How would you react?

The video shows how a lot of people actually feel toward Islam and their book....and Muhammed. It is at the very least disrespectful. Their religion justifies their actions. The moderates hate to see such barbaric actions and wish it would go away, but it won't. Blaming this hatred on America is stupidity. This has been going on for a much longer time than America has existed.

I would not react like they are reacting because I am smarter than that. I have too much human compassion and love to kill, steal, and destroy over a stupid film. I feel very distressed over the actions of their people. If they are children of their God, they need correcting. If they have no correction, then they are all as if they have no Father. They are not showing the world a peaceful religion based on love. They are showing their true colors. Anyone think about Iran's nuclear ambitions today? Didn't think so. Wonder why.
The video shows how a lot of people actually feel toward Islam and their book....and Muhammed. It is at the very least disrespectful. Their religion justifies their actions. The moderates hate to see such barbaric actions and wish it would go away, but it won't. Blaming this hatred on America is stupidity. This has been going on for a much longer time than America has existed.

I would not react like they are reacting because I am smarter than that. I have too much human compassion and love to kill, steal, and destroy over a stupid film. I feel very distressed over the actions of their people. If they are children of their God, they need correcting. If they have no correction, then they are all as if they have no Father. They are not showing the world a peaceful religion based on love. They are showing their true colors. Anyone think about Iran's nuclear ambitions today? Didn't think so. Wonder why.

Just to reiterate man, it's partially about the film, but it's mainly about US occupation of the Middle East. It's not a coincidence that these protests happened on the anniversary of 9/11. The religion does not "justify their actions" a lot of the people in the Middle East are poor, uneducated and angry. And some of the people who do know how to read the Qu'ran are associated with the rebel groups and tell them whatever it is they need to hear to get them riled up enough to pick up a weapon or drive a car full of bombs to go out with a bang in the name of "jihad."

And Iran is perfectly allowed to have a nuclear program they signed the NPT and allow IAEA inspections all of the time. Iran has not attacked a nation in over 200 years. They are not a threat. Period.

Poetic Justice said:
Heh. Just watched the video. I agree with pretty much everything thing he said. If the american government wasn't such a narcissistic bitch they probably wouldn't have reacted so strongly to the movie about their prophet

I wouldn't be surprised if some poeple in al'quada are actively searching the internet, looking for things like the movie to help anger people into joining their fight

The reason the fight even exists is because of what he said in the video on this thread

It's not really that the US is a "narcisstic bitch" it's really that we're so deeply in bed with Israel and follow their policy (despite their open policy of ethnic cleansing and racial colonization, as well as stealing nuclear technology and uranium from us) because they are a cashcow for the Military-Industrial Complex. The same people in Dick Cheney's Vice Presidential Office were radically conservative, dual US-Israeli citizens writing policy papers in the 90's talking about bolstering US military spending and going to war with Afghanistan and Iraq.
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[MENTION=6042]Faltizan[/MENTION], you are entitled to your opinions like everyone else. I disagree with most of what you are saying.

I will not open their book again just to prove a point.
Hateful, warmongering, violent, obnoxious degenerates acting like idiots. You might think I was describing Muslims there, right? @Faltizan already pointed out what I was going to bring up though (9/11 attacks and the Bush regime).

We have an entire political spectrum and culture in this country that seems dedicated to declaring war for anything, on anyone, in any continent. We have political "parties" calling for violence and acts of hate against our own citizens and government. For every "radical Muslim" you see on the media, I meet their radical US counterpart in real life, on a daily basis.

You turn those media cameras around and you'll see an equally radical and violent belief system behind them. Anyone not willing to jump on board the "blame the Muslims" bandwagon is considered a "sympathizer" and portrayed in an equally negative light, even the President of the USA.

Don't forget that for a few generations now, most bomb drops and missile strikes that have occurred in the Middle East have had the "Made in the USA label" stuck to them. Do we really expect a peaceful reaction out of people who we've all played an indirect part in killing?
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What I think those that rioted over this film (more like a home movie) don't seem to realize is, they brought attention to the film, which if they hadn't reacted very few if any would have even known it existed.
They gave it fame and I suppose validation to some degree in the eyes of anti-Muslim hate groups from their reaction to the film.
Some folk make it out almost like they see the Yemeni Embassy being overrun by Americans with guns, grenades, and mortars in 50 Toyota trucks with heavy machine guns. Next, the Americans are dragging out the Muslims and killing them.

