These groups have been active for a long time. The rothschilds for example have been building their banking empire since the 1700's!
As the saying goes: 'money makes money'....well these guys have been making money for a very long time. They have been spreading their influence, expanding their network and infiltrating governments and other institutions for a long time
This is why despite a spate of public scandals which are implicating them none of them have been arrested. The conclusion the public can draw from this is that they cannot rely on the channels they would usually expect to help them
So the public cannot rely on the government, the law courts, the media, the police or the regulators to bring these guys to task....these institutions are under bankster occupation
This means that the public are going to have to work from grass roots
This means identifying what gives these guys their power. It could be argued they draw their power from a number of things:
1. the ignorance of the public
2. the acquiesance of the public
3. their vast wealth
4. their network
5. their common ties be they occult, ethno-religious, familial, culture, ideology or psychopathy
The first and second of these can be overcome by a growth of awareness amongst the public. A well informed public is able to effectively exercise their power of choice whether political, economic, spiritual and so on to withdraw their support for anything that feeds the beast whislt also pro-actively supporting alternatives
If you look at corrupt institutions like the british royal family or the vatican they continue to have power and influence because people invest energy in them. They feed the beast. They listen to these people, they visit them and their churches and palaces, they gather and they cheer and wave their flags and they support them in various short they invest psychic energy in them. This needs to be withdrawn.....they need to be made IRRELEVANT
People can only withdraw their support once they lose faith in these institutions. This requires them to become consciously aware of how corrupt and unworthy of support they are.
The british royal family is nothing but a figurehead for a certain idea...they are a symbolic living embodiment of the belief that society should be drastically unequal and that a small handful of people should dominate the rest. People need to understand that and then by their own free will reject that idea...then as night follows day, they will then shun the symbols and trappings of that idea
The vatican is nothing but a group of people who have put themselves between the people and the ineffable in order to gain greater temporal powers...they are an order of black magicians who power is derived from the energy given to them by the public...withdraw the energy and they lose their power
This means that their supporters must first break out of their spell and see them for what they really are: energy vampires
The bankers are nothing but parasites that are feeding energetically off the real economy of production. The bankers produce nothing...all they do is enslave with debt.
We need to reject their banks, their money, their economic policies, their laws, their vaccination programmes, their genetically modified food, their wars, their corporate media, their political parties and so on
The serpent has many heads. Everytime we identify something as being a head of the serpent we should ignore it...make it irrelevant
We need to withdraw our democratic support for their corrupt two party politics and their insidious banking system
This leads to point 4: their wealth
Until such time as we have control again over the levers of power and are able to arrest these people for their crimes we must remove their wealth. We must use our own interest free currencies so that their central bank collapses and their influence with it, whilst we, the people are able to continue producing and trading with each other (we even have the internet now to do it with)
When they try to implement new rules whether it is stopping people from growing their own organic food or using non monsanto made seeds we need to exercise civil disobediance and disregard what they tell us to do
As we wrestle more control back over society we will be able to arrest them for the crimes they have carried out
Number 5: their network. We need to all understand that the alphabet agencies such as: the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, FEMA and so on have been largely taken over by the banksters. They also operate through think tanks such as: the council on foreign relations, the JASON society, the Club of Rome, the trilateral commission and so on as well as secret societies such as: the freemasons, the knights of st john, the jesuits, the skull and bones society etc
We need as we gain greater controls to ensure greater transparency to these organisations. For example in the UK a politican called Jack Straw removed a law which made it mandatory for judges to declare if they were a freemason or not....laws like those should be kept and upheld....we need to know the back channels and the vested interests of various people and groups
We also need to remove support from thes groups by NOT JOINING THEM and not giving them our money or psychic energy...withdraw support!
As for the alphabet agencies encryption is going to be one way to lessen their spying over us.
Number 5 their ties. The banking cartel families are intermarried and their business interests are interlocked and overlapping. They also share an ideological belief that centralised power is best and that they should rule us.
We need to decentralise power in anyways we can
The banking familes are also occultists and some understanding of magick can help in understanding the level of influence they have been able to exert over society.
Finally they are ethnically jewish. This is not to say tht all jews are involved in this conspiracy they are not. However the Rothschilds have managed to get the support of many jews becuase they created the state of Israel.
It is therefore essential that financial support is withdrawn from israel (the US pays $3 billion a year to Israel for the purchase of military hardware which could be used for schools and hospitals in the US). The support for Israels continual settling of palestinean land MUST BE WITHDRAWN BY THE US PUBLIC; it is genocide and is illegal under international law!
It must be understood by US citizens that through the economic might of the jewish central bankers the israeli lobby has been able to infiltrate and influence the US government to such a degree that many positions of power are now occupied by zionists.
An example of this would be the recent appointment of Stanley Fischer to the postition of vice chairman of the central bank of the US (the federal reserve) means that a person with dual israeli citizenship is helping to directly control the central bank of the US:
There are many other examples for example Michael Chertoff who grew up in Israel and whos mother is an israeli mossad agent was made Secretary of Homeland Security. he helped co-author the Patriot act which enables the government to spy on its citizens. He is also an advocate of the full body scanners used in airports now and his consutancy firm represent the corproations which manufcature the scanners
people need to understand who the people are who are making all these changes to their countries laws. They are trying to slowly erode the constitution because they want to bring in their ideology of centralised control with themselves in power.
This is an ideological struggle which has recruited many jews who see the fate of Israel as tied to the success of the new world order
I believe this to be incorrect. i believe the best course of action for Israelis would be to make peace with the palestineans, come to a peaceful settlement and to reject the central bankers and the centralised control that they represent
I am not anti-jew and do not hold jews in generak responsible but neither will i close my eyes to the fact that because of the rothschilds and their personal fiefdom of Israel there IS a jewish dimenion to this whole problem
If anyone doubts this i would encourage you to go online and look into who runs the US federal reserve, the US media and who holds the positions of power in the US power structure. Also look at the role and reach of AIPAC and the Council on Foreign relations. There is plenty of information out one needs to take my word for it but neither should anyone deny what i'm saying without first looking into it.
People need to acknowledge the ideological struggle going on (a quiet war) and reject it in all its manifestations
This can be done peacefully i believe
The ultimate goal would be to have a citizenry that is aware of all this and that has formed into its own organisations to be able to act in a coordinated and cohesive way. If a block of workers becomes large enough then it can weild considerable power whether by exercising their power as consumers, or by creating their own representative political party or by holding a general strike which demands certain actions of the government
This general strike could bring the economy to a halt and end the bankers power over night
if the US public did such a thing this would act as a beacon to the rest of the world and you can be sure that other countries would follow suit
Some countres have already rejected the IMF, the rothschild banks and have arrested bankers eg Iceland & Hungary