Used to live here
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Here... to help answer the OP...
How 'bout people just think through this and post what they were thinking as they went through it?
You see a man throw your child down a well. It was compleatly unprovoked and catches you off guard. The man stands there smiling at you and you can hear the child screaming and crying in the well. What do you do?
(sorry... only thing I could think of right now... maybe someone can come up with a better idea for my plan here.)
A well? Why a well? Why is he throwing my child? Like hell he would, if I had a kid, I'd jump that sonofabitch before he knew what was coming *cut to visuals of man in trench coat and shady hat and me ninja kicking him in the face* Red line under compleatly...would that catch me off guard? I don't think that would happen if I had a kid...I would kill someone *projected emotion of rage at man* I would choke the guy and probably scream at my kid that mommy was coming...Lordy, that man would die. Get help. Would I be able to find it? Are there people? *visual of frantic searching* Gotta keep that man around, cuz he's getting his ass hauled to jail...