A Permanent Fixture
- enxp
- Enneagram
- 3
You Judge People Based on Nothing
You stinkin' bitch, get a life will you. All you do in life is judge, judge, judge and you do it instantly. It's like a reflex to you.
You love to know things about others based on your pathetic assumptions which are really based on nothing at all.
Quite honestly, you usually keep this stuff on the DL because people don't understand and call you a crazy, conceited mo-fo.
With right, because when you say how you actually feel you are confusing people and they have no idea what you're getting it from!
Stop confusing people, it's rude. They are totally right, and you are totally wrong. Duh.
Majority always rules, so this means you are always wrong. People judge you for judging others. It is quite funny.
People love to call you dirty words like INTJ, as well.
Wow, this test was harsh =/
Wait, was this really an analysis?