Im surprised I havent seen this thread before
ive actually thought about this a lot before....i think different mbti types might be drawn and effected to marijuana for different reasons....well obviously
The types I think are most likely to use marijuana are entp, estp, infj, infp, enfp, isfp, istp, intp, intj, entj, enfj, and possibly esfp. Im not saying that other mbti types dont...just that these are the ones ive experienced using it more often.
I've used marijuana for many different reasons- to relax, unwind, get focused, fall asleep, alleviate pain, nausea, stomach discomfort, trip out, enter trance states, get creative, enjoy physical activity and sensation
I only like bush weed, and avoid the city strains. I find the method of ingestion changes the effect.
Eating it creates more of an all over body high, a more physically pleasing sensation than a mental one. Unfortunately I dont get to eat it very often as my neighbours are quite physically close and I dont want to pong out the house with the smell
Most of the time I use it very purposively. The effect varies depending on how frequently it is used, the amount, the environment, and the purpose
I used to get stoned regularly and write brilliant assignments, write, or paint.
At one period of time over 3 months I used it so frequently, my tolerance became stupidly high, and being straight was the novelty and felt surreal.
Normally my tolerance is very low, with weed and with all substances
At times I use it infrequently and the slightest bit would be enough to trip massively. It feels like introverted intuition amplified, as does acid. I've never hallucinated, become paranoid or anxious. I prefer to be alone or with good friends, although something like a concert or party can be nice too occasionally, as well as going to beautiful natural environments, or even places around the city. I've used weed while working when I was a teenager, but stopped after I made a mistake one day. I used it when I was a teenager to make dealing with annoying authority figures easier. Some tasks are easy to do- like basic physical tasks- it is easy to get focussed, and anything creative. Sometimes however, the feeling is so strong I cant do anything except go with it and relax. It is so nice to relax with. A lot of transcendent experiences, epiphanies, oneness, and many outer body experiences. Occasionally I get really sleepy and just have to pass out. I like the physical sensations with it- dancing, music, food, showers, baths, walking, running, hiking, sex, it all feels good. I like watching movies and reading books straight and then see what new perspectives I come up with. If I have a problem to solve...sometimes I used weed to think completely out the box about it. I like looking at different situations with altered states of consciousness. It makes me laugh a lot at everything...sometimes uncontrollably for what seems like hours. It always changes my emotional state, no matter how I was feeling before. I would never use it if I need to have my wits about me, for example I have never been stoned around my daughter. Seeing my parents or a cop can make me straight very quickly, although I am not ashamed or worried about my use or possible punishment. I don't like to use it often, less often I use it the more enjoyable it is. I prefer to have it late at night, and dislike using it in the morning. I dont find it addictive at all. A small amount can last me an extremely long time. I reject it often in social situations. Sometimes I genuinely dont feel like using it at all. I've never craved it.
These days i use it maybe once or twice a month, normally with the intent to enjoy, relax, trip...or spiritual purposes. I love doing tarot stoned
Some of my observations about other mbti types...i dont claim any of these things to be true-
Most (not all) of the entps and estps I know use weed, and I think for the same reason as each other.
Estps and Entps have very high natural energy, can seem like adhd. They say it slows their mind down, slows the thinking and tones down the bursts of energy...also it alleviates boredom, anxiety, and worry. They seem to literally become dopier after having it, and in some ways....a lot easier to deal with. But more slow, lazy, apathetic...but also more able to zone in and concentrate on tasks with a hyper focus. I've found that the weed literally depresses them, and makes them more forgetful than other mbti types. They typically have very high tolerance to marijuana and are expensive to get stoned, and in my opinion the most likely to get addicted, but more or less remain highly functional at work
Infp- uses to relax, trip out, enjoy situations, reduce anxiety, laughs, gets creative, can get more talkative sometimes, has mind blowing epiphanies
Enfp- pretty much the same...except ive noticed that enfps tend to be more likely to experience paranoia and anxiety
Istp- experiences it in a physically enjoyable way, relaxes, laughs, enjoys sensation, trips out, is quiet, can become super paranoid and anxious with excessive and long term use
Isfp- same as istp, but even more sensual
Intp- similar to istp, but more likely to go quieter, or otherwise have mind blowing epiphanies, and say strange schizophrenic things, dopey, lazy, apathetic
intj- relaxes, quietens mind, can get super focused, creative, have mind blowing epiphanies, laughs, ecstatic oneness, confused, falls asleep
entj- kind of similar effect as estp and entp, but less extreme, and more likely to have mind blowing epiphanies, become less of a control freak, also seems to have high tolerance, possible addiction
enfj- likely to use to calm, sedate, relieve pain...likely to get paranoid and anxious
esfps- dont know enough about this one- but even more giggly, chilled, passive, and spontaneous, can get paranoid and anxious