaring applause from the spirit world (which I feel in my body) for writing inspired things on message boards that get me banned. The inner experience of glory is obviously worth it, because I keep doing it. And I know what I’m saying is right, anyway.

I watch music videos and experience a party in my spiritual body, complete with dancing. (I can’t physically dance anymore or I’ll lose everything I have spiritually.)

oic ur a troll
Trying to survive getting free fishing and hunting licenses.
Going to a nice restaurant with loved ones.

Also chocolate.
I've got a year jar project:
I take scraps of paper, old receipts or post-it notes, anything, and when something worthy of noting happens (accomplishments or just generally positive/ uplifting/exciting news or happenings) I scribble it down and put it in the year jar to encapsulate the feeling for later.
On New Years' eve, I pour myself a glass of something, open the jar and read through all of it, recapitulating the highs, allowing myself to feel accomplished for surviving another year and its stories. Then I get all the little papers into a letter envelope, tie it with a bow that was previously fastened around the neck of that jar and save it for later when I would like to experience the life process that happened. I've been doing it for approx. 5 years now, it helps to shift my focus from the negative towards more positive.

And food. That helps to celebrate anything.
I've got a year jar project:
I take scraps of paper, old receipts or post-it notes, anything, and when something worthy of noting happens (accomplishments or just generally positive/ uplifting/exciting news or happenings) I scribble it down and put it in the year jar to encapsulate the feeling for later.
On New Years' eve, I pour myself a glass of something, open the jar and read through all of it, recapitulating the highs, allowing myself to feel accomplished for surviving another year and its stories. Then I get all the little papers into a letter envelope, tie it with a bow that was previously fastened around the neck of that jar and save it for later when I would like to experience the life process that happened. I've been doing it for approx. 5 years now, it helps to shift my focus from the negative towards more positive.

And food. That helps to celebrate anything.

I buy myself something extravagant.

I drink wine and laugh at my own jokes.
#winner at life
Aww :grin:

Thanks for the lovely contributions, guys!
(I had almost forgotten about this thread, how embarassing..)
..backlogging seems vital for the process (and if you can the feeling connected to it). Pretty cool ritual there, Fluffball! Thank you. :<3green:
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I remain thankful, for that I have shall belong to someone else when I am gone. The things I have are only mine for a short while.
I wanted more when I was young, and now I want better things. Yet, I want far fewer things now. The older one gets, the more difficult it becomes to keep that which one has accumulated. Their values become far less than assumed. The computer makes it far easier for a collector to collect the things he desires, but the hunt for items to finish or build upon a collection has all but diminished.

I also seem to celebrate my life with my mistakes and bad choices I made when much younger. It is like a wavering candle light at night that will not be still.

My dogs and their company, when playing the guitar in the back yard, make me feel accomplished. I have those that love me and wish to be with me, and my bird friends we feed talk to me while silent from playing. I try to play their sounds with them. I feel at peace with nature, for that is mostly where my temporal heart resides.