How to Recognize an INFJ

I've been described as both graceful and clumsy. I don't know, but maybe it has to do with the fact that many INFJs are somewhat paradoxical.
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I actually HAD to wear a helmet when I was little. Nowadays my head is a bit thicker so it won't matter.
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Except for the last option, Von Hase's edited description fits me quite well. I tend to choose clothing for my comfort rather than for look.

Thats not to say I don't or can't dress of an occasion, it's mostly that I am rarely motivated to.

Are you saying all INFJ's resemble this man???
I have one to add, INFJ's don't tend to pay absolute attention to what is going on around them. Thus they tend to miss a whole lot of the conversation, and moving cars. Sometimes you have to shout at them to get their attention.
I have one to add, INFJ's don't tend to pay absolute attention to what is going on around them. Thus they tend to miss a whole lot of the conversation, and moving cars. Sometimes you have to shout at them to get their attention.

I have basically walked out in front of cars here at school. I thought I looked! Apparently I'm just oblivious of the present. Once as we attempted to cross the street, my friend was even saying "Stop, stop, stop, stop." and I didn't notice and kept walking haha. That and tripping over stuff.. oh man.
Lucifer, that's extremely true for me! Many times in a conversation i become so naturally entwined in the overall body language of the person i'm speaking with, the tonality of their voice, subtle yet telling changes in facial expression, that i can easily miss out on what they are literally verbalizing.
Omg, so true with the clumisness! I am so easily sent off balance and quite often walk into doorways rather than through them. Also, I quite often pour drinks down me by mistake lol. I do wonder how that happens as I do it, surely by now I should be able to coordinate hand with mouth...
I catch my balance well . . . so I have actually been trying to figure out if I am truly "clumsy" for the past couple of weeks, and last night I decided. I was putting on my pants and missed the second leg whole, I fell down. Definitely a "yes" to the clumsy.
I don't think i'm that clumsy, but i do run into things when i'm thinking and i have slow reactions...
My boss told me today I should wear steel-toed boots because I'm always walking into things.

And it's true - I often have mysterious bruises I can't explain.
I am gracefully clumsy because as a small child I was just clumsy. I remember on the way to the hospital for my third set of stitches I informed my mom how it didn't hurt as much.

I must say as very interested in clothes as I am it is more about wearable art. I usually buy myself subtle colors and hardly any patterns. I look for something that fits and more important goes with everything I own. Most important is cost and quality.

I found myself with out friends after my divorce. (Long story) So I made a decision to be more extroverted in public to make friends. It doesn't mean I don't find it difficult though. I would prefer to hang out at a table to the side, but I am finding a balance between being in a crowd of friends once a month and most of my friends not knowing where I live.
I have heard many of my friends talk about how seeing someone less fortunate as them or suffering more than them makes them feel better about themselves.

I still can't wrap my head around this.
OMG, that's disgusting. Maybe that's the source for all the antipathy many in this country have to the poor. :mad2:
This is exactly me (minus the walking away part). I've been trying to stop getting so worked up about this when it happens, but I still end up doing it.
I'm exactly the same way, especially if it can be related to something that happened to a friend or loved one.
Still, its just the truth. A lot of things are relatives and not absolutes. Some people feel terrible about such minor things, yet to another, the death of a loved one is similar in absolute intensity. People who come from countries where everyone is poor can be happy because everyone has parity. Yet if everyone is poor and you're the rich one, then you'll want to keep it that way, neh? If you're suffering, and someone around you is suffering worse, then it doesnt seem so bad.
Here's something to consider, though: I find it extremely difficult to watch other people in difficult situations. Like the movie, "Meet the Parents" - I laughed because the situations were so darned insane, but I constantly hid my eyes when I watched it. It hurt *so much* to see poor Gaylord in all those EMBARRASSING situations! I'll always hide my eyes when some poor schmuck gets into painful situation after painful situation when it's not of his doing.

I am the same way. I find it extremely difficult to watch.
The INFJ also tends to be preoccupied and is likely to bump into a table or trip on a step.

This can be easily explained. Because of strong Ni influence INFJs tend to treat intention and action as the same thing. It means, that when I'm walking I am sort of already at my destination mentally. And if a table happens to be in my path I might fail to notice, because my mind is focused on the future.

Oh and the not being able to watch people embarrass themselves in movies..... I am terrible. I will get up and walk out of the room it makes me so uncomfortable. I literally cringe...

Fe in da house ;) Totally agree on it.