How have others consistently described you?

A pain
And a bit scary

This was eye opening. It took some time to go back through my life and 'hear' how I was described by others. I had to remove many words that only I have used pertaining to myself, many of them negative.
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i've been told often that i'm sweet, thoughtful, kind--to a point of being stupid,passive,doesn't look like i care but apparently knows a lot of whats going on, witty, smart, humble, deep, serious,stubborn.

i actually thought im funny though. lol. apparently, im the only one who can laugh at my own jokes.

This was 2016. I'm called a creep now by the discord people. :(
This thread bothers me. I think because I've had people who projected distorted images of who I am onto me when I was young and I internalized them.

It's easy to take the feedback other people give us as a more accurate picture of who we are when the reality is, it's just an interpretation and through the lens of their life experiences and bias that often have nothing to do with you.
This thread bothers me. I think because I've had people who projected distorted images of who I am onto me when I was young and I internalized them.

It's easy to take the feedback other people give us as a more accurate picture of who we are when the reality is, it's just an interpretation and through the lens of their life experiences and bias that often have nothing to do with you.
It's easy to be self critical of others opinion if you . But you just gave the answer to the actuality of others perception. If someone is opinionated negativity of you they are really expressing something that is not to acceptance with themselves, jealousy or insecurities. I'm critical to and have been subjected to that shit most my life but I am learning to be myself and if I'm liked then great ,if not then I'm really not loosing . My Biggest problem doesn't come from others opinion but from my self critical mindset and my perfectionistic tendency turning nureotic clouding my ability of accepting myself. But always seeing a shortcoming in everything and that I could be better..I am my worst critic.
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It's easy to be self critical of others opinion if you . But you just gave the answer to the actuality of others perception. If someone is opinionated negativity of you they are really expressing something that is not to acceptance with themselves, jealousy or insecurities. I'm critical to and have been subjected to that shit most my life but I am learning to be myself and if I'm liked then great ,if not then I'm really not loosing . My Biggest problem doesn't come from others opinion but from my self critical mindset and my perfectionistic tendency turning nureotic clouding my ability of accepting myself. But always seeing a shortcoming in everything and that I could be better..I am my worst critic.
What is the value in listing what others think of you? Even if it's positive?
What is the value in listing what others think of you? Even if it's positive?
Well I guess there is not really a good value. Other than if it does something for the individual..venting, or self reflection..But you got me.there was really no reason for me to write what I did . I was just writing to agree with you wether or not I made much sense . I think the idea of the thread was harmless in thought and ment to be reflecting in the way of seeing yourself through others eyes. Rather or not it self reflects with your own perception. Each individual has the best judgement of truly knowing or haveing the best understanding of oneself. There is plenty that doesn't even get displayed to the observation of others. So I agree with what you said. I guess I just look past the dislike part of the thread . Maybe because I am much harder on myself than others are on me . So I wasn't triggered into indignation. I am sorry you get that feeling of people missidentifing you to your self perception. I imagine it happens to all of us and have all felt indignation from it's a common thing, especially when feeling already dissimiliar to the collective and seeking to find someone of the same wavelength and gets you. And can understand and accept you for your qualities and inspite of your inqualities. Really no right or wrong way of opinion though it all is opinionated . Some can place reasoning others cannot. I'm afraid there will always be conflicting veiws . I just try to take the ones I receive lightly understand it's structure and reasoning of veiwpoint and if it has positive value to betterment try to apply it. But yeah I digress so I don't reiterate any more .lol but thanks slant you are entitled to your opinion and it is respected from me along with all others .hope I made sense ..
Well I guess there is not really a good value. Other than if it does something for the individual..venting, or self reflection..But you got me.there was really no reason for me to write what I did . I was just writing to agree with you wether or not I made much sense . I think the idea of the thread was harmless in thought and ment to be reflecting in the way of seeing yourself through others eyes. Rather or not it self reflects with your own perception. Each individual has the best judgement of truly knowing or haveing the best understanding of oneself. There is plenty that doesn't even get displayed to the observation of others. So I agree with what you said. I guess I just look past the dislike part of the thread . Maybe because I am much harder on myself than others are on me . So I wasn't triggered into indignation. I am sorry you get that feeling of people missidentifing you to your self perception. I imagine it happens to all of us and have all felt indignation from it's a common thing, especially when feeling already dissimiliar to the collective and seeking to find someone of the same wavelength and gets you. And can understand and accept you for your qualities and inspite of your inqualities. Really no right or wrong way of opinion though it all is opinionated . Some can place reasoning others cannot. I'm afraid there will always be conflicting veiws . I just try to take the ones I receive lightly understand it's structure and reasoning of veiwpoint and if it has positive value to betterment try to apply it. But yeah I digress so I don't reiterate any more .lol but thanks slant you are entitled to your opinion and it is respected from me along with all others .hope I made sense ..
Hey- I really wasn't trying to say there was no value. I was just curious as to the perceived value to you because I do feel differently. I appreciate you explaining where you're coming from, that's all that I was curious about.