Blaming 9-11 on anyone but who did it? What can I say? Maybe the internet was invented by a politician. Sure he had his demonized goals behind it. sarcasm

This shows just how much of a handle Obama has on the Muslim world and our getting along better with them. Maybe the Republicans did this to discredit Obama? It is election time around the corner. Cheney with a gun doesn't mix well, anyway.

I'd like to see this all go away, but there are large factions of Islam at war with us. Be nice and turn your back on them. Let your children pay for your innocense.
There's just too much stupidity in this world. It's all very well and good to say, "Oh, I wouldn't have done XYZ," but the thing is, no one has an innate character. We would be doing bad, irrational things if we'd been given the wrong education and upbringing, too. It's our job as people who are lucky to help out the people who aren't, by reaching out to them.
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention -->
@<a href="" target="_blank">Faltizan</a>
<!-- END TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention -->, you are entitled to your opinions like everyone else. I disagree with most of what you are saying.

I will not open their book again just to prove a point.

Lol, when I talk about current events and world affairs, I go especially out of my way to make sure that I can back up what I say because I wouldn't want to read anyone else saying stuff that they couldn't back up. If you don't believe me saying that this is about American intervention in the Middle East, would you be more comfortable hearing it out of the mouth of an ex-CIA director?


Lerxst said:
Hateful, warmongering, violent, obnoxious degenerates acting like idiots. You might think I was describing Muslims there, right? [MENTION=6042]Faltizan[/MENTION] already pointed out what I was going to bring up though (9/11 attacks and the Bush regime).

We have an entire political spectrum and culture in this country that seems dedicated to declaring war for anything, on anyone, in any continent. We have political "parties" calling for violence and acts of hate against our own citizens and government. For every "radical Muslim" you see on the media, I meet their radical US counterpart in real life, on a daily basis.

You turn those media cameras around and you'll see an equally radical and violent belief system behind them. Anyone not willing to jump on board the "blame the Muslims" bandwagon is considered a "sympathizer" and portrayed in an equally negative light, even the President of the USA.

Don't forget that for a few generations now, most bomb drops and missile strikes that have occurred in the Middle East have had the "Made in the USA label" stuck to them. Do we really expect a peaceful reaction out of people who we've all played an indirect part in killing

Thank you for not making me look like a loon regarding 9/11, there are so many inconsistencies with the official story (collapse of Building 7 and it not being mentioned in the 9/11 Commission, book by a former FBI translator named Sibel Edmonds called "Classified Woman" that shows that there was plenty of knowledge about the attacks before it happened and it was deliberately and purposefully ignored, plenty of firemen's/civilians reports of hearing explosions at the bottom of the twin towers) that there is no way that the story we were fed aka "the Muslims did it" makes sense. But what doesn't make sense to me is that, if this was a false flag just to give us a pretext for war, couldn't we have gone to war in a lot less messy of a manner that didn't require so many civilian deaths? What I posted earlier about the Bush neocons helping to execute it is true, but i've been reading a very very interesting report about the attacks that is heavily and extensively documented and cited with the hypothesis being "the attacks of September 11th were intended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which ‘unknown’ western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas. The attacks of September 11th also served to derail multiple Federal investigations away from crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. In doing so, the attacks were justified under the cardinal rule of intelligence: “protect your resources” and consistent with a modus operandi of sacrificing lives for a greater cause." This report mentions the Black Eagle Trust Fund, made up of gold confiscated from the Japanese and the Nazis after World War II, and how it was augmented after the overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos from the Phillipines, where the Japanese had hidden an estimated 280,000 tonnes of gold in the first half of the 20th century. We used 240 billion dollars worth of it in a covert economic war with the Soviet Union to collapse their economy in 1991.

