How to change your type


Not a clue
Being an Fe can be hard work. How would one go about "shutting off" the Fe and becoming an Se instead? For that matter, how would one permanently change any of their preferences?
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Some massive, intense, prolonged stress.

One that forced you to rethink, recreate, rebuild your entire reaction on things; your train of thoughts, your consideration.

Definitely far more unpleasant than trying to keep your Fe in balance, methinks.
We all have choices, you can do anything you like ... but it doesn't mean you will be satisfied with the outcome. It will take more energy in your conversion than just being yourself.
Expose yourself to a situation where there is no escape, i.e. the only way out is to embrace the cognitive function you are not used to, but are longing for. Combine that with a shift of your mental state where you actually enjoy using that cognitive function. And let loose of every way of thinking you have identified with and considered to be "you".

It is a shock therapy, it's a bit radical, and it is scary, but it works. When you do this, you will encounter a mental border; something that tells you that beyond that is a way of "seeing" that is not you. If you approach this border slowly or by simply "simulating" the new cognitive function, you will not change fundamentally. You will be continuously running up against a hill and never get to the other side. You will have to make a leap of faith "into" the new cognitive function in order to change considerably.

I did this with Ne, Fe, Fi and Se, with various degrees of success. It's not like you change totally, but you change in large shifts. It's a good way to become more balanced, in my experience.
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Yes, well... There are times when I can do this. But it is obviously not the norm. And why should it be? We only reach out that far beyond our boundary every once in a while... If it becomes habit, then the boredom will outweigh the benefit.
1. Click on "My Account"
2. Click on "Edit Profile"
3. ????
4. Profit!

I had an incident today in which Fe was a potential problem. My INTP friend was frustrated and being very pissy. He yelled at me to drive faster while I was giving him a ride somewhere. All I did was tell him gently, "It's raining. I need to slow down."

I knew that Fe would've caused me to panic and empathize to the point of:
1. catering to his demands
2. becoming silly and snide
3. becoming internally agitated by his explosive emotions

Instead, I psychologically separated my emotional state from his.
Fe said, "He is feeling disturbed by his personal frustration. I am actually feeling calm."
Fe and Ti working together told me, "Be soft but direct with his Fe. Express your emotional state (calm) by gently responding to him and maintaining your own state."

You may also be mistyped.

how would one permanently change any of their preferences?

If you want to increase Se, you need:
1. situations that allow you to use it: video games, sports, cooking, art, physical activity, etc
2. mutually enjoyable activities with friends you like to spend time with

But ultimately, choosing to live life just a little differently would probably help. Changing all at once is just going to bring stress.