I'll just jump in here mid-discussion.
I have certainly felt, myself, to be an oddity, an outlier if there ever was one, for basically my entire life up to this point. Even among my closest intimates, I've felt distant at the best of times. Whenever I try to explain an insight to a friend, I either get laughter because of the outlandishness of the idea or my habit of explaining things using "explosive" language (precise, potent, and pithy), or their eyes will glaze over and after a moment they just shrug and say "I dunno." I have solipsistic fits every now and again because of that and other things, often repeatedly coming around to asking myself "Am I so much further ahead than everyone else, or am I just on a different track i.e. insanity?" Being ahead of the curve compared to my peers up until now in terms of insight probably didn't help my state of mind, but I've recently started to understand that while my ideas do need refinement and clarification, they are not necessarily invalid just because they differ so severely from the norm. In spite of all this, I've noticed (and questioned myself on, as it teeters between believability and bullshit) what seems like a diaspora of the lighter aspects of my ideas among my circle of friends. I don't even think they themselves recognize that they repeat things that I've said months or years in the past.
Of all my childhood friends, I distinctly remember having spent more time speaking with their parents overall than with them when around both at once. Still do, often enough. I never dwelled much on it, though; I just thought that, when the depth of consciousness of many of my friends only went as far as why they like their favorite toy, their parents were more interesting people. I remember saying to myself, in the midst of a melancholic episode in the eighth grade, that I felt "tired on an existential scale." The term "old soul" really felt like it applied to me at the time, as absurd as it sounds recalling it now (admittedly, it sometimes feels like it still applies). I think if I'd told anybody that at the time, they would've either laughed in my face or sent me to a shrink. Possibly both.
As far as feeling detached, I definitely felt like that for the past four years; going through the motions because trying to live out my insights proved to be more difficult and problematic than beneficial. Unlike you, though, I feel like it might be decelerating, if anything. I feel as though I'm on the cusp of fully realizing that, being so far removed in my ideas from the people around me, I have freedom to pursue, develop, and articulate my thoughts before expressing them. As awful and egoistic as it sounds, to cut down on that "detachment" you might try and surround yourself with people who share your ideas, at least tangentially. It doesn't encourage the same breadth of understanding as you'd get being surrounded by idiots, but it does help one maintain a sense of grounding that would otherwise be absent. Even if the people who I interact with on a daily basis will likely never fully understand how deeply I feel and understand a concept, I can keep myself from going totally insane because they do at least try to understand.
e: Oh yeah, I had a couple really interesting things I wanted to say that I completely lost when I sat down to write this.