Here's my take on how to spot an INFJ.
INFJs are deep thinkers who are more concerned with 'why' and 'how' than 'what if' or their current surroundings.
INFJs are people who are more emotionally involved in how they feel things should be than their own personal interactions.
INFJs can look right through you, but have trouble looking at you.
INFJs often know what is about to happen, but sometimes not what is happening.
INFJs want to know why, but get annoyed with people who ask what if.
INFJs will tell you things that make no sense today, and perfect sense tomorrow.
INFJs know how they feel about everything, except themselves.
INFJs know how the world should be, but are seldom able to explain it.
INFJs are more emotionally charged by events that happen to the people they care about than events that happen to themselves.
INFJs will take one for the team without hesitating.
I'm sure this is all extremely helpful to you intuitive feelers that can look at people and understand them. But I can't do that, so what should I "look" for when I'm talking to you?
ENTPs tend not to focus on that sort of thing.I'm sure this is all extremely helpful to you intuitive feelers that can look at people and understand them. But I can't do that, so what should I "look" for when I'm talking to you?
For me, like the rest of us, it's an intuitive process. I watch what people say, how they react to certain words, sentences and situations, what makes them defensive and what makes them open up. It all goes into my head like an emotional maths equations, and out comes a developed analysis of their character.
I get the part about asking 'why' definitely XD Like me asking 'Why is bread the only food that when cooked by itself has a different name?'
If anyone can answer that question, it would be much appreciatedit's been bothering me all day.
* Clumsy, yes! But I have covered it up well in the way I carry least in public. At home I'll be so lost in thought that I walk into things all the time, thinking
"What? How did that wall get there?!?" Then I think, "What is WRONG with me?!?"
* I am constantly feeling jittery in movies because I can't stand embarassing situations! And there have been times when I've even talked silently under my breath to encourage speakers who are floundering with their speeches. (OMG Don't even get me started on speeches!) Of course they can't hear me and it doesn't do any good, but that doesn't seem to stop me.
* I do notice that I pick up on people and situations quickly. Then I'm left wondering why everyone else can't see it. It just seems so obvious.
* I don't know if anyone else experiences communication difficulties, too. Probably. When listening to others, I tend to only need the "Big Picture" and all the little details just kind of fall into place for me....I get exasperated with people that go over and over and over each detail to tell a story. I mean, "I GET IT ALREADY, MOVE ON!" That's in my head of course. It would be rude to say it out loud! But here's the flip side of that (and it doesn't serve me well at all)...since I like "Big Picture" talking, most other types don't understand what it is I'm trying to share with them...they need each tiny detail explained before they begin to comprehend. Then I just feel kinda clumsy and foolish...ready to go back to my thoughts knowing that I'm right and they "just don't get it".![]()
HAHA!! And kneepads....I recommend we put helmets in the INFJ gift bag.