How Does Caffeine Affect You?

I have noticed a little bit of caffeine can help with sinus headaches. Anyone else use caffeine as a sort of medicine to deal with minor symptoms like that?
How does caffeine affect you?

I am a black tea last week I had an unintentional experiment arise. I accidently packed in the decaf for work and drank it in the morning all week. I didn't realize I was decaf all week til Friday morning. then I had to run out and get a coffee to make up for it lol I was wired.

I love coffee when I am studying a new subject or working complicated analyses. otherwise I let myself off the caffeine leash and just stay pretty mellow. I also notice that sometimes coffee will keep me up late, but other times it has the exact opposite affect and I want to knock off for a nap almost immediately after the last sip.
You can make your own concoction of ginko, ginseng and b12. Based on what you react more to/need more of it'll give you a good kick.

I'm addicted to caffeine so it helps me be normal. I get a bit of a kick from it once I've hit the sweet spot (1 1/2 cups of coffee or 3 sodas or whatever combo) in the amount but if I go beyond that I get jitters and foggyness and it loses its effectiveness.

I tried this combo today. I have experienced what I wish caffeine could do for me.

The moment whatever active components in those herbs passed an effective threshold, my mind crystallised. All conscious confusion, creasing my brow, slipped into subconscious calm and clarity. Some decisions I have been procrastinating about fell into a clear order-picture, and contingencies peacefully couching them emerged.

I'm just hoping the effect is not subject to resistance development. I'll be saving the Ginko/Siberian Ginseng combo for when I actually need it.

I'm tempted to experiment if prolonged use might produce the opposite of resistance, with the effect increasing with exposure, like in the film 'Limitless.' However, increasing positive effects are probably just for fictional Hollywood supplements/drugs.

Thanks for the tip!
Like a few others have mentioned, I feel no effect. I don't get a jolt or feel more awake. But I drink energy drinks occasionally or 4-5 cups of coffee daily.

I don't know of a good substitute for caffeine for energy other than eating protein and healthy fats and cutting down on starches.
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coffee makes me feel like a wreck. and i apparently don´t smell good when i drink it. there´s a video of a cat trying to bury a cup of coffee, so i guess i then smell something like that. i usually smell good though.
I have a weird and unstable relationship with caffiene. I usually have 1 cup of coffee in the morning with cream; sometimes I'll have a second cup (or plain green tea or black tea with milk) around 2/3pm. Some days it doesn't affect me in the slightest, but other days, when I'm stressed or it's made stronger than I'm used to, it can give me a sub-anxious feeling and then I can't focus at all.

But then sometimes, on a regular day, if the coffee is (supposedly) stronger, it puts me to sleep. Turkish coffee works this way on me.

I don't have an explanation
Caffeine in drinks has no effect on me or makes me sleepy.

Caffeine in my migraine meds keeps me up past ridiculous hours.

Maybe I'm secretly a plant, but I get my typically natural energy from the Sun. I keep my window blinds open to allow sunlight to wake me up more when I get up.
I can be groggy as hell, but the moment I see the sun/am outside in the sunlight, my body is like 'OK DUDES IT'S DAYTIME, WAKE UP, ERRRRBODY' And then I am this peppy/annoying person with a huge smile on my face xD

But yes, a good B12 regimen can work wonders
I absolutely love it. I have two Italian coffees made from this this little mean machine, every morning.imagesZOJ4U3Z4.webp
3 however and I'd be climbing the ceiling. I also need to stick to medium strength coffee. Drinking coffee is one of the high points in my day.