Into the White
- Enneagram
- 4w5
With INFJs and INTJs, you need to listen to what they say using your gut. Their insights only exist in fairytale land.
Per your definition, that is very true, though I might have picked my words more carefully, anyway.
In earlier days, I tended to see INTJs as logically superior to me...until I started picking up on the fact that they have that same awful habit I do: They go on hunches a lot. The tendency in them is more effectively clouded in would-be rationality, because of Te, but someone like an INTP will easily pick up on the inductive leaps.
InvisibleJim would do that a lot, for instance. It cracks me up sometimes -- because they're the Masterminds, but still so similar to myself, and I consider myself logically handicapped.
I would also avoid listening to INTJs half the time because that's their trolling to non-trolling ratio. Half the time listening to them is a very educational experience because they will spout off all these random facts. The other half of the time they are like gleeful nerdtrolls in the candy store of life.
I knew one last year. He just thinks he's always right. They're very cute, though, because I can always pick up on when they're Fi-ing. They'll let slip something mean and then immediately withdraw, seemingly saying to themselves: "Shit, that was an asshole thing to say. Stupid, stupid, stupid!"
ESxx types often make me want to kill myself, though, just for the imbalanced focus on the concrete. I end up listening to talk about what they did yesterday or last week or something. I prefer for there to be a good deal of theory and imagination in my conversations. I hardly ever speak at all, though; it really takes a lot to get me out of my mind. I think that's why my voice has such a tired and low quality to it, like I'm used to only speaking to myself.
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