How does sleep deprivation affect you?

Question: why am I getting thumbs up and reputation for describing my experiences in sleep deprivation?

The sadism on this forum is what keeps me up at night.
If I don't get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night my mind doesn't function as well. I can still function mostly normally but it takes me longer to do anything that requires some thought. In the last couple of years I have insomnia every once in a while because of all the stuff going on in my life. If I only get a few hours of sleep it takes me days to recover to my normal level of cognition. I think my IQ level drops.
I have pulled a grand total of 6 all nighters in my life.
1. I was doing /coordinating a group project for AP chemistry. I was perfectly fine/coherent the next day.
2. All Night Grad...I was a loopy mess and slept all day the next day. I then had to get up and attend a party.
3,4. Various instances of TC. I got progressively loopy as the night wore on.
5. Completion of a big lab report. I was fine ,since I took a nap before hand.
6. Talking to someone on skype...they were fantastic company.

I physically cannot do an all nighter anymore, it just doesn't work. Sleep will prevail. I do what [MENTION=2926]Bird[/MENTION] did a lot...wake up super early to do an assignment or study. I'm more productive and I tend to do a better job when I engage in this.