I do think that other people are mirrors and that what we see in others are reflections of ourselves. So in that sense to me this thread is the opposite; you would say what you most often see in other people and that would be a reflection of yourself.

Just a thought.
Hey- I really wasn't trying to say there was no value. I was just curious as to the perceived value to you because I do feel differently. I appreciate you explaining where you're coming from, that's all that I was curious about.

I do think that other people are mirrors and that what we see in others are reflections of ourselves. So in that sense to me this thread is the opposite; you would say what you most often see in other people and that would be a reflection of yourself.

Just a thought.
Well I appreciate to receive your conception and I can see the analogy of it's workings. And pull understanding from it .May I ask do you fall in place with the ideology of many as one, or panpsychism , the idea of we are mirrors reflecting upon one other in self reflection. Just made me think that it would or could fall into us being collectively one mind ..I mean think about how memetic we are as beings and even the 100th monkey scientific observation..I won't continue before I get to deep.. just sounds like you might share a similarity of veiwpoint as I do ..I digress and I know there's not any value or or you held no value. All value is created by the individual . I like your conception though I can see how it serves you. I have trouble with a single veiwpoint I often contradict myself. Because I Know I don't know. And back out of something I may have gave a probability of fact I just like to stay in the middle and try to be as understanding of the multifarious reasoning to each individual in there deduction of of thoughts /opinions. I love to look through others eyes . Well thanks Slant I enjoyed the conversation and your understanding.. hope you have a great night..(•‿•)
Well I appreciate to receive your conception and I can see the analogy of it's workings. And pull understanding from it .May I ask do you fall in place with the ideology of many as one, or panpsychism , the idea of we are mirrors reflecting upon one other in self reflection. Just made me think that it would or could fall into us being collectively one mind ..I mean think about how memetic we are as beings and even the 100th monkey scientific observation..I won't continue before I get to deep.. just sounds like you might share a similarity of veiwpoint as I do ..I digress and I know there's not any value or or you held no value. All value is created by the individual . I like your conception though I can see how it serves you. I have trouble with a single veiwpoint I often contradict myself. Because I Know I don't know. And back out of something I may have gave a probability of fact I just like to stay in the middle and try to be as understanding of the multifarious reasoning to each individual in there deduction of of thoughts /opinions. I love to look through others eyes . Well thanks Slant I enjoyed the conversation and your understanding.. hope you have a great night..(•‿•)
You sound like an absurdist just like me!
You sound like an absurdist just like me!
Is that what they call us now..hmmm that's alot better than freaking I will adopt that title from you and add it to my minds Rolodex as a good concise self explanatory statement although I will add a few more descriptive words to complicate things hmmmm..I'm a quanta ,qualia Ontological ,hopeful ,skeptical yeah I'm dissimiliar but I embrace my ecentric character. Even if noone else does. Thanks slant I giggled and I am glad to meet another absurdist..◉‿◉