[INFJ] How nostalgic are you?


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Could Ni be related to nostalgia, albeit in a different way than Si nostalgia? I've noticed my borderline ENTJ stepfather become somewhat nostalgic from time to time.
My nostalgia is often painful, and always vivid--as if I'm right there reliving it. Must be my INFJ 'stuff'...
I go through phases of nostalgia (sentiment). A lot of times its my way of remembering someone or an occasion and the special way it touched and/or changed me and my life.
i always feel nostalgia, its natural to me.
I got lost in nostalgia for a time yesterday.
For some reason it came over me to enter the address of the house I lived in as a kid back in the 60's into Google.
Turns out it had been for sale a year ago, and I found a link to the old listing that still had photos.
As I looked at the photos, I pictured myself and my family in the various rooms during specific memories I had.
It was a cool experience.
My coworker noticed I was real quiet and spacing out staring at my computer. "What are you doing?" she asked.
Nothing much. :wink:
I got lost in nostalgia for a time yesterday.
For some reason it came over me to enter the address of the house I lived in as a kid back in the 60's into Google.
Turns out it had been for sale a year ago, and I found a link to the old listing that still had photos.
As I looked at the photos, I pictured myself and my family in the various rooms during specific memories I had.
It was a cool experience.
My coworker noticed I was real quiet and spacing out staring at my computer. "What are you doing?" she asked.
Nothing much. :wink:

wow this struck me as so odd because just yesterday i was thinking about my childhood home and how i had searched it on google street view not so long ago only to find out it's now converted into the cystic fibrosis foundation something-or-other.
anyway, yesterday i was thinking about how things can change so much with regard to that stuff, and then started wondering how they would feel if they knew of all the abuse and horrors that went on in those rooms so many years ago.
as [MENTION=4624]MissionHouse[/MENTION] mentioned, it made me deeply sad.
very nostalgic. don’t know any other way to be.

been thinking of an old friend lately. we met at highschool. he transferred to my school in year 11. i remember seeing him for the first time - his long long brown hair, tall skinny body and half-stoned eyes. i hoped that we would be friends, but was too shy to speak to him — was always shy with boys, never had any other male friends in highschool... we became good friends: listened to music together, traded bootlegs, spoke about robert plant and the doors and jimi Hendrix. watched strange movies. sat together on the bus with an mp3 player - one ear phone in my ear, the other in his. he was precious to me. i’m not sure if he ever knew how much he meant to me.

whenever i listen to this song, i always think of him.

I'm very nostalgic, perhaps to my detriment sometimes. I feel inclined to want to bring back past times where I perceived things to be better for me, but in doing so I feel I prevent myself from moving forward.
I am very often nostalgic, but it is quite real, vivid, and often painful. The beauty of the past becomes shards of glass when relived, yet there is still this ethereal misty warmth about it that proves infinitely appealing.
I feel a great deal of my consciousness is a strain of nostalgia looping over. Trying to suppress it is very unnatural/undesired.
I don't know if I'm qualified to be nostalgic yet because of my youth, and I have to laugh when people my age remember the Good Old Days of 1999 and talk about it like our grandparents talk about World War II.

However, if it's possible to be nostalgic at this age, I would say I am extremely nostalgic. In fact, I find that nostalgia just might be the most powerful emotion known to mankind. Little things can set me off. Whenever I return home from college, I find some kind of item or picture that brings floods of memories back to me. I'm nostalgic about things that happened as recent as two years ago. And I'm nostalgic about things that happened 15 years ago.

When I'm older, though, I think I'll really be qualified to talk about nostalgia. Until then, it's a little silly, probably.
memories are powerful. sometimes i like to remember and feel them, over and over...
sometimes this really hurts , so i tuck them away for another day. but i always come back to them.
My nostalgia is often painful, and always vivid--as if I'm right there reliving it. Must be my INFJ 'stuff'...

Same here, The Nostalgia just reminds me what I've lost and what I can't get back.
I have many fond memories of my past, to be sure, but I don't spend much time dwelling on them. I'm more future-oriented I guess. I've found my almost complete lack of nostalgia to be curious, though. Maybe it's because I feel there's so much good in my life right now to focus on, and so much more to look forward to. Perhaps the nostalgia is yet to come.
Well I'm not infj, but I just spent the past 5 beers burning about 6-7 years worth of photos to dvd, and I'll be damned if I didn't feel a dose of nostalgia.
I'm extremely nostalgic.
100% nostalgic.