Well, Marshall could be ESFJ...I can see that....Fe function, he is outgoing, goodnatured + SJ tendencies (family values etc.)
Lily - more I think, more is she P for me...: maybe ISFP or INFP (good with children, art tendecies, somehow more nontraditionalist than Marshall)...
Hm, hm, so after few posts, my final answers...with explanations
Ted - ISFJ - caring, warm, emotional, strong family values (well, he tells his children story from the past of family

Robin ISTP - nonstereotypical female, strong, likes adrenalin (guns and similar interests), cool (somehow, all ISTPs I know are pretty cool persons

Marshall - ESFJ (explained in this post)
Lily - INFP (explained, plus rather well balanced INFP, lively version of type)
Barney - ENFP....I don't see him as T, no way...and he has strong Ne from my point of view...