How Does Cannabis Affect the Types?

I have noted a lot of talk on other forums about cannabis and how it affects one type vs. another. Apart from obviously eliciting differing effects in different people, for a great number of reasons, there also seem to be trends and differences in how it affects the MB types.

For instance, I partake partly to quell anxiety and depression, a very characteristically IJ combination of afflictions. (Presumably, I am INFJ, so we'll assume I am.) Getting high does this curious thing where it brings me out of my narrow, focused, isolationist Ni and more into a mindset that is like Ne. Normally, I'm content to stay indoors and read or write, but when I get high, I begin to pay more attention to the world outside, and become more eager to explore the possibilities. I'll go on hikes; I'll go meet random people (I've gotten into weird adventures this way); I'll worry less, be less inhibited.

I can't recall the mold of Ne in great detail, but it seems to be similar to what I experience. It's like certain parameters normally in place in my mind are temporarily broken open. My mind is a bit like Wonka's Great Glass Elevator, and getting high is me breaking through the ceiling. My thoughts become a blur; I make amazing interconnections between the concepts rushing through me.

This is just a guess, but perhaps weed puts one more in touch with the unconscious array of functions -- the first of which, for me, would be Ne.

I read this on another forum:
Actually, cannabis can act as a laxative in certain situations.

For those with irritable bowel or chrons disease it has been shown to alleviate the spasms in the colon and large intestine and allow for normal or at least less painful bowel movements."

I suspect this is the interaction that is going on. Now things get interesting if you consider the relation of sleep and intestinal changes in regards to those with Ni often needing to sleep on things or enter a relaxed subconscious state for best capacity for thought. I have also read of conditions wherein amino acids or peptides similar to those of morphine could be produced in the intestines, I recall the word amphetamines. It has been a while since I read such and it sounded very fringe science.

Well yeah. Some people get sober and still don't wanna do shit. They can't cope, it felt better to use. I mean sure being high probably doesn't help with that tendency but my Rubik's cube doesn't make me a genius either.

I had an alcoholic friend, jobless, lived on people's couches and park benches and stayed piss drunk most of the time. Every now and again somebody would talk her into rehab and she'd go for a few weeks, or get herself put in jail for a month to get off the street. After that she'd be fine for a week or two and start acting like she wants to clean up... but then suddenly it'd be "Fuck my life." and she'd throw all of that away again.

I think in a way some people become afraid to be responsible. When you're sober you have to deal with life. Think about things. Make strategies n shit. Some people just want all that noise to go away.

People who use because they're dead beats and are essentially wasting their lives don't suddenly stop wasting them when they get sober. They do drugs because they know their wasting their lives. That doesn't change when you take the drug element out of the equation. They were dead beats to begin with, they will continue to be after and maybe with an added addiction as a bonus.

There are successful people who do drugs too but no one blames their success or achievements on their drug use though they'll be sure to blame their failures on the drugs and not the person. And I'm not talking addicts, just the occasional drug users -they do exist. People are their own worst enemy. You get a hopeless, helpless piece of shit waste of space and you say, "Oh he's got emotional hang-ups. He's depressed and anxious, don't expect much from him." But if you have the same person and give them drugs its, "Oh he has a drug problem, if he didn't ruin his life with drugs he'd be good at something, I'm sure." And they'll compare it to the 10 year old version of this 35 year old man. Taking the drugs away isn't going to make the kid better, the kid was screwed way before then and the kid will remain screwed way after.
Interesting concept, i don't like pot too much, i've smoked lots of times though, but mostly with friends. I happen to get dissociative (something that i already struggle without weed from time to time) and paranoid. It could be shadow Ne, but it's not healthy, i seem to get a lot of ideas when i'm high, but they turn out to be either, silly, or i simply forget them.
I've been surrounded by potheads for a long time now, the most regular users are SPs by far, and also the chill ones. Two Ne users that i know too, but way different. Their Ne gets out of control.
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I smoked weed for the first time in my life a year ago when I visited a best friend in Canada. I don't think the affect was any different than alcohol. Both exaggerate what I'm feeling at the moment.
I smoked weed for the first time in my life a year ago when I visited a best friend in Canada. I don't think the affect was any different than alcohol. Both exaggerate what I'm feeling at the moment.

