HumanMetrics Test

Your Type, INFJ

Introverted 11%
Intuitive 38%
Feeling 12%
Judging 1%

I've taken this exact test 3 times, every time I get INFJ but with lower percentages each time...

Any idea what this means?

Your scores are pretty low which means that you can switch from function to function more easily than others with a high schore. However, your preferences are for INFJ and always will be(as long as you answer them honestly). For me having low scores is very good because it means that you're more tolerable with other people's types and that you're able to adapt to different situation where you might need a function different than your preferred one. My ultimate goal is for my MBTI type to be XXXX so I can use all the functions accordingly to the situation that may rise.
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[SIZE=+1]Your Type is

Introverted 67
Intuitive 38
Feeling 38
Judging 39

I tried to do what Indy said here and just be as completely honest as possible, not answer who I want to be but who I am. I still get INFJ but the scores are considerably different. Before everything was in the 50's. Sort of right on the fence so to speak, and now that I'm being more honest, well this is what I come up with. I think having explored more on this site and within myself in general has helped me to come to a better understanding of my MBTI or personality.... :D Interesting.......
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I'm really not.. must just be the frame of mind I'm in today...


[SIZE=+0]Strength of the preferences %[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]56_________________88___________1_____________11________[/SIZE]

You are:
  • moderately expressed introvert
  • very expressed intuitive personality
  • slightly expressed thinking personality
  • slightly expressed perceiving personality
  • :rip:
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Your scores are pretty low which means that you can switch from function to function more easily than others with a high schore. However, your preferences are for INFJ and always will be(as long as you answer them honestly). For me having low scores is very good because it means that you're more tolerable with other people's types and that you're able to adapt to different situation where you might need a function different than your preferred one.

Why do you say this? Can't one be adept at using all the functions but just have strong preferences for a limited amount?

Why do you think that a person with low scores is more tolerant of others then a person with high scores? Can someone have a strong preference for being their type yet understand well that others just have different preferences?
Woo I did it again for kicks. It's difficult for me to say how accurate this is. I tried REALLY hard to answer honestly.

[SIZE=+1][SIZE=+2]I 78
N 38
F 62
J 22
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[/SIZE] [SIZE=+0]Strength of the preferences %[/SIZE]
Introverted 50
Intuitive 85
Feeling 12
Judging 15
Why do you say this? Can't one be adept at using all the functions but just have strong preferences for a limited amount?

Why do you think that a person with low scores is more tolerant of others then a person with high scores? Can someone have a strong preference for being their type yet understand well that others just have different preferences?

You tell me Duty, can you tolerate other people's weakness? I don't know if your INTP scores are high or low but lets say your I function is very high, you're an extreme introvert. Will you tolerate a person who is an extrovert to drag you into his extroverted and social activities while you're more of a withdrawn type who doesn't like those things? Same thing if you're a strong P, will you be more understanding of your J buddy to always have a plan for everything and be more directing in ways he wants things done, while you, a "P", are more to go with the flow, wait for more information to make decisions and more relaxed to those approaches that to a "j" doesn't always work that way.

On the other hand, if you have low scores on the MBTI you are usually more understanding of how the other functions work because you have almost an equal balance of the both types. Lets say you scored almost a tie on your "F" and "T" functions, you are most likely to be more objective on your decisions but at the same time take considerations on other peoples feelings on those decisions.

I'm sorry that I don't have an article or any evidence behind this reasoning of mine, though I'm pretty sure you won't take this as certain because if I'm correct, T functions needs facts and a logical explanation but unfortunely I can't find any articles that demonstrate my conclusions. I hope someone else in this forum will gladly tell you their point of view with what you're expecting.
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AGAIN. ::Sigh:: Does anyone know any INTP girls? Maybe if I met an INTP girl I would know if I'm an INTP or not. All the INT types I know are men. This is really frustrating. Screw it... I don't care that much.

[SIZE=+1]Your Type is
[SIZE=+2] INTP[/SIZE][/SIZE]IntrovertedIntuitiveThinkingPerceiving [SIZE=+0]Strength of the preferences %[/SIZE] 89622533
Heh, this is the first test that ever typed me as INFJ! :D

I took it just now: ISFP
Introverted - 44%
Sensing - 1%
Feeling - 50%
Perceiving - 11%

Fail! :(
Heh, this is the first test that ever typed me as INFJ! :D

I took it just now: ISFP
Introverted - 44%
Sensing - 1%
Feeling - 50%
Perceiving - 11%

Fail! :(

Not fail, those N/S and P/J scores are low. You might be the reverse of me where you use perceving functions heavily.