I am completely, totally, and absolutely aware of how farfetched, absurd, implausible this may sound, but I only ask that you take a look at the report yourself, which is exhaustively documented. It's a long read and I haven't gotten my way through it, but it connects a lot of dots, as well as raises and answers many questions.

Brodskizzle said:
There's just too much stupidity in this world. It's all very well and good to say, "Oh, I wouldn't have done XYZ," but the thing is, no one has an innate character. We would be doing bad, irrational things if we'd been given the wrong education and upbringing, too. It's our job as people who are lucky to help out the people who aren't, by reaching out to them.

Totally agree, excellent post. Education is the foundation of a successful society, that's why we must do everything we can to teach, ask questions, and learn from others.
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Guess you missed the point.
Lol, when I talk about current events and world affairs, I go especially out of my way to make sure that I can back up what I say because I wouldn't want to read anyone else saying stuff that they couldn't back up. If you don't believe me saying that this is about American intervention in the Middle East, would you be more comfortable hearing it out of the mouth of an ex-CIA director?


Thank you for not making me look like a loon regarding 9/11, there are so many inconsistencies with the official story (collapse of Building 7 and it not being mentioned in the 9/11 Commission, book by a former FBI translator named Sibel Edmonds called "Classified Woman" that shows that there was plenty of knowledge about the attacks before it happened and it was deliberately and purposefully ignored, plenty of firemen's/civilians reports of hearing explosions at the bottom of the twin towers) that there is no way that the story we were fed aka "the Muslims did it" makes sense. But what doesn't make sense to me is that, if this was a false flag just to give us a pretext for war, couldn't we have gone to war in a lot less messy of a manner that didn't require so many civilian deaths? What I posted earlier about the Bush neocons helping to execute it is true, but i've been reading a very very interesting report about the attacks that is heavily and extensively documented and cited with the hypothesis being "the attacks of September 11th were intended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which ‘unknown’ western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas. The attacks of September 11th also served to derail multiple Federal investigations away from crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. In doing so, the attacks were justified under the cardinal rule of intelligence: “protect your resources” and consistent with a modus operandi of sacrificing lives for a greater cause." This report mentions the Black Eagle Trust Fund, made up of gold confiscated from the Japanese and the Nazis after World War II, and how it was augmented after the overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos from the Phillipines, where the Japanese had hidden an estimated 280,000 tonnes of gold in the first half of the 20th century. We used 240 billion dollars worth of it in a covert economic war with the Soviet Union to collapse their economy in 1991.

I am completely, totally, and absolutely aware of how farfetched, absurd, implausible this may sound, but I only ask that you take a look at the report yourself, which is exhaustively documented. It's a long read and I haven't gotten my way through it, but it connects a lot of dots, as well as raises and answers many questions.

Totally agree, excellent post. Education is the foundation of a successful society, that's why we must do everything we can to teach, ask questions, and learn from others.

PBS just showed a scientific-based documentary on the 9/11 events. As in, engineers, architects and mathematicians all using math and science to prove that events on that day didn't happen the way we were told.

Although, I think we're straying off the topic's course here...
Religion isn't to blame in all of this - crazy power-mongerers taking advantage of impoverished disenchanted young people are to blame.

It's terrible. It's absolutely terrible. There's so much in this world that desperately needs to be changed. Every loss of a human life is a tragedy. I pray for those that are taken from their loved ones in an unrighteous fashion.
My point still stands on this: If you took a chunk of America equal in size and population to a Middle Eastern country, placed all of the ultra-conservative Christians in that portion (Tea Party) and called it its own country, you'd have Iran.

We breed these same people we see in foreign news cameras, in our own backyard. They just have a different skin color and call Allah, God.
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Jesus Christ, enough with the fucking conspiracy theories.

Who pissed in your cereal? How were that last 2 posts in any way, shape, or form, related to a conspiracy theory?
Life is my favorite cereal.
Jesus Christ, enough with the fucking conspiracy theories.