For me they're really different. Different body feeling and different kind of buzz with different mental faculties effected. Unless I'm in a tent which I only did once and that was a trip... my face wouldn't stop grinning and everything was hilarious.
Weed changes my intelligence. It boosts my Ni. When I'm seeing patterns in my mind it's like I'm following a rabbit down a rabbit hole... in one room into the next. My thoughts get deeper and deeper. Then I snap out of it and go "whoa, I've never looked at it like that before". Then I get a pen and paper and write down what I'm thinking. Then I read it and say "what the fuck was I thinking".

Some of that intelligence sticks with you though. It truly does make me creative because it makes me have fun. I accredit weed to my ability to trade stocks like a sicko. For a long time I would just smoke bowls, listen to music, and do charts and technical analysis. I would be high while doing it so I was viewing things with a very open mind and my senses were heightened. I love Mary she makes me happy and I miss her. When I get to L.A. I'm buying a big ass bag of weed first thing. Yee.
It really depends on the type your using. All the different strains do different things. People who have had bad experiences with it usually only try one type one time. They never try to find the one strain that works with their body. I firmly believe that Cannabis and other plants like mushrooms and peyote and other substances like them can actually free your mind and do good. They must be administered by someone who can help you on your journey. By doing this you can have a better experience while being high. If your at a large party or even around a lot of people and your not used to it it can make you feel un easy. That is why it's best to experiment with trusted friends and people who know what is going on.
This idea that pot heads are lazy is just plain crazy. Yes some people are lazy but not all. Again it comes down to dosage. Most people over dose. Or use the wrong type. The ride down from your high can make you sleepy. So that is where the laziness comes in I guess. There is a reason why the government in the USA banned it. Not a good one but I am sure it had to do with the level of awareness that it can generate in people. And if these people get into groups of people like they did in the 60's and drop out of society, it scares society to death. Society needs willing worker bees buzzing around all day long doing their bidding. So they cannot allow people to use such a substance because it messes with their profit. Which is exactly what needs to happen!
I do not think Cannabis should be used by kids. Their brains are not fully developed. It has it's time when your mature enough to understand what your doing. And why. If you have a specific purpose for using it it can help you a lot. It's medicine. It has been for a very long time. And when used properly and responsibly I think the benefits out weigh the problems overwhelmingly. The cancer killing effects of it are awesome. It makes you wonder if it has been hidden on purpose by big pharma. I can't wait to see the studies on cancer and other ailments it helps. Science is finally taking a good hard look at a plant that should have been studied long ago....
Recounting. Because I am here jabbing my brain yet again trying to make the bad thoughts recede. Back in the day I knew people who could get some good pot. I cant remember all the fricken names. Purple skunk or was it purple hair...purple sensimelia, Purple purple...ah whatever. I smoked whatever my friends at the time bought with the money I gave them. No wait I remember skunk was bad unless you put some sort of a cool name with it. :)

ANYWAY.... I did not know it at the time because it kind of sneaks up on you. Pot made me paranoid, like super power paranoid. I remember walking through a mall once thinking that EVERYONE was talking about me. Like they knew. Anyway it took years to get over the paranoia once I quit.

I remember once putting a 1/2 in a blender. I figured sift smoked good, why not make it all sift. I dont remember much after that for a while...

At that age with no responsibilities its was fun. I think its when I started having more and more responsibilities that the paranoia kicked in.

Im going to sleep now, f this. Today could have been better.
They only care about controlling the population. These people have told you that your a loser if you use weed. They also tell employers to not give you a job. So of course people who use will become exactly that. It is the same as telling people that your going to hell unless you believe as I do. It's discrimination. And it will be discriminated against in the work force and at churches across the globe. It's a damn plant. Who can tell anyone that they cannot grow a plant. People gotta realize that a lot of delusional people are against you. They have only been taught to hate and discriminate and they continue to do so because they are the majority. Fuck the majority! Fucken judge-rs anyways. You are no ones judge so stop it. Open your eyes to the idea that you do not have a mind of your own. And then go get one. Pot is neither bad or good it's a plant. People on the other hand can be bad or good. And society's influence over people creates all the conflicts that arise. Make a law create a new crime. We should be free to do as we please. Live where and how we want. You want to walk in the woods and live there go ahead it's your right. This Earth cannot be owned it is shared with every living thing that is alive upon it...
It depends on the type of pot. While high, I either became anxious and paranoid or extremely happy and upbeat.

