I Am Indeed INFP

Wow, nice explanations Von Hase, I myself have come in confusion with basically every N type, but I think my preferences are more clearly INFJ now, unless someone wants to disagree xD.
You're welcome. However, you might be an INFJ who simply over estimates her F functions when testing.

Read this...


and tell me if...

hmmmm, i read that, still not sure if i'm INFJ or ENFJ but leaning towards INFJ mostly maybe.

You use your sense of how you feel things should be and creating harmony in all that you do and are?


You feel a reflex to show that you care for others by using your ability to spot things intuitively to help others more than for yourself?


Your inner child is a wild and rambunctious character who likes to do things, run about, and engage the world?

Yes, my inner child is wild in some ways (although it's repressed), i wouldn't say rambunctious.

You know that you are at your best when you are engaging your understanding of how all the little details work, but most of the time you don't bother concerning yourself with these things?

Errr, I think so, if I'm understanding it right, but I'm not sure.
You use your sense of how you feel things should be and creating harmony in all that you do and are?


You feel a reflex to show that you care for others by using your ability to spot things intuitively to help others more than for yourself?


Your inner child is a wild and rambunctious character who likes to do things, run about, and engage the

Deeply I can be wild, it takes me a while, I sometimes tend to be too much of a ''people-pleaser'', engaging in the world not so much, I like my own private world.

You know that you are at your best when you are engaging your understanding of how all the little details work, but most of the time you don't bother concerning yourself with these things?

I don't pay much attention to detail, and I'm not really at my best with this sort of thing

Hmm...Some ENFJ characteristics are present.

Also Fly_away I think your an INFJ, you don't seem so much of an extrovert to me now....
Age and maturity also plays a role as well. So, some qualities which may seem to be a dominant trait in someone with a particular type, may not be as obvious, because they've learned to strike a balance. As they get older, they become more moderate.
Also wow.....


This is the first time I ever get the order Ni>Fe>Ti.....
Cognitive ProcessLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)

extraverted Sensing (Se) ******************* (19)
limited use

introverted Sensing (Si) ********* (9.1)

extraverted Intuiting (Ne) *********************************** (35.3)
good use

introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************************************* (49.5)
excellent use

extraverted Thinking (Te) ******************** (20.3)
limited use

introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************************** (38.4)
excellent use

extraverted Feeling (Fe) *************************************** (39.3)
excellent use

introverted Feeling (Fi) ***************************** (29.9)
average use
The more you focus on trying to sort your cognitive functions, the more you are forced to think about essential questions to your persona. Eventually, you realize that many things that you thought were parts of your personality, were simply ideals. In addition, parts of your personality that you like to pretend aren't there will surface and you will see this. A product of this is a slow progressive shifting of your cognitive function scores over time. Since you have been putting a very high level of focus into your functions and overall personality, in regards to sorting it out, your functions are "normalizing". I.E. coming closer to where they actually fall. It took me months before mine normalized, and now my scores are more or less statics. The same will happen for you eventually.
NAI, if you're truly an INFP, you're one of the coolest INFP I've ever had the pleasure to meet. You bring such a great spirit into the forum and a warm presence. Thank you for dropping by in this place my friend.
Yes, what Last Dawn said.

Also, do you zone out? Is that strictly an INFJ thing?
On that vtwellness site, what is the left hand side box mean? Those are the types bad traits? Or shadow behaviors?
I would be interested to hear if you all think my type is solid (especially VH). Do I come across as strickly INFJ?

You also come more as P type to me but it might be just a temporary fluctuation due to age and experience. A few reasons for that:
1) you're a poet
2) you're a very warm person
3) your signature "Fiercely True"

My J and P are close, and I checked into INFP's; I can relate to some stuff too but not to all.

I would say you're J

Oh, and I have my long term suspicions that VH is ENFJ :D But now this thread is turning into rumor-mill.
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I played with all my stuffed animals equally when I was young because I did not want to hurt their feelings.
I feel like I am your clone at times.
I can't even throw my old stuffed animals away. They all sit in my closet at my parents house because they still have that lingering sense of personality to me. To throw them away would be murder!
Oh, and I have my long term suspicions that VH is ENFJ :D But now this thread is turning into rumor-mill.

Yes, I was afraid that this would turn into a typing rumor mill once I made an unsolicited type guess. I should have thought about that a moment longer before posting. My intuition was telling me it was a bad idea when I pushed the button.

I also had my suspicions that I was an ENFJ. A whole lot of them. I'm pretty sure I'm an INFJ because of the information presented here...


(The Ni traits matched my 'Hero', Fe matched my 'Father', Ti matched my 'Puella', and Se matched my 'Anima')

which fit much better than the information presented here...


(The Fe traits didn't match my 'Hero' as well as Ni, Ni didn't match my 'Father' as well as Fe, Se didn't match my 'Puella' as well as Ti, and Ti didn't match my 'Anima' as well as Se - and these differences were so sharp that it made me decide against ENFJ.)

However, I don't believe anyone is 100% any type. Due to the fact that we use and develop all of our functions, everyone is going to lean into other types.

