How do you envision God?

Maybe I'm beginning to understand.

It feels so simple and so contradictorily complex. That video left me sobbing, jm. Somewhere in the eye of the camera of that video is me. I'm afraid to be me. I spoke of refusing to surrender to my church, but the bigger thing is that without my church I don't have the courage to surrender to humanity. I don't have the courage to stand out on the street and just love. I build barricades around myself to protect my sense of self. I isolate myself and begin to hate those who would disrupt that security. I lose the point. I believe that. I truly believe that. I've lost the point. It just takes so much energy to keep standing myself. I idealize the other and think if I just love it will be OK, but I've grown cynical and afraid. It's so hard to love and stay strong yourself. I don't know. That video had a profound electric shock effect, wakening a sleeping sense of self and idealism I sedated years and years ago in favor of the day-to-day the practicalities of life, but I don't know what to do with it. I feel too weak to do anything with it by myself.

I'm not sure what you meant to communicate, but you communicated something very powerful to me, jm.

"I don't know what to do with it. I feel too weak to do anything with it by myself." unquote

I feel that is how we are supposed to feel. May I offer a hand to help lift you up; an assurance you are not by yourself? In your weakness possess ye your strength.
edit after but a moment, one of our pets just offered her paw to me.
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Jascha Heifetz was one of the best violinists of the twentieth century. He made a statement about Bach's music once, and I am sure to not get it verbatim. He said, "Playing Bach is like reading the Bible: you find something new in it every time you play it."
Marc - I see your point about chaos. But the smallest amount of order changes all chaos (as much a little chaos disrupts perfect order). But I feel that order is stronger than chaos, because if you have even one firm thing in an entirely chaotic, random universe, that entire universe can be compared and measured against that single point of order.
(like in your example - if you have an infinite ocean of water, with a single little bubble in it, not matter where in the ocean you are, you are no longer lost, but at a perceivable distance from that single lone bubble).

PS - just me - that video you posted is the most moving thing I have ever seen on youtube.

The bubble is not eternal, and neither is our universe. Once dark energy (the power that is responsible for expanding the bubble) runs out the universe will collapse. And it's not a single bubble in the ocean, there are propably infinite amount of theses bubbles. See multiverse theory.
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