I remember dancing like crazy and laughing to music during a happy high. It was probably impure lol
Im surprised I havent seen this thread before

ive actually thought about this a lot before....i think different mbti types might be drawn and effected to marijuana for different reasons....well obviously

The types I think are most likely to use marijuana are entp, estp, infj, infp, enfp, isfp, istp, intp, intj, entj, enfj, and possibly esfp. Im not saying that other mbti types dont...just that these are the ones ive experienced using it more often.

I've used marijuana for many different reasons- to relax, unwind, get focused, fall asleep, alleviate pain, nausea, stomach discomfort, trip out, enter trance states, get creative, enjoy physical activity and sensation

I only like bush weed, and avoid the city strains. I find the method of ingestion changes the effect.
Eating it creates more of an all over body high, a more physically pleasing sensation than a mental one. Unfortunately I dont get to eat it very often as my neighbours are quite physically close and I dont want to pong out the house with the smell

Most of the time I use it very purposively. The effect varies depending on how frequently it is used, the amount, the environment, and the purpose

I used to get stoned regularly and write brilliant assignments, write, or paint.
At one period of time over 3 months I used it so frequently, my tolerance became stupidly high, and being straight was the novelty and felt surreal.
Normally my tolerance is very low, with weed and with all substances
At times I use it infrequently and the slightest bit would be enough to trip massively. It feels like introverted intuition amplified, as does acid. I've never hallucinated, become paranoid or anxious. I prefer to be alone or with good friends, although something like a concert or party can be nice too occasionally, as well as going to beautiful natural environments, or even places around the city. I've used weed while working when I was a teenager, but stopped after I made a mistake one day. I used it when I was a teenager to make dealing with annoying authority figures easier. Some tasks are easy to do- like basic physical tasks- it is easy to get focussed, and anything creative. Sometimes however, the feeling is so strong I cant do anything except go with it and relax. It is so nice to relax with. A lot of transcendent experiences, epiphanies, oneness, and many outer body experiences. Occasionally I get really sleepy and just have to pass out. I like the physical sensations with it- dancing, music, food, showers, baths, walking, running, hiking, sex, it all feels good. I like watching movies and reading books straight and then see what new perspectives I come up with. If I have a problem to solve...sometimes I used weed to think completely out the box about it. I like looking at different situations with altered states of consciousness. It makes me laugh a lot at everything...sometimes uncontrollably for what seems like hours. It always changes my emotional state, no matter how I was feeling before. I would never use it if I need to have my wits about me, for example I have never been stoned around my daughter. Seeing my parents or a cop can make me straight very quickly, although I am not ashamed or worried about my use or possible punishment. I don't like to use it often, less often I use it the more enjoyable it is. I prefer to have it late at night, and dislike using it in the morning. I dont find it addictive at all. A small amount can last me an extremely long time. I reject it often in social situations. Sometimes I genuinely dont feel like using it at all. I've never craved it.

These days i use it maybe once or twice a month, normally with the intent to enjoy, relax, trip...or spiritual purposes. I love doing tarot stoned

Some of my observations about other mbti types...i dont claim any of these things to be true-

Most (not all) of the entps and estps I know use weed, and I think for the same reason as each other.
Estps and Entps have very high natural energy, can seem like adhd. They say it slows their mind down, slows the thinking and tones down the bursts of energy...also it alleviates boredom, anxiety, and worry. They seem to literally become dopier after having it, and in some ways....a lot easier to deal with. But more slow, lazy, apathetic...but also more able to zone in and concentrate on tasks with a hyper focus. I've found that the weed literally depresses them, and makes them more forgetful than other mbti types. They typically have very high tolerance to marijuana and are expensive to get stoned, and in my opinion the most likely to get addicted, but more or less remain highly functional at work