44 Introverted
88 Intuitive
62 Feeling
22 Perceiving

  • moderately expressed introvert
  • very expressed intuitive personality
  • distinctively expressed feeling personality
  • slightly expressed perceiving personality

You tell me Duty, can you tolerate other people's weakness? I don't know if your INTP scores are high or low but lets say your I function is very high, you're an extreme introvert. Will you tolerate a person who is an extrovert to drag you into his extroverted and social activities while you're more of a withdrawn type who doesn't like those things? Same thing if you're a strong P, will you be more understanding of your J buddy to always have a plan for everything and be more directing in ways he wants things done, while you, a "P", are more to go with the flow, wait for more information to make decisions and more relaxed to those approaches that to a "j" doesn't always work that way.

On the other hand, if you have low scores on the MBTI you are usually more understanding of how the other functions work because you have almost an equal balance of the both types. Lets say you scored almost a tie on your "F" and "T" functions, you are most likely to be more objective on your decisions but at the same time take considerations on other peoples feelings on those decisions.

I'm sorry that I don't have an article or any evidence behind this reasoning of mine, though I'm pretty sure you won't take this as certain because if I'm correct, T functions needs facts and a logical explanation but unfortunely I can't find any articles that demonstrate my conclusions. I hope someone else in this forum will gladly tell you their point of view with what you're expecting.

I see more possibility here then just "if you have a high tolerance for other functions, you must have low scores because that's the only way you understand them."

It seems much more likely that understanding and tolerating the different functions of others is more about how developed you are...emotional intelligence much more then the strength of your MBTI preferences. You can be a very developed, mature person and yet still have strong preferences for your functions.

No, it's completely unconvincing, and should be unconvincing to others, to just assert that "low scores = you understand others better because you're closer to the middle." Do people with low scores have trouble understanding those with strong preferences? "Why would you have a strong preference? It seems bad and shows a lack of understanding of the other side."

You tell me Duty, can you tolerate other people's weakness? I don't know if your INTP scores are high or low but lets say your I function is very high, you're an extreme introvert. Will you tolerate a person who is an extrovert to drag you into his extroverted and social activities while you're more of a withdrawn type who doesn't like those things?

First, I'm one case. We're talking about a statistic here, not an anecdote.

Still, to answer your question, I'm a very very expressed introvert. Still, I haven't gotten alone time for weeks because my girlfriend is very much an extrovert. Not only do I tolerate it well, but I've adapted to appreciate it...I involve her in my normally solitary activities. I've recently even conquered my social anxiety disorder because of a desire to develop and mature as a person.

All it sounds like here is you're making an assumption, got called on it, found no evidence to support it either way, but still want to judge people with strong preferences as being poor at tolerating other functions. If I'm wrong on this correct me please.

Tbh, the functions are called preferences for a reason...they express nothing about how well you understand the functions nor do they express how tolerant you are of other functions. It's just about which ones you are most comfortable expressing...that's all. I'm most comfortable with INTP, it speaks nothing of my understanding or tolerence to say I have a strong preference for being this personality type. Not everyone is at the same level of maturity...not all INTPs misunderstand feeler types and think them misguided. Personality is not what determines development.
Duty nailed it.

Not to toot my own horn, but I concider myself a mature, emotionally intelligent person. However, I have a very strong prefrence of functions, as many people here would know. I use Ni to a fault, and I look at Se and want to lock it in a box and throw away the key. I have in the past few month begun to understand exactly what Se is, and have come to realise that many of my close friends use Se quite alot. However, just because I have grown an understanding for it, doesn't mean that I will now go use it more. I don't feel the need to use Se on my own to the degree that others do. I am confortable with my usage of functions. Will this change in the future? I would imagine so. Everyones function usage changes over time, but I have a strong prefrence to what I use, and I don't think that overall prefrence will change. To be honest, that prefence is what makes a person the individual that they are.

Also, someone with low scores could have little understanding of themselves. I have met people like this in the past.
^^ Just curious, what do you think of my scores Indi?
^^ Just curious, what do you think of my scores Indi?

