How often do you question yourself - what you know, observe or see?
Let's put it this way, the things I don't question are scarce. I am always tackling new topics and new challenges and searching new aspects of everything, and the more I know the more I question, hence the more I don't know.
How often do you think "is it just me?", "am i right," "am i seeing things clearly", "am i just seeing things"?
This one has been my toughest struggle. It's really easy to deceive yourself into seeing things that are not there, especially if they are things you strongly wish for. Clarity of mind and sound judgement are what I strive to achieve as I get older and (hopefully) more mature.
How often do you question and check your perceptions?
In life and generally speaking, my perceptions are always changing, although sometimes they seem to be converging to one grand idea and principle on which I am going to build my lifestyle.
How often do you find that your initial perceptions of a person or situation are correct, but you doubt yourself and dismiss it?
When it comes to people, my perceptions have been sharp. I don't claim I got them figured out, but I can certainly recognize a pattern in them and predict the next move or next reaction. With each feedback that perception would morph into another one that would fit the pattern best. I am thinking that's Fe+Ni in action?