So Lumi, do you have a specific INFJ in mind, or are you after us in general?
In general, I don't really see what our appeal is. I'm sure some among us are pretty great, though.
This is something I have sensed from several ENTPs I have known, that they tend to treat people more like objects to be rearranged however they personally desire.Good point. ENTP simply refuse to acknowledge that they can't have what they want. Part of the problem is ENTP's don't seem to care what their conquest thinks as long as the ENTP is happy.
Though I was originally hoping to simply trap INFJs in general, I now also hope to specifically trap BlindBandit (who will be subjected to the tortures of hanging out with my also ENTP brother all day), Dove (she strikes me as the one most likely to band my prisoners together to foment rebellion against me... keeping prisoners would be too boring if all they did was sit there in distain), and now you Razare. You know too much.
I actually don't know how.
I was hoping y'all would help me figure out the perfect INFJ trap.
Be of the opposite sex, (unless they are homosexual, then be of the same sex), and pout and feign sadness or crying, and ask for a hug. Big puppy dog eyes help, as does building up affections before hand.
We'll be putty in your hands.
This for sureAlso, cookies.
This too...this draws me like a moth to a flameJust be genuine.
Here is how an ENTP could potentially trap me and win me over quickly. Keep in mind I am gay, but I think this could apply to any pair up.
First would be direct eye contact, and a sort of "Stare" from afar. Assuming I was physically attracted to him, I would reciprocate briefly, then look away, then attempt to look back without "looking". Then he would the approach, simply walking up to me and starting a conversation on pretty much any kind of topic (really, anything. Well ok not anything, nothing controversial or profane). Use that confidant, "I like you" charm. It's the boldness and sureness of getting what you want, but at the same time leaving all the options open at the same time. Then within 5 to 10 minutes ask "I like you, let's go somewhere...", then go somewhere. Anywhere. Have fun.
This won't work all the time. And this is leaving out all of the subtle details of body language and gentleness (but firm/boldness) of approach. It's also assuming I am equally interested. If I go with the flow of your Ne, then I likely am. If I try to deflect things, I am not interested.
I actually don't know how.
I was hoping y'all would help me figure out the perfect INFJ trap.
Be of the opposite sex, (unless they are homosexual, then be of the same sex), and pout and feign sadness or crying, and ask for a hug. Big puppy dog eyes help, as does building up affections before hand.
We'll be putty in your hands.
kill it
This is something I have sensed from several ENTPs I have known, that they tend to treat people more like objects to be rearranged however they personally desire.
There was an ENTP who developed feelings for me recently. So first he dumped his girlfriend of several years. Then the very next day that he dumped her, he tells our mutual group of acquaintances that he is going to start courting me. After which followed several attempts to be witty and trying to participate in some discussions with me, pretty much forcibly, just stalking me around everywhere, calling me up very late, trying to initiate contact however much possible. After a month of this I have gotten very tired of him being so pushy and inconsiderate and just not showing like he had any concern for my feelings or wishes. I didn't really feel courted, more like as if I was a duck and the duck season was open.
^^ this is a way to NOT trap an INFJ
I know it can be hard to think about just being genuine when you a feeling nervous, but trying too hard is fake to me. I don't like fake. If you are shy then be shy...if you stumble over your words...that is so cuteIf you are confident then be that...just not over the top.
*sneaks up with a net*Sometimes I wish someone would try and trap me...
*sneaks up with a net*
True I just have no time or pataince for the mentality of most ENTP's. I most certainly would not tolerate in my love life.
I actually don't know how.
I was hoping y'all would help me figure out the perfect INFJ trap.
win some lose someThat would be very effective, but also illegal.