I have an extreme low / non-exsistent temper. Aka, I seldom ever get mad at anyone. That isn't to say I don't get mad. I will want to throw a conniption fit and smash my computer in at times when it isn't working, and I will yell at the darn thing, but that's really it. I am usually the only person who will get me mad. More often then not, other people will get me annoyed with them rather then mad with them. Simply if they set off one of my pep peeves, such as being late after telling me they would be on time, then don't tell me in advance that they are running late. I simply just don't get mad, and I truly can't explain it. I feel other emotions much much more strongly then this one.
I think a peice of why I don't get mad is because if something does annoy me, I will usually tell that person to stop doing what they are doing that is causing me to feel that way. However, I do so in a calm respectful way (or at least I try to) so as not to get them mad. As such, I can't remember the last time someone got mad at me, people just get annoyed with me. Holding back feelings like this is a very very bad thing. I will sort of teach my friends this if they have temper problems.
I sooner feel annoyed, frusterated, or sad because of someone else, then get mad. I honestly can not really remember a time I was truly mad at another person. I will get angry at myself if I don't meet my own expectations, but that quickly turns to sadness.