John K
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One example I can think of - it would make abortion much more complex ethically. It seems to me that the controversy about it hinges on when human life begins. I don’t think many people would agree to killing a person and most people who accept abortion believe they are not doing that. It would complicate this if a fetus can survive outside the womb from conception.What would the other problems be?
I’m not comfortable with us using gene manipulation to solve the problem. There is the law of unintended consequences in all complex situations. And there is the likelihood that at least some will use it to attempt to create a master race - probably ending up with a more subtle version of the Frankenstein story. But you never know - it might be a way out if we can do it well.I think it's possible. Maybe if gene modification was a success tho it'd solve it, but to take a genome into our hands is an uncomfortable idea. And would the picture of "best fitted for modern society" change?
I suspect our world is far too unstable and changing for natural selection to keep up. Perhaps it would be really good once (if!) we have cracked the problem of how to live well in balance with nature if things went into a more stable sort of society and economy for a few thousand years?