How do YOU deal with incompetent jerks?

Anyway, INFJs have a certain ability for doorslamming people, it seems. So it wouldn't be surprising if they had an ability to shut out jerks more easily than other types.

Cynicism might be used to that end.
This is my eternal struggle. I need to believe I can understand anything. When I don't, I basically go nuts.

You already understand most things, you just overthink them. And I don't mean you personally, just people in general. Simplicity is best.

A peaceful world of infj Hitlers!

Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

@noisebloom's covert agenda in all of his threads without exception: make us talk about Hitler!

the fact that I am essentially powerless to change these people bothers me to no end.
I can relate to this.

And to this...
Anyway, INFJs have a certain ability for doorslamming people, it seems. So it wouldn't be surprising if they had an ability to shut out jerks more easily than other types.

However, many coworkers say this...

:lmao: hitler is a lamb comparative to Mortica :p
@Lady Jolanda @Lurk @noisebloom @infinite dreams @souvenir
When you have to activate XNTP murder/death/kill combat mode:

Fool: "I think good"
NT: "He didn't even say 'well' he said 'good' this isn't going to go well..."
Fool: "Anyways, lets have a debate"
Fool: *babbles*
NT: "Well you've made a number of mistakes here, you need to learn to be more objective"
Fool "Whatever, I really like my opinions a lot so i'm not going to change any of them, also you're stupid for not agreeing with me"
NT: "Don't make me do this"
Fool: *babbles even more foolishly*
NT: "You're a young man, just walk away- you've got your whole life ahead of you..."
Fool "I'd like to double down on stupid"
Fool: "Wha?"