
I guess I am the odd one out in that deep down I want to completely lose control, and just hand it over to someone else.

I can't emphisize this enough though, throughout the experience, I felt like I was still in control, and at any moment I could break free if I wanted to. I just didn't want to, I was having fun, and it was a very surreal and cool experience.
I think I share the same feelings as you do Milon. I have issues trusting people in general; I wouldn't want someone to have control over me that way.

You could have someone you DO trust present to make sure you weren't being taken advantage of. Like Indigo, I kind of desire the ability to just cut loose. But, like many of you, I don't think I'd go under. (Perhaps, if I took a muscle relaxer first)?

The idea of doing a past life regression makes me a little anxious though. I'd get something screwed up like: "You were Jack the Ripper" or something horrible... Then what the hell am I suppose to do with that?
I don't know if anyone's still reading this thread anymore, but yes, I've been hypnotized and done self-hypnosis and was actually impressed with the potential. I used hypnosis during childbirth with pretty good results. Well, it helped a lot and I was able to walk into the hospital at an advanced stage of labor anyway, but things did kind of get worse after that, but that is a long story.

It feels detached. That is the single best word I can use to describe it. Like you are there, but just unplugged, detached, observing. I find it hugely relaxing.

I did the hypnosis-for-past-life-regression thing too, and that was highly interesting but not nearly as useful as the hypnosis-for-relieving-childbirth-pain thing.
I've never been hypnotized but I'm interested in it, though. How do you hypnotize yourself?
I don't know if anyone's still reading this thread anymore, but yes, I've been hypnotized and done self-hypnosis and was actually impressed with the potential. I used hypnosis during childbirth with pretty good results. Well, it helped a lot and I was able to walk into the hospital at an advanced stage of labor anyway, but things did kind of get worse after that, but that is a long story.

It feels detached. That is the single best word I can use to describe it. Like you are there, but just unplugged, detached, observing. I find it hugely relaxing.

I did the hypnosis-for-past-life-regression thing too, and that was highly interesting but not nearly as useful as the hypnosis-for-relieving-childbirth-pain thing.

Damnit Janet!
Hypnosis freaks me out! I don't think its right for somebody to be able have such power over another. And I think I would be really easily hypnotised for some reason if someone tried- it scares me.
Hard for me to be hypnotized. I tried it in college when a hypnotist came to do a show and I volunteered. However, the mental switch did not turn off and I was out of hypnosis instantly. It has to do with not trusting the hypnotist i believe and also control issues.

But love to try past life regression hypnosis though.
I did the hypnosis-for-past-life-regression thing too, and that was highly interesting but not nearly as useful as the hypnosis-for-relieving-childbirth-pain thing.

This should be a must for many women.:m023:
There is a school of thought that says "all hypnosis is self hypnosis" and if you go by that mentality it explains why some people go under, why others don't and why some who do go under cut loose and are very open to suggestability.
I was taught how to hypnotise people by a hypnotist who insisted on me hypnotising him and putting in triggers so that for example every time he washed his hands he would become intensely aroused. It was an interesting use of hypnotism and much fun to play with.
I love self hypnosis too:)
Never tried it but would love to do it with someone I trust.
I went to the best hypnotist in the city a few years back to quit smoking. I just sat there staring at him thinking "Yeahhhhh right. Okayyy" It did absolutely nothing for me...didn't even make me drowsy.
Hypnosis is just altering brain waves down to theta levels from normal waking alpha/beta levels. You do the same thing every time you fall asleep, and every time you wake up. If you meditate, this is the rough state you're in. If you're channeling The Muse(tm), you're probably there as well. There's no "loss of control" like some mention, just a detached, floaty state that you're free to do with as you will.

"Stage hypnosis" is a set of techniques designed to get (a few) highly-suggestible people into a theta state quickly. Most stage hypnotists will have a set of criteria that they look for in a subject to determine if they will be a good candidate for it or not. It bears little resemblance to regular (or self) hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a great tool for some things - it can get past front-line defenses on issues to let you try and enact some change from a different perspective. It can defuse unwanted/extreme emotional responses as well - allowing you to do work more rationally. In the end, though, it's much like subliminals - both are best when you're working on something you already want to change.