How do you disappear?

When I withdraw and am under extreme stress, I'm prone to randomly spouting whatever's on my mind.


I'll cry to myself, spend ages alone, and then when someone close to me comes by, I'll behave in an insane, almost ESTP manner (Thankyou, INFJ Shadow Info!). Its very extreme, and I don't think it shares much about me at all.
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I just withdraw. Literally. I just disappear and usually no one notices I'm gone. Thats 'cos I'm usually "omni-present" in my groups anyway. one minute I'm there the next I'm not. So my friends are used to it.Which is a real benefit when I want to withdraw. No one notices any difference in me and I get to refresh my system :D .

I usually game, take photos, read, play guitar, listen to music my days away. Good life, but not beneficial. Once I feel refreshed again, once more, back into the fray!
It's hard for me to disappear completely as I used to. I am still a sort of anchor for my younger son, who calls me 5-20 times a day, depending on the quality of his day. But I can and do disappear from everyone else from time to time, staying off the internet, not talking to anyone. I spend time with my animals (2 dogs, 4 cats). Sometimes--though rarely--I sleep; sometimes I watch DVDs and/or read. In a worst-case scenario, I disappeared from a forum by dismanting my profile and "breaking" all my friendships, leaving social groups, deleting my albums, etc. The place felt, if not toxic, unwelcoming at least. I'm much more comfortable here.

I feel less of a need to disappear from my lover than I have with past loves as he seems to understand and accept my moods better than anyone I know.
I get real SP-like. My best friend is ESTP, and I think he really strengthened my inferior functions.
But yeah. My interests change really fast. I get interested in things quickly, and I lose interest just as quickly. Pointless, meaningless, time-passing activities, such as Tetris, games, basic gets really hard for me to do work seriously. I also rotate interest in community-based things; I left this forum for a while, then came back, but I'm neglecting my deviantART....eventually, I'll switch gears, not come on here quite as often, and concentrate on another instead for a while. It rotates fairly regularly, actually.

Normally, I would also withdraw and stay in my room or somewhere else I could chill. There's always people at my dorm, though, so it isn't a complete withdrawl.
Anymore, though, I hang out with my ENFJ friend, because I can feel as if I'm withdrawing by being with someone; he understands me in that way. That's real nice. My ESTP friend and I never have an awkward moment, but the ENFJ and I can talk about more things and understand each other more naturally.
i withdraw to the point when i no longer care how far i go, emotionally and mentally distancing myself from loved ones and friends...

... and once i am to that point, i find myself wanting to connect with others again.

Same for me,but I have been like this for as far back as I can remember.

I also love to sleep! When I sleep I dream,my dreams are usually good ones.
I don't always physically disappear. Sometimes, I just would be very quiet and not talk much and be somewhere else mentally. Other times, I would skip classes, although I am a very good student and I do it responsibly. I just tend to withdraw at times. Sometimes, I don't call my friends for a while and don't answer calls. I write. I read a lot. I usually surf the net for a while (although I do that in my free time normally). Also, I go to the city alone and deliberately get lost in parts of the city I've never been in and find my way back. I go out for lunch alone. I do a lot of things to withdraw but then I get over it and go back.
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Pretty much what I wrote above. I think it's time to disappear from here, at least for the time being. While I post a lot, I say nothing; I'm too narcissistic to make any real contribution. I may just be in a disappearing mode because I'd like to disappear completely, remaining absorbed in my books, music, writing, movies, though both b/f, with his abandonment issues and son, with his need for an anchor, won't allow total withdrawal.

I understand what you mean, anica. If you feel you have to disappear, then don't neglect yourself or your needs; just remember to come back afterwards!
I understand what you mean, anica. If you feel you have to disappear, then don't neglect yourself or your needs; just remember to come back afterwards!

Well, I didn't disappear from here for long, after discovering that this place satisfies needs nothing else does, though I'll probably spend less time here than I have in my short sojourn on this forum. I spent the day with my son yesterday as I do every Tuesday and Thursday, but he left early as he wasn't feeling well either. Spoke to b/f only twice--our usual good-morning, good-night calls and spent the remainder of the day reading, very relaxing and satisfying. Today is our aide's half-day off and I'm looking forward to the solitude.

Although insomnia continues unabated, I'm being careful to eat a healthy diet, take my meds and try to stick to my routine. I think that's the best I can do for now.

Off to read and listen to music until the household is up and about.
i shut people out. and usually my mood is dark enough that people know to just leave me alone. i make lots of generalizations like 'you know how there are days you can just deal with everything and it doesn't bother you? and then there are days where every issue is really difficult to overcome? this is one of those days.'

statements like that generally give people the idea to leave me alone. and if they dont get enough of my hints, i will literally tell them to leave me alone. im not passive aggressive. ive given you hints, now you need to leave me alone.

what i do in my alone time depends on what i need. sometimes i need to do something happy to lift my mood, sometimes i need something physical to let out frustration. it all depends.
I dislike sleeping. What I love is to put on my headphones, get into my bubble, find a very crowded place and walk through the masses of people and feel total detachment from them.

I wish I did more artistic stuff, I just never got into it. I also love running. No interaction and people are just obstacles to get around. You get the high from the sport and you can still let your mind wander.
This is a real problem for me because most of my friends,family and neighbors all think I'm an extrovert because when I'm in my happy days I'm always joking around,smiling and seeking new adventures. However when I become to involved with people I go to withdrawal mode in which I just lock myself in my room( a bad thing to do because I tend to think of bad things and overall become so emotional), take a walk in the park,watch movies etc. But these people don't understand why I do that. One day I'm very happy, outgoing, loud and in another I become something completely different: quiet, moody, depressive and deep. In this state is when I don't know who I am but it happens so frequently that I must learn to live with.
This is a real problem for me because most of my friends,family and neighbors all think I'm an extrovert because when I'm in my happy days I'm always joking around,smiling and seeking new adventures. However when I become to involved with people I go to withdrawal mode in which I just lock myself in my room( a bad thing to do because I tend to think of bad things and overall become so emotional), take a walk in the park,watch movies etc. But these people don't understand why I do that. One day I'm very happy, outgoing, loud and in another I become something completely different: quiet, moody, depressive and deep. In this state is when I don't know who I am but it happens so frequently that I must learn to live with.

Wow, I can really relate to this. The only difference is when I am being extroverted, it feels very forced and phoney. I still can't seem to stop it, but at the same time I'll feel really stupid. So then I'll withdraw and almost be angry with the other people for rejecting me, as if it is their fault. I just feel so strange! Like I never say the right thing and people are laughing at me behind my back.

I tend to hole up in my room. My bed is my sanctuary and my prison.
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Internet, I used to use food but that's changed recently, Books, Counting from 100 to 0 down to -100 back up. Fantasies of pain and brekaing society's spirit. Being unresponsive. Not hanging out with people. Becoming emotionally numb and not caring about others.
Well. I thought you meant actually disappearing. As in, waiting for someone to look away, then sliding around a corner. Or centering your energy in a sort of cloak, and becoming ignored.
I do the same as mentioned by some, that I shun all contact even from family. I go into a deep state of hermit-osis followed by pondering the darker things and struggle if going forward is the right idea.

Does anyone in these cycles perminently shed friendships? I know I have over and over. Last few have been pretty bad though.
Does anyone in these cycles perminently shed friendships? I know I have over and over. Last few have been pretty bad though.

i don't permanently shed friendships this way although i can tell you that friendships have definately deteriorated due to regular reclusiveness. in hindsight, most of these friendships did so because they were not essentially strong in the first place. i don't believe they are permanent, but rather distant or apathetic.