How do you imagine People on this Forum?

Dose anyone else tend to assign gender based on someones avatar? I tend to do that if I see something with gender in an avatar.

I do that alot, there have been several occasions i've had to check the member's profile..


Nausus, i've seen your pictures and you seem to exude a serene ambience of quieting strength.

Wow, you actually made me sound somewhat mysterious. :D
Absolutely, but I see this as partly a persona beneath which is the soul of a mystic and poet, confident of what she wants, yet a seeker as well. I think I see this because I knew her originally as merrytrees, different avatar, different screen name; and strangely, her posts have changed dramatically as well. At least that's my perception.
Well, I'm not silly unless I'm comfortable. I'm serious and I suppose mystical at first and then silly.

I imagine Anica living in Georgia in a pretty flower filled town. I see her sitting on the porch with a mug of tea or working in her garden while neighbors stop by to visit and ask for advice, a reluctant sage who enjoys solitude by doesn't turn anyone away. I've seen her albums on her profile. Before I knew what she looked like, I imagined she was African American.
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I see alt ctrl del as the motivational speaker for a big antiestablishment protest group, the one who is running everything, and getting everyone fired up for a big cause. I also see her chilling in the evenings at a jazz club at a really nice upscale, lowlit coffee shop in the middle of seattle on a rainy day, easy going as ever, but with alot of strong convictions going on underneath.
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Adding to what Indigo said, I also imagine her being a chain smoker. I think it adds up to that bohemian aspect, not sure why...
Dose anyone else tend to assign gender based on someones avatar? I tend to do that if I see something with gender in an avatar.

I do this sometimes...but sometimes I just get a gender in my mind, and I have no clue how or why. Usually it's correct tho.

I've thought of switching up my avatar to confuse people :D Make it a bit less gender specific...I don't have my gender in my profile because it's kind of a personal game to see what makes people think I'm male and what makes them think I'm female.

Although I don't think that'd work anymore on this forum. But there was some confusion when I first joined, I remember that :D
I see Indigo as a rather quirky guy that's hard to know, but once you know him, he's hard to forget :D

I don't really know what I expect ctrl alt del to look like, but I always expected her to have a sort of edgy energy to her...not forced or anything, and not scary, but a sort of aura that says, "I treat my friends like kings, but if you piss me off, you're life will be hell"
How do you imaginePeople on this Forum?

Alt cntrl del, though I've never lived in the South, I grew up in Southern culture, both of my parents being Southerners; maybe that's where you got the idea I live in Georgia. I do, however, live in a pretty flower-filled neighborhood that is largely African-American. So you were pretty close on a lot. I'm flattered by your characterization of "reluctant sage," but no, I'm afrid I have little wisdom or even common sense. My flowers bloom in a high desert. Sitting on the porch drinking tea, however, was spot on.
I see gloomy optimist as smurfette. I don't know why. It's terribly weird. :(
Maybe my avatar?

That's definitely the first time I've heard that one
Yeah I think it does have something to do with the avatar. It's just so weird since the two have only the most superficial of similarities. My brain just likes to go weird places, I guess!
I kind of like it. It makes me feel like I'm unique. Everyone else is a person? Yeah, well, I'm a smurfette, what now? :D
This is a little off topic - this is about how I imagine forum members live:

alt ctrl del: in a shared house with other students.

Minority Funk: in a spartan apartment overlooking a street, but with the horizon visible.

Gloomy-optimist: I just imagine SHE has a very specific type of notebook with a partiularly distinctive case.

Silently Honest: I imagine he has an unusual number of mirrors in his house and a giant one in his room.

Milon: I imagine living in a log cabin style house that has huge open fireplaces.

Dneecey: an apartment in a huge multi-storey building.

Slant: the basement of her parent's house.

The Last Mohcan: I imagine his room to have skyscrapers of papers piled up on every horizontal surface.

Seraphim: to live in house in the midst of immaculately kept gardens.

Alcyone: to be surrounded by kids.

Dylan: either in a huge apartment with really cool lighting; or in a trailer (sorry man).

Arbygil: in a cozy house/apartment with narrow hallways.

Uberrogo: in a sparsely furnished house with big windows.
Minority Funk: in a spartan apartment overlooking a street, but with the horizon visible.

This is actually somewhat accurate!

As for you Flavus Aquila, I see you living in a cabin on a lake in a mountainous region. Pretty secluded but with breath taking views and inspiration in nature to be found all around. And if you aren't living in an environment like this, I get the feeling that you might enjoy it.
Gloomy-optimist: I just imagine SHE has a very specific type of notebook with a partiularly distinctive case.

Actually, I do have one next to my bed that I use solely for if I can't sleep or get some inspiration that's fairly distinctive
Ha, no mirrors in my room. I think I've posted pictures of my room before.
Lol! *Very* accurate, Flavus...I think I have one of the smallest houses on the planet! Narrow corridors, indeed. :D