Infp- uses to relax, trip out, enjoy situations, reduce anxiety, laughs, gets creative, can get more talkative sometimes, has mind blowing epiphanies
Enfp- pretty much the same...except ive noticed that enfps tend to be more likely to experience paranoia and anxiety
Istp- experiences it in a physically enjoyable way, relaxes, laughs, enjoys sensation, trips out, is quiet, can become super paranoid and anxious with excessive and long term use
Isfp- same as istp, but even more sensual
Intp- similar to istp, but more likely to go quieter, or otherwise have mind blowing epiphanies, and say strange schizophrenic things, dopey, lazy, apathetic
intj- relaxes, quietens mind, can get super focused, creative, have mind blowing epiphanies, laughs, ecstatic oneness, confused, falls asleep
entj- kind of similar effect as estp and entp, but less extreme, and more likely to have mind blowing epiphanies, become less of a control freak, also seems to have high tolerance, possible addiction
enfj- likely to use to calm, sedate, relieve pain...likely to get paranoid and anxious
esfps- dont know enough about this one- but even more giggly, chilled, passive, and spontaneous, can get paranoid and anxious
I think part of the problem is that people often put tobacco in their joints which is unhealthy but you can vapourise cannabis to avoid the unhealthy aspect of smoking it

I don't think that particular medicinal plant is just about 'getting high' i think it also helps people to see things from new angles

The plant itself has many beneficial uses from its oil being able to fight cancer to its leaves being used to make clothes, paper, soap, shampoo and many other things

A truely wonderous plant

it it also makes you about as dumb as a sack of hammers for the next couple of days and destroys your motivation after prolonged use. It has also been known to later cause psychosis in those prone to depression and anxiety (which FYI is a considerable chunk of the population, 1in 5) and overall worsen symptoms. It is also linked to schizophrenia in those who have no family history of the illness.

And no, schizophrenia and psychosis is not the same as having a 'different perspective.' They are involuntary and depending on the state of mind, can become quite dangerous to the self or others.

However way you slice it, it is a drug which means it does alter your brain chemistry and it's long term effects have not been thoroughly studied; apart from the psychosis and the heightened risks in mood disordered folks, it is known to be psychologically addictive and it's known to make a total bonehead out of anyone. What else is there? We don't know,

Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I have smoked weed before (quite a bit in my undergrad actually), and I acknowledge that it's an interesting experience and it has benefits for those in pain; I'm not against people giving it a try, but it bothers me when people talk about its benefits while glossing over its potential dangers.

Anyway, that being said, I don't think MBTI really dictates how one uses weed or why or what they experience. In my personal experience, every high is different and it depends on the strain and the people you are around and the situation you are in as well as the state of mind you have before you sit down to light up a bowl. Heck, even the way you smoke it makes a difference to some.

Newer users usually get the crazy giggles and want to go on adventures and all the stereotypical stoner speak and the ones who have used it longer over time tend to mellow out and like to sit around and eat/zone out in front of the TV and think about stuff.
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it it also makes you about as dumb as a sack of hammers for the next couple of days and destroys your motivation after prolonged use. It has also been known to later cause psychosis in those prone to depression and anxiety (which FYI is a considerable chunk of the population, 1in 5) and overall worsen symptoms. It is also linked to schizophrenia in those who have no family history of the illness.

And no, schizophrenia and psychosis is not the same as having a 'different perspective.' They are involuntary and depending on the state of mind, can become quite dangerous to the self or others.

However way you slice it, it is a drug which means it does alter your brain chemistry and it's long term effects have not been thoroughly studied; apart from the psychosis and the heightened risks in mood disordered folks, it is known to be psychologically addictive and it's known to make a total bonehead out of anyone. What else is there? We don't know,

Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I have smoked weed before (quite a bit in my undergrad actually), and I acknowledge that it's an interesting experience and it has benefits for those in pain; I'm not against people giving it a try, but it bothers me when people talk about its benefits while glossing over its potential dangers.

Anyway, that being said, I don't think MBTI really dictates how one uses weed or why or what they experience. In my personal experience, every high is different and it depends on the strain and the people you are around and the situation you are in as well as the state of mind you have before you sit down to light up a bowl. Heck, even the way you smoke it makes a difference to some.