What we're all trying to determine is our best fit type, and after taking a really good long look at ourselves, we choose the one that represents us the most accurately. For me, INFJ fits me the best, but ENFJ is a close second with my solid Fe, and INFP is not far behind at third because I do have a strong Fi and Ne. INTJ is also a very close fourth, and ENFP is a distant fifth. A lot of us have access to the traits of other types. If NAI has decided that INFP fits him best, that doesn't mean he doesn't have strong INFJ traits, or any other type traits. It just means he feels that INFP fits him best. All that picking one type does is show others which archetype we feel we most resemble.

In retrospect, it really was a bad idea to make an unsolicited guess about anyone's type. My apologies. I can't tell someone what archetype they want others to know they feel represents them the best.
I don't know about the rest of these INFPs. But I am a shameless slacking slacker.

Same here.

enfp can be shy said:
ENFJ-Fe, INFP-Fi --> judging functions (aka bitching folks, but who get things done, while bitching)

Just because our primary function is a judging one doesn't mean that we actually do anything about those judgements.
NAI, if you're truly an INFP, you're one of the coolest INFP I've ever had the pleasure to meet. You bring such a great spirit into the forum and a warm presence. Thank you for dropping by in this place my friend.

Thanks man! INFJs is the best community I have ever experienced online. Everyone here is simply awesome!

Yes, what Last Dawn said.

Also, do you zone out? Is that strictly an INFJ thing?

Uh, what did you say??? Sorry, I was... oh... Yeap!

I zone out all the time, I am lost in the clouds, sometimes I zone out and don't think about anything, which I had put in another post as a kind of trance.
My J and P are close, and I checked into INFP's; I can relate to some stuff too but not to all.

Anyways, I have to add myself to the list of wondering bout if you were INFJ, cus something seemed off about that to me too, lol.
I relate to this, and interestingly to some of your posts. I have tested as high Fi, and have even wondered if I was an INTJ with overgrown Fi. When interacting online, I find a handful of specifically INFJs whom I especially relate to, and relate to INFPs in more individual instances. I've tested as INFJ most often with occasional INFP or INTJ thrown in for twenty years. It seems like INFs are especially likely to wonder about various types because they are introspective and have a strength in terms of self-awareness. This leads the realization that a single category doesn't necessarily encapsulate an entire individual.
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I relate to this, and interestingly to some of your posts. I have tested as high Fi, and have even wondered if I was an INTJ with overgrown Fi. When interacting online, I find a handful of specifically INFJs whom I especially relate to, and relate to INFPs in more individual instances. I've tested as INFJ most often with occasional INFP or INTJ thrown in for twenty years. It seems like INFs are especially likely to wonder about various types because they are introspective and have a strength in terms of self-awareness. This leads the realization that a single category doesn't necessarily encapsulate an entire individual.

Nicely put.
i think you're right, i may appear like an ENFJ at times but i'm an INFJ, looking more closely

If you're not an ENFJ, I am certain that you are an INFJ. Sometimes, INFJs develop a very solid Fe, and can appear very much like ENFJs, especially in situations where we've learned that being our sweet, harmonious, INFJ selves isn't helping anyone.

I'm no exception.

Your test result scores look a lot like mine, just a little more ENFJ. That's why I guessed ENFJ. But, you don't have all of the ENFJ traits with respect to your online presence. Most importantly, I've found that ENFJs don't really spend much time pondering things, and certainly don't spend as much time poking around forums as we do. They live in the 'real world' more than we do, and as such don't seem to waste as much time on the internet, lost in their contemplations, or taking the time to express their thoughts with eloquent grammar. They're usually to busy to do something like this... which is why there are so few ENFJs here, and even fewer who post regularly.

I relate to this, and interestingly to some of your posts. I have tested as high Fi, and have even wondered if I was an INTJ with overgrown Fi. When interacting online, I find a handful of specifically INFJs whom I especially relate to, and relate to INFPs in more individual instances. I've tested as INFJ most often with occasional INFP or INTJ thrown in for twenty years. It seems like INFs are especially likely to wonder about various types because they are introspective and have a strength in terms of self-awareness. This leads the realization that a single category doesn't necessarily encapsulate an entire individual.

This is absolutely correct.

No one is going to fit any single type exclusively. Everyone is going to have traits and leanings toward other types. That's why I really like the design concept behind the Mental Muscle Test, as it attempts to measure our leaning toward other types. However, for most people, one type is the best fit, and that's the one that we're trying to figure out with all this self discovery. It is always implied that a person has leanings toward other types. The human mind is too unique and adaptive to fit neatly into one of 16 molds. Instead, much like garment sizes, we find the one that fits our unique shape the best. INFJ fits me best most of the time, but for evening wear ENFJ shows me off better. Sometimes I like to lay around the house in INFP sizes because they're so comfy. And for office wear, sometimes I can fit into INTJ sizes. But, the way to shop for me is INFJ, becuase whether it is casual, evening wear, jammies, or office wear, it almost always fits. Most people fit one size much better than the rest, but some of us are in between sizes. When people can't decide, they often ask 'which of these looks better on me?' Sometimes a size is so clearly not fitting that their friends will point it out without being asked 'that's too big for you'. In retrospect, offering suggestions on which type is a best fit requires the same tact and dimplomacy that offering a clothing size correction does. In trying to help, sometimes people's feelings can get hurt because they think they look good in the garment, or simply like the garment and want to look good in it.
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