How NOT to Break Up or Don't Jump to Conclusions

I don't know if she did for sure. Looked like a drunk-mail to me. Let's say that she did fuck some other dude. It's still shady that he didn't call... that no one could tell this girl where he was, or how to get in contact with him. I'm not saying she was right...just that I understand.
Also, rule of three. If a girl tells you how many she's slept with, multiply it by 3.
Okay, I get it. Ya got the newb. None of this really happened. This is a joke, right? I can't believe that two people could be so emotionally unintelligent in a relationship.
Okay, I get it. Ya got the newb. None of this really happened. This is a joke, right?

No, I don't think so? lol. And come on, no one picks on newbs. At least I don't. I just like friendly discussion.

I can't believe that two people could be so emotionally unintelligent in a relationship.

lol. You'd be surprised.

But seriously, you guys are forgetting that there are different types of relationships. You can't just deem one as being "emotionally unintelligent" without knowing the full back story. Besides, some people tend to be a little more careful, and close-knitted in a relationship; yes, they would think of stopping in everywhere to call whenever possible. But not everyone is like that, and that doesn't make them lesser people for it.

For instance, I'd go for days without calling my best friend or even my boyfriend, but that doesn't mean I loved them less or that I was gearing up to break up my romantic relationship. I just got caught up in my own thing.

We just witnessed a break up here. We saw how "passionately" this person reacted to the trip. Maybe there's a story that happened after that we don't know about. Maybe she did something drastic to him that justified his posting it up on youtube.

Don't know.

Fact of the matter is, just playing the devil's advocate here. :)
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Fact of the matter is, just playing the devil's advocate here. :)

That is always fun. =)

Usually I'm on the "everyone's different" train, but I just can't do it this time. He was testing her which is a really smart thing to do (but not very kind). I don't buy the no contact thing. He coulda sent an email, a postcard (takes about 7 days, I hear), made a quick call collect, but there was nothing.

Seriously, my first thoughts on the video were exactly "What a crazy bitch." I thought about it, and I know someone like the girl, my mother. I could tell her many times that I was going to be unavailable for whatever reason, and it would slip her mind. If mom didn't hear from me in a while and she couldn't hunt me down, I'd get these super nasty voicemails, and I'd refuse to call the bitch. That's how bad they were.

I need to go call my mom...
It really shows a persons true feelings about you when their reactions are nasty.
^ I agree wholeheartedly. Mom's doin' okay. She's really excited to see me tomorrow.
She stops being pissy when I contact her. Kinda like when the girl in the video wrote the email to ignore all the other emails.
That girl seems bi-polar. I kind of feel sorry for her. :/
Excellent video TDHT!

Something exactly happened to me with my last ex-girlfriend, except I was in the hospital. We didn't break up though, but that situation was the beginning of an end.
Man...I couldn't be with her again. She would pull that crap again, certainly. She was definitely not confident in her abilities or in her relationship with this boy. She couldn't even think past the possibility that *maybe* something had happened to him. She didn't even think that he could've been dead or in a hospital or injured or what have you. It was all about Herrrrrrr and HERRRR feelings. I can't understand that. I don't feel sorry for her at all - especially since she might learn something from this in the long run.
What a whore, and I've only watched 1 and a half minute. This made me really really irritated :"there were these two super creepy guys. I let the one guy buy me a drink and as soon as he handed it to me I told him he reminds me of my boyfriend"

Right there you can tell that she's a no good attention craving slut, now let me finish the vid -:P
If i were in her situation, I'd think he was dead or injured. That's freaking out. She just freaked out in a different way.

Instead of thinking/feeling the worst (relative), she thought he was just cutting her off. Why shouldn't she feel that way? Why shouldn't we think/feel there was an accident?
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The funny thing is that in this situation, I wouldn't have read the other emails after seeing the "read this first." >_> Guess I'm gullible.
If i were in her situation, I'd think he was dead or injured. That's freaking out. She just freaked out in a different way.

Instead of thinking the worst (relative), she thought he was just cutting her off. Why shouldn't she feel that way? Why shouldn't we think there was an accident?

Umm wtf are you on? The video clearly states that he told his girlfriend several times that he was going to europe, it's not his fault that he is dating a retard (ok it is, but still)

Either way, I'd say this video is fake, it is totally implausible and if it isn't, we are dealing with two people who should be shot on sight. Her for being a retard, and him for dating the retard and then obviously being a retard himself. Also, you don't go to Europe for 2 weeks with your phone turned on unless you want your parents and gf to worry to death, in other words this video is so made up, fiction for your viewing pleasure.
That's very kind of you (not to read the emails).

Yeah, I figured this whole thing had to be a joke (upthread). But if it were real...I mean can you really fault her that harshly for letting it slip her mind? If either one of them had done the right thing there wouldn't be a video.

(more anecdotal shit, sorry) I dated a guy for a couple months. I thought it was getting pretty serious (like the girl in the video) the last thing I remember him saying to me was," I want you to have dinner at my place." (he lived with his folks) "I'll call you" then he kissed me. I never heard from him again. I checked his blog everyday because I didn't have his number (I deleted it when he didn't call me in a week). I thought he was dead, until two months later he updated. I didn't send him crazy e-mails or screw other guys in that time, but I was mad when I found out he was okay. Maybe he went to Bolivia or some shit. I don't know. It was still shady for not calling, and it is something that guys do when they are NOT in love with you.
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