How has interacting with people from across the world affected you?

Very true... And Walmart sucks in comparison. :p We could also go drunk sledding down that one big hill that everyone has. :D :D And drink some Vernor's and Faygo!

hahahaha - this was fun. Do you think we hi-jacked this thread long enough?

It's not over 'til I chime in!! We must sing "Hail to the Victors" and then point to our hand while telling people where we are from. We must discuss the mytical place called "Up North", we must make fun of Ohio and Indiana. Yeah, we must do all this and more. Bring on the Pasties!!

Oh.... pasties.... *drool*

And talk about trolls. :D

Yes, I live under the bridge. This make no sense to people--only us! lol
I'm starting to think the 5 of us share some characteristics. Hmmm. We're all fairly outgoing online, and we're all silly and poetic, and trust people at first (at least I think I read that about my fellow trolls). Hmmm. All hockey fans I bet too. :D Maybe we should start our own thread called Pasties and Trolls or something. :P
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Must be something in the water...
I'm not sure if I really understand the question, but I'll try to answer it as I do. Interaction with people on the forum HAS affected me greatly. I've learned a lot and gained a lot from my time here, for which I am deeply grateful. However, I am inclined to believe this had little to do with where everyone is from and more so with the type of people that are on the forum.

I joined the forum almost a year ago. I remember it distinctly because at the time I had just moved to a new city by myself, and the forum became a place of familiarity for me. It's hard to pin-point how I've changed by being here because I was also changing through influences from other forces in my life. On the whole though, I'd say I'm more confident and perhaps a little less sheltered.

As far as culture is concerned, I haven't found it to be a dominant or obvious aspect of many discussions. It seems that most of us share a common western culture - or at least, that seems to be the atmosphere here. I also grew up in a multicultural community, and have personally lived a multicultural..uhh..identity?, so maybe that's why it hasn't stood out for me.
I'm starting to think the 5 of us share some characteristics. Hmmm. We're all fairly outgoing online, and we're all silly and poetic, and trust people at first (at least I think I read that about my fellow trolls). Hmmm. All hockey fans I bet too. :D Maybe we should start our own thread called Pasties and Trolls or something. :P

(limps up feeling like a little dork)... 'can I come too, even tho I'm from BC Canada?' LOL
If I knew why you ask the question, I could give you a specific answer. The short of it, is that intercultural exchange/interaction/communication is one of my life's passions. I'm constantly interacting with others from different countries, cultures, cities etc. I love learning foreign languages, about global cuisine, and of course, international culture, politics, and current events! Right now, I'm immersing myself in Hungarian culture via a friend of mine. He's visiting in a few days, and I can't wait!! I wish I could wrap myself up in all the delicious cultures of the world!!!! :m148:
(limps up feeling like a little dork)... 'can I come too, even tho I'm from BC Canada?' LOL
That's close enough. I dub you an honorary Michigander.
(limps up feeling like a little dork)... 'can I come too, even tho I'm from BC Canada?' LOL

Of course you can. Don't you know we Michiganders LOVE Canadians!! You are officially adopted Ria!
Tie MF, you owe me a dollar! ;)
I don't think there has been a whole lot of change in my world view from this forum -- but, I've had experience traveling and loving cultures, so I didn't really start off with much bias.

We must discuss the mytical place called "Up North", we must make fun of Ohio and Indiana.

Hey hey hey!! Leave Indiana out of it! We never did no one no harm!

And that reminds me of a vacation we took in the UP -- we came by a restaurant that was called UP Chuck's. I thought it was hilarious :B
Youz guys are hilarious!
I should be working more. I am running around with too much caffien in me. Up late tonight I am sure for it, but you guys are on a roll tonight! I have to get in on it!! :m180:

and cool eh? lol
I should be working more. I am running around with too much caffien in me. Up late tonight I am sure for it, but you guys are on a roll tonight! I have to get in on it!! :m180:

and cool eh? lol

hang on slow down, I'm trying to get in synch with you K.... :m180::m097: (Ria getting dizzy again) :m198: (Ria falls down again) :m114: (Ria's all embarrassed now, so she acts like this) haha