How much sleep do you need?

I can function with 5 hours of sleep, though I get really exhausted and start sputtering off nonsense by the end of the day.
Ideally, 8-10 hours is where I function best. :)
I rarely feel like I had a good sleep, I usually feel extremely tired and slow when I wake up off of 8 hours of sleep. I had a sleep study done to check for sleep apnea but that wasn't my case.

I do find that I feel better in the mornings when I am more healthy overall.

I have to agree I rarely feel truly rested anymore. I blame my weight and some on and off depression.

It's weird -when I actually fall asleep, when I wake up I feel awful -as if I had slept in. Sort of a headache and grogginess.

I think I'm pretty healthy but
This sleep study sounds interesting. Perhaps I'll try that out
I require MASSIVE amounts of sleep to function properly. I usually get around 8-10 hours a night, but I've been known to sleep up to 18 hours on occasion. o_o
I need at least 7 to 8 hours to function normally. Ideally Im good on 10 hours:m093:
I like to get about seven hours. Sometimes eight if I'm "sleeping late." Any more than that, and I have a tendency to get really bad headaches. (I actually get headaches over just about anything, and sleeping too much is just one of those weird random things that cause them.)

With seven hours, I won't feel at all tired the next day, and I'll be wide awake within five minutes of waking. I can function off of four or five, but I'll end up majorly napping the next afternoon and throwing off my entire sleeping schedule for, possibly, weeks. I am really bad at that.
7-8 hours is good, and another 2 in the afternoon ideally ^^ Though I can sleep all day if I don't self discipline myself.
for me it's 4 though I really do prefer more lol
I've been dealing with five hours of sleep for a while, but that's pushing it to the limit. Sometimes, I fall asleep in my "Foods and Nutrition" class when we're not cooking. I'm also pretty irritable.

Eight to nine hours is what I long for, but I don't seem to have the time anymore to get that.
I need 9-10 hours honestly, and the people I live with need 5-6, so it is hell.
Huh, I don't know how the heck I am functioning but I am sleeping about 1 hour daily on weekdays and 5 hours on weekends. I have slept a total of about 15 hours weekly.
Huh, I don't know how the heck I am functioning but I am sleeping about 1 hour daily on weekdays and 5 hours on weekends. I have slept a total of about 15 hours weekly.

Me too. except the weekend part. 1 hour all the way. Actually I have been adding in more hours but I always feel sick afterwards. So I think I will stick with the one hour.
I think the most I've ever slept was a good thirteen-fourteen hours when I was jetlagged from my flight to Europe. God that was terrible.
7 hours, any longer than that I need an additional six (13 total), or 4 hours and a NoDoz. :D
I can function poorly on 6 hours. I need 8 to feel normal. Ideally I like 10. There's nothing like the feeling of waking up, looking at the clock after 8 hours and thinking "Aah, I think I'll go back to sleep...zzzzzzz." ^_^
8 hours. Less or more and I feel like crap. I would really like to get adjusted to a polyphasic sleep schedule so that I would have more time to do my hobbies, but I worry about the health of such a schedule or even my ability to adapt to it.

I can be quite the bear (intense understatement) when I don't get enough sleep, and so I would think adjusting to such a schedule would require total isolation from me, or at least people to sign disclaimers to be in my presence.
wake me when this thread is over
Anywhere between 5 and 8 hours can set me for a day. If I get any more than about 9 hours I feel like crap the entire day, and if I get any less than 5-6 hours I'm tired after about 2-3 hours from the time I wake up.