Permanent Fixture
- Enneagram
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I generally brush it off, but will calmly stand my ground. I'll make my physical size known if people seem like they might get aggressive, and generally speaking as long as I calmly remind people of my size they back off. I can get snarky with the best of them too. If pushed too far I won't hold back, but that almost never happens. Generally speaking I'm just laid-back and roll with the punches.
It must be nice to be tall

In the past, I would get offended, but now, I become a little defensive, look at the person oddly, and then back away slowly. I don't want no drama. I am a drama free sone lately.
One of my mottos in life today is "no drama" and I hate it when people pull me into any dramas. Yes, on a occasion, I will confront someone but I usually back down because if it gets too tense, I start to feel stressed about it, so eventually, I let it go, for my own sake.
Great philosophy to have.
OK, the situation wasn't really specified, so I'll look at a few:
Friend: (this hardly ever happens) I'd probably just tell them to calm down. I wouldn't bother being friends with someone who would go berserk over any little thing anyway, so this isn't really an issue. After they'd calmed down, we would have a heart to heart talk, most likely.
Customer: this is one you just have to take, if you want to keep your job. I try to pass the ball to my manager ASAP, so I don't have to deal with it. If the manager's not there, you manipulate their emotions by offering them a free drink.
Stranger: Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Unless they got physical first, I wouldn't try to start a fight. I would probably end up losing.
Crackhead with a knife: Run.
There are times when you have to fight, yes, like when it comes to bullies. But, for the most part, things can be worked out by ignoring the person, or trying to calm them down.
Haha, nice. X3