How do you live a life less ordinary?


I've heard this question asked before and just seemed like an interesting one to pose.

So, how do you live a life less ordinary?
I'm not sure if I understand your question... ??
Would you mind elaborating? :)

In the meantime...
How do we define what an ordinary life is? Whose definition do we use? Whose yardstick does it measure us against?
What about our society makes this question relevant?
Is it important that we live a less than ordinary life?

I believe experience and reflection fuel expansion. So to live differently, perhaps expanding our life physically and mentally is one means by which to this can be done. But that's only if one wants to.
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Step One: Get out of bed

Step Two: Pretend the floor is lava
My life is way too ordinary...which is good for the less part comes in real handy.
What 'ordinary' means is different for everyone. In the most basic sense, ordinary is whatever it is that the person in used to; the mundane, the same, the typical, daily grind. I think that leading a less ordinary life would mean just shaking up your usual routines; to try something different and expand your horizons. It could be something as simple as getting your morning coffee from the cafe that just opened up down the street from your regular Dunkin Donuts, or chatting up a stranger on the street if you normally wouldn't, or spontaneously deciding, hey! I'm going to book a last minute ticket to Thailand and wing it from there.
I'm not sure if I understand your question... ??
Would you mind elaborating? :)

In the meantime...
How do we define what an ordinary life is? Whose definition do we use? Whose yardstick does it measure us against?
What about our society makes this question relevant?
Is it important that we live a less than ordinary life?

I believe experience and reflection fuel expansion. So to live differently, perhaps expanding our life physically and mentally is one means by which to this can be done. But that's only if one wants to.

It was just an interesting question I've heard before, and thought it would fun to ask. :) Each person defines what is ordinary for them and figure out what it means to live a life less ordinary, if it's something they want to do.
What 'ordinary' means is different for everyone. In the most basic sense, ordinary is whatever it is that the person in used to; the mundane, the same, the typical, daily grind. I think that leading a less ordinary life would mean just shaking up your usual routines; to try something different and expand your horizons. It could be something as simple as getting your morning coffee from the cafe that just opened up down the street from your regular Dunkin Donuts, or chatting up a stranger on the street if you normally wouldn't, or spontaneously deciding, hey! I'm going to book a last minute ticket to Thailand and wing it from there.

It was just an interesting question I've heard before, and thought it would fun to ask. :) Each person defines what is ordinary for them and figure out what it means to live a life less ordinary, if it's something they want to do.

Ahh. I realize just now I misread/mistook the question as "less than ordinary", which to me suggested the connotation of there being a standard against which we might strive to define our lives or make them more unique, which is what prompted my questions and interpretation. Thanks for clarifying. :D

And winging it to Thailand is awesome. :D
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What 'ordinary' means is different for everyone. In the most basic sense, ordinary is whatever it is that the person in used to; the mundane, the same, the typical, daily grind. I think that leading a less ordinary life would mean just shaking up your usual routines; to try something different and expand your horizons. It could be something as simple as getting your morning coffee from the cafe that just opened up down the street from your regular Dunkin Donuts, or chatting up a stranger on the street if you normally wouldn't, or spontaneously deciding, hey! I'm going to book a last minute ticket to Thailand and wing it from there.
I spontaneously decided to wander some shitty mall and spontaneously spent $3 on a lottery ticket that I didn't win anything from. Last time I do anything spontaneous...
Courage and ambition are the necessary and sufficient conditions for an extraordinary life. You just have to know what you want and face the inevitable fears that come with getting it.

It doesn't hurt to have BIG ambitions either.
As others have said, spontaneity is key I think. When I think of 'ordinary' I initially conjure up a mental image of something bland, unexceptional, and more importantly, boxed. That feeling of inhibition can be suffocating and can end up impacting you negatively (ie. affecting one's self worth and sense of necessity) and ultimately make one scared to try new things and that brings about a vicious cycle. As Duty said, you need to recognize what is important in your life. Once you have that drive, that reason, it leaves room for spontaneity and variation. You allow yourself to have the courage to live outside the box so to speak.

Another way to put it, for all those INFJ's out there, let your ESTPness help you out a bit :)
To me it means valuing my joy, so that I will remember moments that made my leaves grow wider and my stalks more steady. Becoming genuine, so as to experience the world through understanding ears.
To live a lfe less ordinary ...

To quote Viktor E Frankl:

"To live a life less ordinary does not mean that you must live a life where you have never been a victim but you must not think of yourself as a victim.

That you identify yourself as a victim, when you live life waiting to be compensated for the wrongs that have been done to you, and assuming the role of the victim is easy.

To quote Viktor E Frankl:

"To live a life less ordinary does not mean that you must live a life where you have never been a victim but you must not think of yourself as a victim.

That you identify yourself as a victim, when you live life waiting to be compensated for the wrongs that have been done to you, and assuming the role of the victim is easy.

It’s easier to blame others, victims get pity and self-pity is addictive. Part of living a life less ordinary then becomes the act of forgiving."

Frankl was a great man.

My approach: Take risks and seek adventure. (Managing risk wisely is a valuable life skill that can lead to a life that has impact--so few lives do.)
[MENTION=251]Wyote[/MENTION] - You rock sir! =)

To me a less ordinary life is a more childlike one... So I take the time to wonder at things and daydream and make art and make believe and tell stories. I live by this quote from Calvin and Hobbes:"I try to make everyone's day a little more surreal."
Christ, you choose!

I live in the middle of a desert.
I work for non-profits.
I live with 5 birds and 2 dogs.
I've done WIldlife rehab.
I worked at animal sanctuaries
I don't eat meat, dairy, eggs, etc.
I meditate daily (if possible).

And what makes all of this "less ordinary"? I enjoy it. :)
Personally life is never ordinary. So many things are happening all the time it just never feels ordinary.

Otherwise. I just act really strange, like I am. Seems to do the trick. Oh and as [MENTION=251]Wyote[/MENTION] said. Pretending the floor is lava. It's great fun.