How do you experience empathy?

No.. you cannot stop it. Not to sound creepy..
*she says, whilst sounding creepy*.. lol. But really it isn't something you can just shut off.
that's debatable. I feel like it can be done, but it's acutely difficult to switch between modes
wow. what is this? I feel like this would be funny under dozens of layers of irony, but this is beyond me
How would you say you reached that?
Well, when I saw that I could use it for good to sense, no.. to feeeel others feels/ moods / vibes in any given scenario, and to use it to protect myself and loved ones..

For example, my ex. He was sociopathic and a
narcissist.. A charmer on all surfaces.. Everyone thought he was intelligent ( he was ) and normal ( he wasn't ) and just great.. But inside him, evil abounds. Our rs was long distance first and I married him soon after being together in person. I saw red flags.. gut vibes even over the distance but igored them bc I wanted to.. I chose to silence my gut. Bigggg mistake.

I won't post in public what he was doing.. but I tell you I sensed it and said it and everyone, even the victim was so manipulated that she even got angry at the very notion that his intentions were anything but good. The looks of shock I would receive.. Told I was insane, seeing ghosts of my childhood. Ghosts indeed.. But in dec 2015 it all came out. I was right.. every gut instict, on point.

Now I have to carry the guilt.. I have learned to and advise all who are empaths.. I implore you: LISTEN to YOUR GUTS..
That is my question, too. For so long, I have been blocking myself from people or being aloof. It's hard to break out of that. I try to keep in mind how I am feeling prior to interactions so that if it pops up, I can focus on that to try and see what's going on. But my unconscious animal brain mostly just reacts to the discomfort and wants to block and get away.
Sounds crazy but.. just, feel. Open up and let yourself just.. feel. Go into a scenario in the mindframe of a crisis counselor or medic.. sounds weird but being in a "rescuer" frame of mind is the key..
Sounds crazy but.. just, feel. Open up and let yourself just.. feel. Go into a scenario in the mindframe of a crisis counselor or medic.. sounds weird but being in a "rescuer" frame of mind is tge key..
I think you're right about this. I just need to face it instead of wanting to hide from it when it's happening. It's just uncomfortable and scary and painful in the moment and that's my initial reaction. But you just have to face things. I try to be overly rational about things like this and it causes more confusion. I was reading this site: Are You Picking up Someone Else's Emotions? And when I am sponging that emotional energy, I do take on the emotional turmoil then afterward, try to come up with reasons for why I'm feeling that way and it just makes it more confusing. Maybe it's an INFP thing that I tend to focus first on why I'm feeling a certain way instead of thinking it's someone else. Idk. Maybe the avoidance or wanting to block is a self-preservation thing, as I am 9w8 sp/sx.
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Fun Fact: I nearly failed the GED because I ignored my gut. If I had followed it, I would have gotten high honors
I think you're right about this. I just need to face it instead of wanting to hide from it when it's happening. It's just uncomfortable and scary and painful in the moment and that's my initial reaction. But you just have to face things. I try to be overly rational about things like this and it causes more confusion. I was reading this site: Are You Picking up Someone Else's Emotions? And when I am sponging that emotional energy, I do take on the emotional turmoil then afterward, try to come up with reasons for why I'm feeling that way and it just makes it more confusing. Maybe it's an INFP thing that I tend to focus first on why I'm feeling a certain way instead of thinking it's someone else. Idk. Maybe the avoidance is a self-preservation thing, as I am 9w8 sp/sx.
Yes... you are on the right train of thought, acd.. And I'm an individualistic, aggressive, romantic, overly intense 4w5 Sexual variant INFJ. You can imagine I am more Fe than you, easily.. O.O

This makes you more cool and collected than me:sunglasses: but also makes your desire to resist stronger..

LOL!! We sound like walking DSM manuals.. ;):smilingimp::tonguewink::tearsofjoy:
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Now imagine someone born so - who then goes through traumas for years and you have got one hairy caterpillar on your hands
@MistyWrites and @acd Let me throw this in the mix...because we may (are;))have been born with many traumas were perceived as such because we were born hyper sensitive and empathic, primed so to say, as a conduit between source energy and the person? The other question is, why did we need to live out these tramas first hand? Was it so we knew, through experience and not just intuitively....and how do we get the rest of the populace to believe too?

I believe as time moves along the answers will become clearer...for believers as well as skeptics. Some folks we have to provide tangible proof to, some are willing to hurry up and wait with us. ;)
@MistyWrites and @acd Let me throw this in the mix...because we may (are;))have been born with many traumas were perceived as such because we were born hyper sensitive and empathic, primed so to say, as a conduit between source energy and the person? The other question is, why did we need to live out these tramas first hand? Was it so we knew, through experience and not just intuitively....and how do we get the rest of the populace to believe too?

I believe as time moves along the answers will become clearer...for believers as well as skeptics. Some folks we have to provide tangible proof to, some are willing to hurry up and wait with us. ;)
I adore you..

( Are :) ) Indeed!!

You mean so the *thinkers* will believe us? ;)
I adore you..

( Are :) ) Indeed!!

You mean so the *thinkers* will believe us? ;)
You're so sweet.:kissingheart: Partly so the thinkers have more to think over :tonguewink: but also so the Intuits and Feelers who struggle can understand and have confidence they aren't bonkers. I'm ancient, and in my younger years I had emotional fits of sorts because folks just refused to listen. As I've aged, I've learned how to use it much better. And, who to talk with about it, and who I have a label, and we all know how they like labels ;)
You're so sweet.:kissingheart: Partly so the thinkers have more to think over :tonguewink: but also so the Intuits and Feelers who struggle can understand and have confidence they aren't bonkers. I'm ancient, and in my younger years I had emotional fits of sorts because folks just refused to listen. As I've aged, I've learned how to use it much better. And, who to talk with about it, and who I have a label, and we all know how they like labels ;)
Adore even more now :)