I probably will get a lot of hate for saying this, but it doesn't matter because I feel like I need to say it anyway. :/
I'm scared for my country. Thousands and more and more thousands of people are now coming to here, Northern Europe. They're mostly young healthy looking men, where are all the children and women? Fighting in the Syria when at the same time their men are running away and leaving them behind? Is that fair?
Men, men and more men...
Source: http://weblog.iom.int/migrant-crisis-mediterranean-what-can-be-done
Why? Well, there are many reasons and ''the biggest reason'' that everyone think is that they are running away from Syria because of the war at there. I understand that... I understand that many of them are in a danger, scared and want to go to a country which is safe for them to live and have a better life for their families. In the end... Who doesn't want a safe life for them and their loved ones? Everyone wants and deserves that. BUT, there are some big issues now and this is something which makes me a bit scared.
If they would be in a real danger, hungry, thirsty and needing the help... Why they're throwing all this food and water to the ground? Happened in Hungary...
Reception center for immigrants was set on fire in Estonia:
Source: http://www.virumaateataja.ee/3315507/pagulaskeskuse-elanik-polengukoha-juures-oli-olilaik
I understand that they might feel frustrated and angry etc. because of their situation but still... Is that acceptable? Really?
They're not all from Syria as you see... Also from Africa etc.
Now tents are too bad for them... Well, they're in a safe country, that is what should matter the most? Also when thinking about how many hundreds of them are coming, not all European countries are economically stable and prepared to give the best kind of help for them (my country is one of them). Especially how quickly this mass immigration happened, only in few days. Which also makes me think why only now? War in the Syria has been happening for some time now, so why they're only coming now?
Most of them wants to go to Germany, because Merkel seem to have given a message to them that they want them to there. Hungary is a safe country but no... It's not a good enough for them. There has even been this one Syrian man in the news here in my country that he traveled through Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Germany, Denmark, Sweden to here: Finland. Aren't all those countries safe, eh? Why Sweden, Germany or Finland? Because they will get free health care, free schools, they will basically come to there because they know that our politicians and whoever else are welcoming them. They aren't stupid, they have paid thousands to get here (illegally). So the people who are in real danger, poor and maybe ill too have been left behind to Syria... Only the rich ones are coming. They know that Northern European countries have (almost) free welfare system and they want benefit from it too. Also even if these countries would have systems to get them to learn the language, go to school and work etc. still it would take many years before they are integrated here. Do we have money for them? My country is already economically in a bad place and it's going even more down... They said here that they have to build 5 new reception centers every WEEK so there's enough space for them. My country has already been cutting to half every possible allowance what you could even think about from the government. But now... Suddenly having millions to take care of these immigrants but what about your own citizens? We aren't important enough? I understand that something has to be done for them, since thousands of them are coming here and everywhere so suddenly, in such a short amount of time. All these countries aren't prepared for this... I am not a racist, by the way. I don't care if you are white, black, blue, yellow or from Mars. I don't care what is your religion or what language do you speak. It doesn't matter. What matters is... We don't have resources for this! No money, none! Maybe we have lot of space but really, money has ended a long time ago. And now we have to take care of them? What about the Dublin Regulation? Why no country doesn't follow it? These immigrants should be taken back to the safe European country where they came from (by the Dublin Regulation
http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affair...asylum/examination-of-applicants/index_en.htm). Why we are responsible about them? Why no one takes care about the root cause/issue in the Syria or in the other countries? They just bring their problems to here... I don't want Europe to become another new war zone. :/
Also this happened few days ago in Sweden, in area of immigrants who have gotten permission to live there (I don't know how many years they have lived there already but.. but that's not the point):
Source: http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/15-tal-bilar-har-satts-i-brand-i-ostberga/
I'm also afraid because I am a woman... And well, they can abuse sexually much often than the original citizen here. I'm not saying that all of them are rapers but somehow Islamic culture doesn't respect women in the way we more Western countries do. In this one research in my country, they have noticed that men from Somalia rape 17 times more than original citizens:
http://www.optula.om.fi/material/at...imuksia-sarja/XZ5bk8f2H/265_Lehti_ym_2014.pdf Just one example, I'm not saying it's the truth.
I don't know... Whew, just needed to vent this out. I am sure some of you don't agree with me, it's fine. This is only my humble opinion about this issue and it's not the whole truth, only my (scared) opinion.
I'm just scared for Europe and for my country, that's all.