How does your anger feel to you?

:) That's because it's extremely hard to make an ENTP mad. I'm the same way. If you somehow figure a way to piss me off .... >:] You're not prepared for the trouble coming your way.

NOTE: I said Piss an ENTP off. You can easily annoy an ENTP, and get yelled at... I mean ENTPs talk loud anyway, and we love to be assholes.

:thumb: +1

When I am really angry about someone, I won't show it (might even smile and joke with them) until the big surprise delivers the knockout when they least expect it.

The joy of watching a piece of shit crushed in the end worths all the mental suffering in the process.
I have an extreme low / non-exsistent temper. Aka, I seldom ever get mad at anyone. That isn't to say I don't get mad. I will want to throw a conniption fit and smash my computer in at times when it isn't working, and I will yell at the darn thing, but that's really it. I am usually the only person who will get me mad. More often then not, other people will get me annoyed with them rather then mad with them. Simply if they set off one of my pep peeves, such as being late after telling me they would be on time, then don't tell me in advance that they are running late. I simply just don't get mad, and I truly can't explain it. I feel other emotions much much more strongly then this one.

I think a peice of why I don't get mad is because if something does annoy me, I will usually tell that person to stop doing what they are doing that is causing me to feel that way. However, I do so in a calm respectful way (or at least I try to) so as not to get them mad. As such, I can't remember the last time someone got mad at me, people just get annoyed with me. Holding back feelings like this is a very very bad thing. I will sort of teach my friends this if they have temper problems.

I sooner feel annoyed, frusterated, or sad because of someone else, then get mad. I honestly can not really remember a time I was truly mad at another person. I will get angry at myself if I don't meet my own expectations, but that quickly turns to sadness.

This just about covered it perfectly, jeez.

But to add for myself... in a case where I DO become angry... well, I almost always remove myself from the situation because I will become a monster otherwise. If I reach that shameful boiling point then I will spit garbage that is intended to hurt the person but is mostly false crap. I almost always resent the person more for making me that angry then whatever I'm supposed to be angry over.
I'm really hardly ever truly angry. Every once and a while I get frustrated with certain people but it's not something I ever show. I like to keep my emotions in control; I know my limits and I don't put myself into a position with people that I know it isn't going to work out. Also, I can be mad at a situation but it's hard for me to completely blame the person who's fault it is. My mom is ESfJ and my brother is ExFJ; I don't even like messing with them half the time. They can be blatantly wrong and know it but through a tantrum if you don't agree that they are always right. With everyone else I'm pretty smooth with unless they start picking on others. The blatant stupidity in the news makes me very angry sometimes so I don't even watch it. I'll read the gist of it online. When ever I think about anger I think about people who are racist or discriminatory in other ways. Hate and anger aren't pleasant emotions and yet some people allow themselves to hang onto it their entire life. When it is something that is very easy to avoid.
I have a very long fuse, being angry is rare. But if I do get angry, I fantasize about hurting those who made me angry really bad, even killing them and torturing them...

If it's someone I care about I don't let it out though, I just keep it to my self
I have felt so angry when I've been betrayed before and it has come to blows... thoughout my childhood it was like that with a particular individual. I concur with Lune Froide regarding feeling more angry with the person for making me angry over the situation because it's a "betrayal" to me.

I guess at times, my anger feels "violent" and I have witnessed myself as a monster
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