How do you feel about makeup?

I like smokey eyes. Always have.

Other than that, less is more.
Wow. Seems like this is a hot topic.

I dont feel any particular way about make up. it just is. I like how other people use it/use it artistically/dont use it whatever. Its kind of just like clothes, fashion, accessories etc. Just a perosnal preference, comfort and interest thing. Sometimes I use it- mainly special occasions or when im feeling uncomfortable abut the way I look- tired, bad under eye circles. I dont use it generally because im lazy, dont really have time to put it on, Im not that good at putting it on, Im broke so I cant afford make up, I wear glasses/contact lenses, and its hot where I live so it just sweats off anyway. I love lipstick. My great love is perfume- which i make myself.

Anyway, I find make up really interesting. Our use of cosmetics over history is pretty fascinating and informative about cultural preferences/standards. There were many ancient civillisations- Egyptian, Roman Greek, Perisan, Indian, etc where men and women both wore make up- for cosmetic and ceremonial reasons. It was also common for aristocratic men in the 1700s in Europe to wear cosmetics (and pretty clothes). Our ideas about cosmetics and what is attractive is pretty much enculturalised.

And a personal observation- Ive noticed that some cultures use cosmetics as a means to enhance appearance/beauty- Some European, Persian, Indian, East Asian etc. While other cultures use cosmetics in a more artistic or symbolic way- Australian Indigenous, African, Pacific, Native American, European tribal etc.

II dont really know enough about cosmetics to make an educated comment- but Im told by others in my classes that many modern cosmetics have harmful and irritating ingredients. Some are tested on animals and some have ingredients that are sourced in an environmentally unfriendly way. There is also probably wasteful packaging.

So i guess my only thoughts are- maybe be mindful about what kind of cosmetics that you are using. Im sure theres probably tonnes of natural alternatives.
Wow. Seems like this is a hot topic. ...

I was reading through all the new posts and I read yours. I at the moment didn't have any thing to contribute, so I moved on but keep thinking about the topic.

It occurred to me, and I think you touched on it when you said you might put makeup on when you don't feel so great about yourself, that this might be the most destructive piece. The idea that people might obsessively cover their faces when they feel down is horrible. I'm not saying that your were being obsessive about it, just that it occurred to me that people could.
I never wore makeup except at a couple concerts and parties. But I wasn't trying to look pretty or cover how I felt.

Do you think this is a bad thing in some societies, like what I have in the US?
Just seems like we give each other a lot of reasons to feel like shit and then happily sell you stuff to feed your insecurities and make up to cover your face.

I am here:
"Don't dream it, be it."


I was reading through all the new posts and I read yours. I at the moment didn't have any thing to contribute, so I moved on but keep thinking about the topic.

It occurred to me, and I think you touched on it when you said you might put makeup on when you don't feel so great about yourself, that this might be the most destructive piece. The idea that people might obsessively cover their faces when they feel down is horrible. I'm not saying that your were being obsessive about it, just that it occurred to me that people could.
I never wore makeup except at a couple concerts and parties. But I wasn't trying to look pretty or cover how I felt.

Do you think this is a bad thing in some societies, like what I have in the US?
Just seems like we give each other a lot of reasons to feel like shit and then happily sell you stuff to feed your insecurities and make up to cover your face.

I am here:

Theres absolutely no doubt that cosmetics and beauty product companies exploit the vulnerabilities and insecurities of people. The media is full of unrealistic images and supposed standards about every concievable aspect of culture. I think all corporations do this though and this is the spirit of consumerism. You are shit but you can be better and other people will think you are better if you buy this product. Your life can be so much better if you had this product etc. And it is never possible to buy enough because you've never actually adressed why you have all these insecurities in the first place so you spend your life working and consuming until you die, leaving your children a legacy of debt, their own insecurities and heartbreakingly unhealthy ideas about what it means to be alive.

But in saying all that I dont think that cosmetics need to be used that way. People use them for so many different reason. I think someone can be confident and secure in themselves and choose to use these products beacuse they want to, not because they feel they need to. And if they are being used simply as a bandaid for insecurity than yes this is very sad. Insecurities that are not addressed will continue to grow and manifest in one's life in a myriad of ways.

The nature of life is that we all look different and that we age. Judging people by the way that they look is simply depriving yourself of the opportunity to make genuine connections with others. I think less attractive people have many advantages over more attractive looking people because atleast they would be aware of who the genuine people are- the people that treat them with respect and wish to know them, connect with them regardless of how they look because clearly the way someone looks is irelevant in a 'true' sense. One of my best friend's is absolutely stunning- Everyone is always so nice to her- but the people that flock to her arent really the kind of people she wants in her life. They are simply superficial people attracted to an avatar and not interested in what lies beneath.

Your body is the only physical 'thing' that entirely belongs to you. It is literally your avatar, your vehicle, and so much more. I see the body as one's personal universe. A universe that you alone are the sole ruler of and wholly responsible for, every cell in it works together holistically and is reliant on the mind to operate harmoniously and successfully. So the way we see and treat our 'bodies', our universe is very important and must have a profound effect on how we see and interact with the external world. If you arent comfortable enough with how you look naked than in some respects you have rejected your own universe.

Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder and there are no real cultural standards that can convey it. Personally, I have never seen an ugly person. But even the most beautiful looking people can become instantly unattractive when you see all the insecurity and lack of confidence. True beauty for me is truly loving yourself. Use cosmetics/ dont use them- whatever- just love, accept and appreciate yourself, have fun, do what you want, and this will be beautiful. And when one ages physical beauty/attractiveness will fade (after all the only purpose this serves in an evolutionary sense is to reproduce), but true beauty and self acceptance will continue to grow. The only thing that will matter then (and probably the only thing that matters now) is self acceptance, unconditional love, and hopefully the connections one's made with other souls.
I don't wear makeup. If people don't like my face, I'm not particularly concerned. I'll save myself the time and money, thanks. If I have beauty, I don't want it to be the kind that washes off.
I feel like posting again because of all the "I don't wear make up, I don't need make up, people who wear make up are very ad and must be ugly andtrying to cover it up posts" ok so i exxagerate, no one actually said the latter :P

I love make up! I'll admit to wearing it everyday as a cover. I have a problem with hormonal imbalances, and so from time to time I break out and get spots (even at 23!! so much for getting over that one eh?). I've noticed in the last year I've had a bit of mild scarring from this. It's not that big of a deal, and I'm sure no one else notices it at all..but I notice it, and it bothers I wear a light coverage foundation to even out my skin tone. It's not about anyone but me, I don't care what other people think, I just care what I think...and that little tiny but of foundation makes me feel a little better. I've also had numerous health problems since I had my little girl, and my colour ins't always great.....wearing make up makes me look healthier and makes me feel more confident leaving the house. Again, its about ME, not others. You can't tell me that you wouldn't start to feel bad about yourself walking around with a long term undiagnosed health problem that made you look tired and anaemic/jaundiced and that you too wouldn't maybe start wearing a little make up to make yourself feel somewhat normal!

My everyday make up is pretty simple....a light coat of light coverage foundation, 2 light coats of mascara and a little bit of natural lip colour. On the days I feel like it I might add a bit of eyeliner to that to dress it up a bit. I love wearing smokey eyes, but tend to keep this for evening wear, nights, out, special occasions. When I was younger, before I had my little girl, I used to wear it most days, definitely too much for daytime! I think it was fallback from school where you had to or else you were singled out, and I was singled out enough in school!

I have green eyes, and so I find wearing dark make up can be a lot of fun. Green eyes can be made to seriously pop so easily with a bit of make up. I think it's a lot of fun. I love fashion, I have a big wardrobe and I dress in a lot of different I like to do the same with my make up. I use them both as a way of expressing myself.

I think it has more to do with self expression and personal style thananything else. I don't think anyone *needs* make up, but if a girl wants to wear it...more power to her!

Sure. There are very pretty people and make up can make them prettier.

My wife is gorgeous. She wears some.
I like some on her. But I see women cake the stuff on. When you see that, doesn't it make you wonder what they are trying to hide.

If wearing makeup induces and encourages a low self esteem, not sure if makeup can do that, but then it's a negative.

Maybe I'm just not 20 anymore and ready to hit everything that walks. But the prettiest girls wear almost nothing. IMO

Your personality has a lot more to do with how attractive you are. We should work to have a culture that reinforced being a pretty person and the rest falls into place.

When I talk to someone and they eat well, take care of themselves, are funny or at least try; are welcoming, educated. These things make a person really attractive even if they aren't gifted with other things. I know guys would think this girl isn't something to stare at until you meet her and then she takes your breath away. Just an observation.
I have my girl and been lucky she keeps me. I'm not really looking to meet anyone but I look at what some people think makes them look good and I get confused.

I just think makeup can be a good thing, but it can perpetuate a negative. Jmo

I am here:

Yup! Not disagreeing with you in the slightest. I think there are some girls that wear so much they look like clowns, its silly. Similarly there are some girls who don't know how to properly apply make up and it just looks awful.

My biggest pet peeve is BRIDES Who cake it on!! Bridal make up should be minimal minimal minimal!
The furthest I go is wearing four lip glosses in one go. (They end up blending into each other and looking like one!) Other than that, everything about me is au naturel
I haven't got a problem with other people wearing it, but don't expect me to not psychoanalyse them if they cake their faces with it. ;p
I know I don't go out in public without some undereye concealer and lip somethingorother.
I have to admit that I do wear make up sometimes: lip gloss. Most people say that my lip gloss is poppin, my lip gloss is cool.
If women wear it, I could usually care less. I don't think it adds a thing to natural beauty.
Make up is OK as long as women don't wear it like a clowns mask or paint canvas.
Why is that?

Sorry I only saw this now.

I don't know, I guess just the whole bride look.....pure, simple, etc. Really heavy dark make up just doesnt seem to fit. I wear dark make up sometimes, and when I went to try on wedding dress my make up artist did my wedding make up before I went so I could get a better feel of what I'd look like on the day. The make up she did on me was on the darker side, and I just didn't like the way it looked with a wedding dress.
My ex-girlfriend used to wear blue eyeshadow and had a small cute birthmark in the middle of her forehead. When she dumped me I insulted her and called her a hindu clown. Shame on me.

I think women are beautiful without makeup. Too much makeup looks fake and cakey. The only thing I like cakey on my women is booty. Cakey Booty.

My ex-girlfriend used to wear blue eyeshadow and had a small cute birthmark in the middle of her forehead. When she dumped me I insulted her and called her a hindu clown. Shame on me.

I think women are beautiful without makeup. Too much makeup looks fake and cakey. The only thing I like cakey on my women is booty. Cakey Booty.


It's song time....

It depends on my mood. My usual makeup routine involves hypoallergenic foundation [Neutragena base], skinlights blush, and mascara. Other times I use eyeshadow and liner.
