Well-known member
When reading non fiction books you should try a technique called previewing.
What you do is start at the beginning and read the index. Then go through the chapters only reading chapter headings, sub-chapter headings and bolded text etc. Basically read anything but the main body of the text. DO NOT be tempted to read the main text even if a chapter catches your eye. Look at any diagrams but don't study them in depth.
Go through the entire book in one sitting like this. Don't be tempted to quit part way through. This should take you around 20 minutes.
When finished doing this put the book down and leave it until the next day (optional)
Then read the book normally. You will find it SO much easier to read and you will remember significantly more of the book. I can't stress enough how awesome this is. The difference is immense.
I can vouch for this this style! It got me through the last 2 years of college with a 3.6 GPA. Lots of technical details and test worthy questions are usually right in the subject, diagrams and bold/italicized text. The body is just filler on most text books. Even if you don't have a chance to go back to the book, you still obtain most of the information it has to offer.