Well, there is no question that you are an INFJ. Not just from those results, but from observation of all of your postings, thoughts, ideas, feelings, ect. You are pretty defined type, and do have a function prefrence. Your scores would indicate that you tend to you introverted functions more then the extroverted ones, and that your function curve (the rate at which they decrease in decending order) is not as sharp. I would venture to guess that your lowest score would be Se, however you still use it. As there appears to be no define clustering other then introversion
Still, to answer your question, I'm a very very expressed introvert. Still, I haven't gotten alone time for weeks because my girlfriend is very much an extrovert. Not only do I tolerate it well, but I've adapted to appreciate it...I involve her in my normally solitary activities. I've recently even conquered my social anxiety disorder because of a desire to develop and mature as a person.

Well if that's the case Duty, I suggest you take the test again, if you answer truthfully and you actually adapted to extroverted activities your answers to some of the introverted questions are going to change and therefore your introverted scores are going to drop as a result of that. Like you said, the MBTi serves as a preference tool, you will always be an INTP but that doesn't mean that your function scores are going to remain the same. I know mine change. I used to be a strong "J" but slowly started adapting more and becoming more flexible with some situations, thus some of the answers to some of the questions on the personality test started to change and my "J" function dropped from a 56 to a 22. HOwever if you have a bias towards a function most people will deliberately try to control some of their answers so their functions remain the same and therefore keep telling to the world that I'm an "INFJ" or "INTP"or whatever.

All it sounds like here is you're making an assumption, got called on it, found no evidence to support it either way, but still want to judge people with strong preferences as being poor at tolerating other functions. If I'm wrong on this correct me please.

You're correct, after all these are my personal opinions and observations, of course I was going to judge what I see. You're already judging me because I've found no evidence to support what I said but that's not the point, each person has their own unique way to grow and develop, my way to develop are in my personality traits and in regards to the MBTI I want my scores to be as low as possible because I have the notion that having low scores mean you tolerate other people's differences.On the other hand if you can show me why my thinking is flawed I also want evidence from you to say that my observations are wrong.

Tbh, the functions are called preferences for a reason...they express nothing about how well you understand the functions nor do they express how tolerant you are of other functions. It's just about which ones you are most comfortable expressing...that's all.

I'm going to disagree with this Duty. The reason I'm fascinated with the MBTI is because it gives me the opportunity to understand other types not just mine.After all, I already know what my weaknesses are and one of them is being stubborn and thinking I'm always right but just because that's one of my traits I'm just going to say "Yup, that's what I am if you don't like it...screw it. "NO, on the contrary I want to avoid this kind of obsessive thinking that I'm this stubborn brat and I'm not comfortable expressing I'm an introvert in parties even though I technically am an introvert. I want to be an extrovert when it's a good time to be and I would like to be an introvert when it's ok to be one. To ME(see the emphasis on ME) the MBTI serves the purpose to understand other types.

Personality is not what determines development

To me it is. Personality is everything to development. Though I agree with you it also depends on your maturity level. But guess what? The way to be more mature is to understand yourself better as well as others.
By the way Duty, you're making me think too much LOL. I appreciate it :)
"Myers clearly took the view that the dynamic is at work from the beginning.
She wrote that .good type development, therefore, demands two conditions:
first, adequate but by no means equal development of a judging process and a
perceptive process, one of which predominates, and second, adequate but by no
means equal facility in using both the extraverted and introverted attitudes, with
one predominating..balance means superior skill in one, supplemented by a
helpful but not competitive skill in the other..13 In her further exploration, she
points out that we need to learn the appropriate and inappropriate use of each
process to enhance development, and the reward for doing so is more
effectiveness, success, happiness, and mental health."-

I hope this helps.
AGAIN. ::Sigh:: Does anyone know any INTP girls? Maybe if I met an INTP girl I would know if I'm an INTP or not. All the INT types I know are men. This is really frustrating. Screw it... I don't care that much.

[SIZE=+1]Your Type is [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1][SIZE=+2]INTP[/SIZE][/SIZE]IntrovertedIntuitiveThinkingPerceiving [SIZE=+0]Strength of the preferences %[/SIZE] 89622533

The thing that sticks in my mind most about INTPs is that emotions make them uncomfortable because their primary mode is objective observer. Are you an objective observer?

You strike me as not INTP. It's your writing that makes me think this. Not that INTPs can't be kick-ass writers, but your writing is too passionate and too involved. When I read it, I know that you're writing from feeling and that it's feeling that inspires you to write.