How many countries can you name in 5 minutes?

frusterated because of my absymal spelling skills,



But yeah, they should make the alternate names count for the original names. Like, if somebody enters "Great Britain," it should count as "United Kingdom," like in Sporcle, which by the way is a better site. It's been the cause of my procrastination for the past two weeks.
Great Britain was not on the list.
England was not on the list.
Scotland was not on the list.

I quit.

Edit: I tried again because I'm stubborn. Unfortunately, I can't spell without a spell checker (terrible Si). I had at least 30 nations I couldn't spell and skipped... like Lichtenstein, Guatemala, Afghanistan, Djibouti, etc. Funny thing is, I have a visual memory, and I can 'see' the whole map. I was just mentally moving across the continents. Got an 83 in spite of it. Probably would have been about a 110 if I could spell.

This. I can draw the united states with all the state lines entirely from memory (albeit with errors, but small ones).



Don't worry about it. I am full aware that I can't spell and everyone on the board knows it :D
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Ireland Iceland India Morocco Monique Iran Iraq Afghanistan Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Mongolia china Taiwan japan north Korea south Korea Vietnam Laos Cambodia Malaysia Thailand Sirilanka Nigeria Ethiopia Eritrea Chad Uganda south Africa Liberia Argentina Brazil Ecuador Guinea Mexico Canada Chile Nicaragua El Salvador Panama Haiti Dominican Republic Cuba USA Guatemala Greenland Russia Ukraine Lithuania France Germany Italy
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Wah, this is too hard. I thought I was good at naming countries. I'm not telling my score ;/