No conspiracy talk over here my friend. If you think "conspiracies" are impossible go read up on the details regarding Iran-Contra, a massive government conspiracy that happened under Reagan (you might already know this though). Our Congress passed the Boland Amendment which prohibited funding to the Nicaraguan Contras, and Iran was under an arms embargo so we couldn't sell them weapons.......yet we sold them weapons under the pretext of releasing hostages (no hostages were released) in order to fund the Contras. So the claim that "conspiracies" are kooky, completely out there and implausible can easily be shut down with moderate online research, the CIA and the Mossad have gotten away with plenty of covert operations and false flags.

"According to the official story, on the morning of September 11, four enormous, fuel-laden, lumbering jumbo jets were hijacked by 19 Arab men with box-cutters and zero in-air flight experience. These slow, unmaneuverable planes were then flown for 1 hour and 45 minutes through the most restricted airspace in the world without eliciting a single military intercept. The most sophisticated military in the world, able to strike dime-sized targets from hundreds of miles away with laser-guided missiles, precision radar equipment, and state of the art aircraft capable of flying well over 1,300 mph, could not locate, engage, nor intercept four wandering jumbo jets. A military that has a budget larger than the combined military assets of every other country in the world could not scramble, intercept and engage any of the radically wayward planes. Even Flight 77, which was allowed to fly unimpeded and crash into the Pentagon one full hour after two jets had been flown into the Twin Towers in NYC, failed to elicit the response and intercept from any military jets. Nor, indeed, did flight 93. A plane that crashed in a Pennsylvania field 1 hour and 45 minutes after the first plane was confirmed hijacked."

If you're a private pilot flying a small plane and you're flying off course, it only takes around ten minutes before two F-18's are up on your ass.

" According to the 9/11 Comission, Flight 11 (the plane that hit the first tower) was confirmed hijacked at 8:14 am. Reliable accounts push the time of military contact regarding the hijacking at around 8:25 a.m. (still 21 minutes before the first impact into the North Tower). Even NORAD official Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins of the Air National Guard confirmed that the military had received hijacking information by 8:30 a.m. (ABC Nightly News Report, 9/11/02). The 9/11 Commission Report, however, for some reason puts the time of military contact at 8:37:52 - an unsupported, unsubstantiated, unexplained time that stands a full 23 minutes longer than standard operating procedure would have dictated. And finally, at 8:46 a.m., as Flight 11 was slamming into Tower 1, F-15 fighter jets were scrambled from Otis Air Force Base. Thirty-two excruciating minutes after all existing standard operating procedures explicitly instructed regarding the scrambling of military jets on the morning of September 11.

This wild deviation from standard protocol has been glossed over by 'official reports' as a simple case of confusion, chaos, faulty communication, ineffective response training, etc. But thirty-two minutes of delay is not chaos and confusion. It is a systematic failure at so many levels of so many different inter-linked individuals and departments to perform their most basic responsibilities that it defies the laws of probability to suggest they all failed at the same time on the same day in the exact same coordinated manner. At the very least, their behavior was gross, criminal incompetence that should have led to the dismissal and trial of people up and down the chain of command in the FAA and NORAD. Their 'chaos and confusion' resulted in the deaths of 3,000 people, yet not one of them was fired or tried. Why? Does this make any sense?"

9/11 was a false flag stand down, the same way Pearl Harbor was. If you don't believe that there was an abundance of information available about the attacks before it happened, I suggest reading Classified Woman by Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator. Or if you want to watch a film on it on youtube, you should check out "Missing Links: The Definitive Truth on 9/11" or the video made by the same person I quoted in my earlier posts, "911 cover up condensed to 28 minutes" by Ry Dawson.

"All the intelligence services of America and Europe… know full well that the disastrous attack (of 9/11) has been planned and realized from the Mossad...with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the Western Powers to take part… in Iraq and Afghanistan."
~ Former President of Italy, Francesco Cossiga

"“What we need to stand up and say is not only did they attack the USS Liberty, they did 9/11. They did it. I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at it’s headquarters, Marine Corps and I made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period.”
Dr. Alan Sabrosky – Ph.D, University of Michigan, Former Director of Studies at the Army War College
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Because killing hostages is standard operating procedure right?

Please, [MENTION=6042]Faltizan[/MENTION], if you want to discuss this topic, please make another thread. You can quote from this thread in that one if you feel it necessary, but it is impolite to derail this thread to something tangentially related to the topic.