How INFJ are you?

Apparently you think I must be an INFP. I guess it is possible...
Methinks you could be INFP or ISFJ.

You scored 67.86% of the possible points for this test.

Once in a while I'll test as an INFP. The note on the side said 8 people have tested the same way.
You're not INFJ at all.
So yeah.

You scored 51.79% of the possible points for this test.
You're not INFJ at all.

So yeah.

HAHAH epic
Methinks you could be INFP or ISFJ.

You scored 55.36% of the possible points for this test.

Many questions of this test seem to presuppose a feeling type, not including options appropriate for Ti dominants.
You're not INFJ at all.

So yeah.
You scored 40.00% of the possible points for this test.
You're not INFJ at all.
So yeah.

You scored 52.94% of the possible points for this test.



You're not INFJ at all.

So yeah.
You scored 50.00% of the possible points for this test.

Seriously? I mean seriously? 50% exactly? I mean, I knew I was split down the middle, but COME ON!!
Methinks you could be INFP or ISFJ.

You scored 57.14% of the possible points for this test.

that's not very nice...
Methinks you could be INFP or ISFJ.

You scored 58.93% of the possible points for this test.

Well, I guess that answered my question about whether or not I am an INFJ.

So long, everyone. :yo: