I believe I am losing touch with reality as most see it.

The INFJ is also the most mind-body disconnected of all the types [MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION] often feeling as if they are in two places at once....our heads can often be in the clouds, we can be considered "mystical" much to our own ego's enjoyment It just takes time and personal effort to reach a peace between the two... I cannot honestly say that I have reached it personally but I do believe it exists. It is our own personal burden....and although you have not found a mentor, and yes you could call this a support group...at least you are not alone in this ideal to be attained. You should take some solace in that.

No but I have a very vivid imagination. I keep thinking I should become a fiction writer; I have so many stories going around in my head. I don’t feel as if I have had past lives but I have always felt older than my years, older than the people my same age act. Growing up I had always felt more comfortable (for the most part) around people considerably older than me. Yes, I sometimes feel as if I came from some other place, its just been recently I have come up with an idea about it that seems to fit. It’s also been the past few years that this “detachment” feeling has been accelerating.
I have to say its really just been amazing chating with people here. The fact that anyone understands what I am talking about it…. I have literally lived all of my life thinking many things like, there’s something wrong with me, I’m more conscious than other people etc…
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i feel i've lost touch with the world/human race/my life all the time... i can't really remember feeling any different... even as a little kid i didn't believe my parents were my real parents and somewhere there was a secret place where i was really from... i think that's a pretty common infx mindset... i still have this recurring thought that seems to pop in my head whenever things are going really well or really badly where i'm really a patient in an insane asylum somewhere locked away in a padded room with a coloring book and all of this "reality" is just a life i make up in my head... life as i know it is just some coping strategy... the ultimate imagery... lol... it's good you're searching for the answers... try to find something that grounds you... something to do with the mind/body connection will help... bikram yoga helps ground me and continues to expand my awareness/perception... and its okay to not know your purpose... if you're lucky you may find it but it's all about the journey, right?

I remember being about 4 years old. Standing outside on the sidewalk with my mother and father. Looking up at my father and realizing that I was realizing I was looking at him. Also realizing\knowing at that exact time I was different than the people around me. Its like I knew...more than I should. Yes, I do need to find something that grounds me. Just hove no idea what that could be.
I remember being about 4 years old. Standing outside on the sidewalk with my mother and father. Looking up at my father and realizing that I was realizing I was looking at him. Also realizing\knowing at that exact time I was different than the people around me. Its like I knew...more than I should. Yes, I do need to find something that grounds me. Just hove no idea what that could be.

I remember being in the 1st grade and standing on the playground by myself and thinking that I must be a robot in some experiment to see how I would interact with the "normal" children and adults. Normal 1st graders don't think about things like that...lol. I agree it is nice talking with others who have had similar experiences and thoughts growing up and up to now as adults.
No but I have a very vivid imagination. I keep thinking I should become a fiction writer; I have so many stories going around in my head. I don’t feel as if I have had past lives but I have always felt older than my years, older than the people my same age act. Growing up I had always felt more comfortable (for the most part) around people considerably older than me. Yes, I sometimes feel as if I came from some other place, its just been recently I have come up with an idea about it that seems to fit. It’s also been the past few years that this “detachment” feeling has been accelerating.
I have to say its really just been amazing chating with people here. The fact that anyone understands what I am talking about it…. I have literally lived all of my life thinking many things like, there’s something wrong with me, I’m more conscious than other people etc…

Start writing for the love of god i feel you have amazing stuff in there.
Hello. So two ways of dealing with this as I see it.

1) Get outside and try and bring yourself more into the real world.
2) Celebrate your ideas and engage with them.

Either route will inevitably have to be tempered with a degree of realism. Can you afford to eat? Have you paid the bills and so on. Personally I'd take both routes. :)
I have that all the time, its common really....its ours sense of unity; that we are a infinite united consciousness...what you pointed out about feeling less connected might due to the frequency waves of you mind set not being all that...what im trying say is that if your thought patterns are so different then you need to learn to express your enlightment better.....its really not a disadvantage cos having a unique internal map of reality; attitudes, values, decisions, memories, language etc means you have a better world model to think on, analyse, reason with and plan on....arent you greatful? You found an intense reality ....well...i guess peceptions is selection, we can mold the shape by our ideas, beleifs......that infact reality is formless....but there may be common perpective realm that we all sure, and judging by your posts.....youre kinda of in it.
Hello. So two ways of dealing with this as I see it.

1) Get outside and try and bring yourself more into the real world.
2) Celebrate your ideas and engage with them.

Either route will inevitably have to be tempered with a degree of realism. Can you afford to eat? Have you paid the bills and so on. Personally I'd take both routes. :)

Yes. I generally have been very active outside. The problem is, I became very sick a couple years ago and issues from that linger. I am not able to do what I once was. In fact its a ...display of will power to move at all. So all the things I used to enjoy are diminished because of how I feel when I try to do them.

As for celebrating my ideas. Thats an interesting way to put it. I have come to a point in my life where I think, why does anything matter. I have scientific data to strongly suggest nothing matters. :) Yeah, I am a bit thin these days.

None the less I greatly appreciated the suggestions.
I have that all the time, its common really....its ours sense of unity; that we are a infinite united consciousness...what you pointed out about feeling less connected might due to the frequency waves of you mind set not being all that...what im trying say is that if your thought patterns are so different then you need to learn to express your enlightment better.....its really not a disadvantage cos having a unique internal map of reality; attitudes, values, decisions, memories, language etc means you have a better world model to think on, analyse, reason with and plan on....arent you greatful? You found an intense reality ....well...i guess peceptions is selection, we can mold the shape by our ideas, beleifs......that infact reality is formless....but there may be common perpective realm that we all sure, and judging by your posts.....youre kinda of in it.

Grateful... Im not sure. I "expect" to be able to think a certain way. Logic, reason, intelligence...blah blah because this is who I am or at least, see myself as. This is how I have always perceived the world. I EXPECT it and its difficult to be grateful for something you expect. As for the rest of it, I question why any of it is important these days. I just... it would be a long story to tell you my thoughts on this. Briefly I recently thought, what would it mean if I had everything I ever wanted? Money, influence, love...etc... And the sad thing is, I still dont think I would be happy. I would be happier, but would not feel satiated or sustained. I cannot see a time where struggle is not a part of me. Someone would have to reach in and fundamentally change me, take stuff out and put it in, to make it so that I could be happy. Thats just a small part of my mind.
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but there may be common perpective realm that we all sure
I wonder if you could elaborate on this. Where this idea comes from and what it means to you. That is, if you dont mind. :)

sure = share, clearly.
Grateful... Im not sure. I "expect" to be able to think a certain way. Logic, reason, intelligence...blah blah because this is who I am or at least, see myself as. This is how I have always perceived the world. I EXPECT it and its difficult to be grateful for something you expect. As for the rest of it, I question why any of it is important these days. I just... it would be a long story to tell you my thoughts on this. Briefly I recently thought, what would it mean if I had everything I ever wanted? Money, influence, love...etc... And the sad thing is, I still dont think I would be happy. I would be happier, but would not feel satiated or sustained. I cannot see a time where struggle is not a part of me. Someone would have to reach in and fundamentally change me, take stuff out and put it in, to make it so that I could be happy. Thats just a small part of my mind.

fine not greatful but content, and no one can change you but you, you actually sound like your falling into the self pity section abit....nothing will make you happy with that attitude, you get back the energy you put out. you need purpose and passion, them may also guide you.

I wonder if you could elaborate on this. Where this idea comes from and what it means to you. That is, if you dont mind. :)

sure = share, clearly.

its just a blah, the emphasis was on the common ground that we share... that would be a good place to start.
Grateful... Im not sure. I "expect" to be able to think a certain way. Logic, reason, intelligence...blah blah because this is who I am or at least, see myself as. This is how I have always perceived the world. I EXPECT it and its difficult to be grateful for something you expect. As for the rest of it, I question why any of it is important these days. I just... it would be a long story to tell you my thoughts on this. Briefly I recently thought, what would it mean if I had everything I ever wanted? Money, influence, love...etc... And the sad thing is, I still dont think I would be happy. I would be happier, but would not feel satiated or sustained. I cannot see a time where struggle is not a part of me. Someone would have to reach in and fundamentally change me, take stuff out and put it in, to make it so that I could be happy. Thats just a small part of my mind.

You are part way there by realizing these things. What many people call happiness - "everything you ever wanted" to quote your word choice, is transitory and does not last. You're correct that these things do not lead to true lasting happiness.

All beings suffer, but it is mainly desire and aversion which leads to unhappiness. This is not in a negative sense, but just a pragmatic sense - it's simply the truth.

Desire for fleeting and temporary pleasures is like an unquenchable thirst. One is never entirely satisfied if they pursue it. At the same time it's not inherently wrong to want things, it's natural to have desires, but being too caught up in them will only ultimately lead to disappointment and suffering.

The only way out of this is to develop yourself from within.
I'll just jump in here mid-discussion.

I have certainly felt, myself, to be an oddity, an outlier if there ever was one, for basically my entire life up to this point. Even among my closest intimates, I've felt distant at the best of times. Whenever I try to explain an insight to a friend, I either get laughter because of the outlandishness of the idea or my habit of explaining things using "explosive" language (precise, potent, and pithy), or their eyes will glaze over and after a moment they just shrug and say "I dunno." I have solipsistic fits every now and again because of that and other things, often repeatedly coming around to asking myself "Am I so much further ahead than everyone else, or am I just on a different track i.e. insanity?" Being ahead of the curve compared to my peers up until now in terms of insight probably didn't help my state of mind, but I've recently started to understand that while my ideas do need refinement and clarification, they are not necessarily invalid just because they differ so severely from the norm. In spite of all this, I've noticed (and questioned myself on, as it teeters between believability and bullshit) what seems like a diaspora of the lighter aspects of my ideas among my circle of friends. I don't even think they themselves recognize that they repeat things that I've said months or years in the past.

I don’t feel as if I have had past lives but I have always felt older than my years, older than the people my same age act. Growing up I had always felt more comfortable (for the most part) around people considerably older than me. Yes, I sometimes feel as if I came from some other place, its just been recently I have come up with an idea about it that seems to fit. It’s also been the past few years that this “detachment” feeling has been accelerating.

Of all my childhood friends, I distinctly remember having spent more time speaking with their parents overall than with them when around both at once. Still do, often enough. I never dwelled much on it, though; I just thought that, when the depth of consciousness of many of my friends only went as far as why they like their favorite toy, their parents were more interesting people. I remember saying to myself, in the midst of a melancholic episode in the eighth grade, that I felt "tired on an existential scale." The term "old soul" really felt like it applied to me at the time, as absurd as it sounds recalling it now (admittedly, it sometimes feels like it still applies). I think if I'd told anybody that at the time, they would've either laughed in my face or sent me to a shrink. Possibly both.

As far as feeling detached, I definitely felt like that for the past four years; going through the motions because trying to live out my insights proved to be more difficult and problematic than beneficial. Unlike you, though, I feel like it might be decelerating, if anything. I feel as though I'm on the cusp of fully realizing that, being so far removed in my ideas from the people around me, I have freedom to pursue, develop, and articulate my thoughts before expressing them. As awful and egoistic as it sounds, to cut down on that "detachment" you might try and surround yourself with people who share your ideas, at least tangentially. It doesn't encourage the same breadth of understanding as you'd get being surrounded by idiots, but it does help one maintain a sense of grounding that would otherwise be absent. Even if the people who I interact with on a daily basis will likely never fully understand how deeply I feel and understand a concept, I can keep myself from going totally insane because they do at least try to understand.

e: Oh yeah, I had a couple really interesting things I wanted to say that I completely lost when I sat down to write this.
I'll just jump in here mid-discussion.
In spite of all this, I've noticed (and questioned myself on, as it teeters between believability and bullshit) what seems like a diaspora of the lighter aspects of my ideas among my circle of friends. I don't even think they themselves recognize that they repeat things that I've said months or years in the past.
Wow...I can't believe you have been spying on me for so many years, you have some nerve! How dare you!!
lolol I know I can relate to that and also to growing up and feeling beyond our years, talking to those older I think is fairly common around here.
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fine not greatful but content, and no one can change you but you, you actually sound like your falling into the self pity section abit....nothing will make you happy with that attitude, you get back the energy you put out. you need purpose and passion, them may also guide you.

its just a blah, the emphasis was on the common ground that we share... that would be a good place to start.
I thank you for not holding back your words. Many people temper them and it annoys me to no end. Self pity...I wish that were all it was. Self pity is easy enough to get out of.
I'll just jump in here mid-discussion.

I have certainly felt, myself, to be an oddity, an outlier if there ever was one, for basically my entire life up to this point. Even among my closest intimates, I've felt distant at the best of times. Whenever I try to explain an insight to a friend, I either get laughter because of the outlandishness of the idea or my habit of explaining things using "explosive" language (precise, potent, and pithy), or their eyes will glaze over and after a moment they just shrug and say "I dunno." I have solipsistic fits every now and again because of that and other things, often repeatedly coming around to asking myself "Am I so much further ahead than everyone else, or am I just on a different track i.e. insanity?" Being ahead of the curve compared to my peers up until now in terms of insight probably didn't help my state of mind, but I've recently started to understand that while my ideas do need refinement and clarification, they are not necessarily invalid just because they differ so severely from the norm. In spite of all this, I've noticed (and questioned myself on, as it teeters between believability and bullshit) what seems like a diaspora of the lighter aspects of my ideas among my circle of friends. I don't even think they themselves recognize that they repeat things that I've said months or years in the past.

Of all my childhood friends, I distinctly remember having spent more time speaking with their parents overall than with them when around both at once. Still do, often enough. I never dwelled much on it, though; I just thought that, when the depth of consciousness of many of my friends only went as far as why they like their favorite toy, their parents were more interesting people. I remember saying to myself, in the midst of a melancholic episode in the eighth grade, that I felt "tired on an existential scale." The term "old soul" really felt like it applied to me at the time, as absurd as it sounds recalling it now (admittedly, it sometimes feels like it still applies). I think if I'd told anybody that at the time, they would've either laughed in my face or sent me to a shrink. Possibly both.

As far as feeling detached, I definitely felt like that for the past four years; going through the motions because trying to live out my insights proved to be more difficult and problematic than beneficial. Unlike you, though, I feel like it might be decelerating, if anything. I feel as though I'm on the cusp of fully realizing that, being so far removed in my ideas from the people around me, I have freedom to pursue, develop, and articulate my thoughts before expressing them. As awful and egoistic as it sounds, to cut down on that "detachment" you might try and surround yourself with people who share your ideas, at least tangentially. It doesn't encourage the same breadth of understanding as you'd get being surrounded by idiots, but it does help one maintain a sense of grounding that would otherwise be absent. Even if the people who I interact with on a daily basis will likely never fully understand how deeply I feel and understand a concept, I can keep myself from going totally insane because they do at least try to understand.

e: Oh yeah, I had a couple really interesting things I wanted to say that I completely lost when I sat down to write this.

Makes sense. I am a bit buzzed as I write this so forgive any shortness in thought. Try to surround myself with people who share my ideas. If I could just find people that share my pattern in thinking... I never knew until a short while ago people would ever comprehend how I see the world. Ive said it before. Sometimes I envision my jaw on the floor as I read some of the comments here. 30 + years of wondering why I was so different than most people I know. And to find so even a few others who have had similar experiences one way or the other...

Part of me is happy for finding people that at least know what I am talking about, part of me is sad for knowing I am not as unique as I thought. Too many thoughts right now to put into comprehensible meaningful words. Felt the need to respond to this though.
I'll just jump in here mid-discussion.

I have certainly felt, myself, to be an oddity, an outlier if there ever was one, for basically my entire life up to this point. Even among my closest intimates, I've felt distant at the best of times. Whenever I try to explain an insight to a friend, I either get laughter because of the outlandishness of the idea or my habit of explaining things using "explosive" language (precise, potent, and pithy), or their eyes will glaze over and after a moment they just shrug and say "I dunno." I have solipsistic fits every now and again because of that and other things, often repeatedly coming around to asking myself "Am I so much further ahead than everyone else, or am I just on a different track i.e. insanity?" Being ahead of the curve compared to my peers up until now in terms of insight probably didn't help my state of mind, but I've recently started to understand that while my ideas do need refinement and clarification, they are not necessarily invalid just because they differ so severely from the norm. In spite of all this, I've noticed (and questioned myself on, as it teeters between believability and bullshit) what seems like a diaspora of the lighter aspects of my ideas among my circle of friends. I don't even think they themselves recognize that they repeat things that I've said months or years in the past.

Of all my childhood friends, I distinctly remember having spent more time speaking with their parents overall than with them when around both at once. Still do, often enough. I never dwelled much on it, though; I just thought that, when the depth of consciousness of many of my friends only went as far as why they like their favorite toy, their parents were more interesting people. I remember saying to myself, in the midst of a melancholic episode in the eighth grade, that I felt "tired on an existential scale." The term "old soul" really felt like it applied to me at the time, as absurd as it sounds recalling it now (admittedly, it sometimes feels like it still applies). I think if I'd told anybody that at the time, they would've either laughed in my face or sent me to a shrink. Possibly both.

As far as feeling detached, I definitely felt like that for the past four years; going through the motions because trying to live out my insights proved to be more difficult and problematic than beneficial. Unlike you, though, I feel like it might be decelerating, if anything. I feel as though I'm on the cusp of fully realizing that, being so far removed in my ideas from the people around me, I have freedom to pursue, develop, and articulate my thoughts before expressing them. As awful and egoistic as it sounds, to cut down on that "detachment" you might try and surround yourself with people who share your ideas, at least tangentially. It doesn't encourage the same breadth of understanding as you'd get being surrounded by idiots, but it does help one maintain a sense of grounding that would otherwise be absent. Even if the people who I interact with on a daily basis will likely never fully understand how deeply I feel and understand a concept, I can keep myself from going totally insane because they do at least try to understand.

e: Oh yeah, I had a couple really interesting things I wanted to say that I completely lost when I sat down to write this.

I am amazed you have captured what I've been going through in the last several weeks. It's nice to meet someone else who thinks in terms of "old souls". My best friend of 35 yrs and I determined the aspect of each other all those many years ago. Each of us knowing the concept is one of the things that kept us bonded all these years. 'Cause you're right - most people think the idea is nuts or think it's arrogant.

Anyway...I want to thank you for sharing this here. I don't feel so alone now.
Makes sense. I am a bit buzzed as I write this so forgive any shortness in thought. Try to surround myself with people who share my ideas. If I could just find people that share my pattern in thinking... I never knew until a short while ago people would ever comprehend how I see the world. Ive said it before. Sometimes I envision my jaw on the floor as I read some of the comments here. 30 + years of wondering why I was so different than most people I know. And to find so even a few others who have had similar experiences one way or the other...

Part of me is happy for finding people that at least know what I am talking about, part of me is sad for knowing I am not as unique as I thought. Too many thoughts right now to put into comprehensible meaningful words. Felt the need to respond to this though.

Yes. :nod: I was surprised to find myself grieving my idea of being "unique and special" in this world. Then I began to see I am unique and have special talents when compared to the larger world population of types. Some days I really appreciate the internet for it has allowed me access to many many remarkable peoples.

Have you heard the saying "We invented the internet to find our self"?
Yes. :nod: I was surprised to find myself grieving my idea of being "unique and special" in this world. Then I began to see I am unique and have special talents when compared to the larger world population of types. Some days I really appreciate the internet for it has allowed me access to many many remarkable peoples.

Have you heard the saying "We invented the internet to find our self"?

Have not heard of that phrase. However, in my mind, the internet (IE the sharing of information) was inevitable. The internet alone will accelerate human...what? Understanding, development...whatever on a scale hardly conceived years before. I embrace the change as I see it as needed, but I am also worried that most may not be able to assimilate the data rate.

More and more everyday I see the human race as one big computer. Douglas Adams had it right after all.

I could be happy the rest of my life I think. Finding true love, a nice cottage on some forgotten Oregon coast line. Let the cares of the world work themselves out absent my care. Or, I guess I just wait until after I die from pain and suffering alone. Choices choices. All the while my screaming at people to stop dancing on the cliff.

Well, I did say I was buzzed.