Newer users usually get the crazy giggles and want to go on adventures and all the stereotypical stoner speak and the ones who have used it longer over time tend to mellow out and like to sit around and eat/zone out in front of the TV and think about stuff.

Over the next few years the full benefits of marijuana are going to become publically known

It is a wonder plant able to cure all sorts of illnesses and it has many uses ranging from making soaps to making clothes
Over the next few years the full benefits of marijuana are going to become publically known

It is a wonder plant able to cure all sorts of illnesses and it has many uses ranging from making soaps to making clothes

What I don't get is why you, someone who speaks out so strongly against the popular culture machine, would be so supportive of cannabis use when it is so strongly pushed by the same industries that cater to the 'agenda' you so often talk about.

I'm just curious as i find this to be an anomaly and I'd expect you to spot a conspiracy here. A drug that makes people dumb and less motivated over time? A drug that has links to people detaching from reality and psychotic episodes in a population groomed towards feeling depressed and anxious? A drug that drives people to crave and consume processed, sugary junk which rots the brain? A drug that has specialty media and music dedicated to it, backed by the 'elite?' When people smoke weed and watch/listen to and consume the 'propoganda' doesn't it in fact make you more susceptible to it? If not, why push it?

it flies in the face of every thread you've posted.

EDIT: if you reply to me with a god damn wall of texts and links instead of your own words, I promise I will not read it. I will just shoot you.
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What I don't get is why you, someone who speaks out so strongly against the popular culture machine, would be so supportive of cannabis use when it is so strongly pushed by the same industries that cater to the 'agenda' you so often talk about.

I think they want to control the marijuana

They want to control its supply and its quality

People should grow their own

I'm just curious as i find this to be an anomaly. When people smoke weed and watch/listen to and consume the 'propoganda' and all the junk food munchies that rot the brain, doesn't it in fact make you more susceptible to it? If not, why push it?

No i don;t think it makes people more susceptible to the system; i think it makes people question the system (the marxists do want people to question capitalist society so they have used drugs in their social engineering in the past)

I think the system has tried hard to suppress it going as far as filling the prisons with people for having it but they have failed to control it so they are changing direction

I think they will seek to control the drugs themselves directly (they already directly control the cocaine trade through the CIA)

The CIA was invovled in producing LSD in the 1960's and supplying it to the public; it also used it in its own MKUltra mind control programme

The LSD was pushed on the public at that time to help with the breakdown of the fabric of society on the path to a state-socialist government which they've basically managed to create

I'm not against change per se i'm just against centralisation of power and wealth and knowledge
I think they want to control the marijuana

They want to control its supply and its quality

People should grow their own

No i don;t think it makes people more susceptible to the system; i think it makes people question the system (the marxists do want people to question capitalist society so they have used drugs in their social engineering in the past)

I think the system has tried hard to suppress it going as far as filling the prisons with people for having it but they have failed to control it so they are changing direction

I think they will seek to control the drugs themselves directly (they already directly control the cocaine trade through the CIA)

The CIA was invovled in producing LSD in the 1960's and supplying it to the public; it also used it in its own MKUltra mind control programme

The LSD was pushed on the public at that time to help with the breakdown of the fabric of society on the path to a state-socialist government which they've basically managed to create

I'm not against change per se i'm just against centralisation of power and wealth and knowledge

I offer a thought. As TDHT states pot does in fact slow you down mentally for days after you smoke it. Thats not something I have read its something I know from experience. What better way to control a population than to supply them with a readily accessible drug that severely hinders motivation. Again I speak directly from not only my own experience but also in seeing its effect on other people I knew and know.

I quit when I was 21 after smoking it for about 3 years among other things. When I had it I smoked a lot but it certainly wasnt a regular thing for me. Initially it was great fun but Im not sure when it happened I became intensely paranoid. The paranoia extended well past direct usage. The paranoia wasnt just about getting caught with weed or smoking it.

When I quit it took about 5 years for that paranoia to go away completely. I was hoping that it would but I had no way of knowing at the ti.e what was causing it for sure.

Pot just seems like a really good drug to use if you happen to want to quell tbe masses. Something you muir seem sure any number of governments would love to do.

So what say you to this?