I can't dance

I have come to realize that I have absolutely no Bodily-kinesthetic or spatial intelligence. I can't dance, or do aerobics or anything else that requires me to learn and perform a series of steps with others.

Is this just me?

I am just learning to relax enough to dance, but my body only seems to loosen up and flow once some good music is on and I am suitably inebriated. It does not come naturally by any stretch of the imagination! Also, abysmal at aerobics and at any step dancing, yes, it alllll moves too quick for me :P. you are not alone!
I cant dance for nuts.
but if you mean dance as in fight then I'll be interested 'cos I like a good slow (non-painful) sparing match.

but dancing as in dance floor type of thing, I cant dance one bit. I'm just too wary of my surroundings. even when "dancing" , I will continuously scan my surroundings.
Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4.

Lol. Awesome tips.
I've always found that there's nothing wrong with just listening to music, rather than dancing to it, which would make me feel extremely awkward and unnatural! As a result, I look like a wooden plank at parties when everyone else around me is going crazy with the music and dancing their bodies off. :D
Put a gun to my head, and I will still NEVER dance. It is the most unnatural, embarrassing and skin crawling thing I could put myself through. No way, no how. Anybody who tries to force me into it will be met with lethal force, followed by a "Not talking to you" which will last for a minimum of 2 weeks.
Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4.

In order:

the rollerblading meathead, the double teardrop, rotating camera in circle of Hawaiian hula-bunnies, the chinese bumblebee

btw I'm allowed to say chinese because I'm korean...

but in all seriousness, I'm a pretty sick dancer. I just never do it in front a crowd of 2 or more, unless I'm in a state of crapulence, I am forced to by all rules of social conditioning (AKA "DO IT MAN, DO IT!!! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!"), or my mother says so.... do not laugh, you have not met my mother.
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I like dancing: both party style and in pairs (prefer the latter). But that discovery was made in my twenties. During school I was no good at it.

And I actually liked that cheesy "Shall we dance" movie :)
I used to love dancing, but my style was either extremely...inappropriate or interpretive, and sometimes that inappropriate dancing style got me in trouble in the clubs. But it felt good to just let my Se go for a while.

I still love doing the interpretive dance when I have the energy. I "feel" the music and go extremely slowly and it becomes more like an exercise of control. I guess if I named it I'd call it "Tai Chi dance."
I used to love dancing, but my style was either extremely...inappropriate or interpretive, and sometimes that inappropriate dancing style got me in trouble in the clubs. But it felt good to just let my Se go for a while.

I still love doing the interpretive dance when I have the energy. I "feel" the music and go extremely slowly and it becomes more like an exercise of control. I guess if I named it I'd call it "Tai Chi dance."

I am imagining several long strands of pasta doing a very very slow-motion wiggle in a paranormal-ly beautiful cabaret of collective unison. But it slowly starts peeling its outer layer in cohesion with the music to reveal its true nature: angel hair
I can dance if it's choreographed (I took compulsory dance classes in school as part of gymnastics), but I can't improvise ;.; I avoid dancing as I find it embarrassing.
One of my friends can dance really well instantly O_o it's scary XD
I am imagining several long strands of pasta doing a very very slow-motion wiggle in a paranormal-ly beautiful cabaret of collective unison. But it slowly starts peeling its outer layer in cohesion with the music to reveal its true nature: angel hair

*Man* you're poetic! But it's nice to read - if you're not a writer, you should be.

Arbygil have you ever watched Sarah McLachlan dance at a live show?

I never have - I like her songs every once in a while, but I've never seen her dance....I might check it out on Youtube.

Why? Is she good?
*Man* you're poetic! But it's nice to read - if you're not a writer, you should be.

I never have - I like her songs every once in a while, but I've never seen her dance....I might check it out on Youtube.

Why? Is she good?

Oh shucks :mf:

But yeah, I'm pretty sure she's NF and the way she dances sort of reflects that, you might dance similarly. She does hold herself back though, because she needs to sing so she can't stray from the mic as she dances. Arg, I can't find the clip on youtube anymore, i'll post it if i do, she's holding a guitar/playing piano so often...

It depends on what kind of dancing. I'm assuming to music?
The best way is to feel the rythm, beat or instrument sounds that you react to.
If that does not work I'd say instead go for harmonious and graceful dancing such as ballet or iceskating :)

Ahhh, yes... too many people I have seen fail miserably at dance. They do the booty pop, they watch all the hot pop moves and they want to show the moves off so they force these moves upon the music. You can not force your thoughts/actions/ideas onto the music. The music will rebel: it will tear at your soul, mock you for your ignorance and selfishness, it will have no choice but to leave you, and finally, after all the anger has subsided, it will shed a tear at not having its voice heard. Do not do this to music. Millions upon millions of tears have been shed and thousands of quarter notes have been self-severed into quarter-rests. This epidemic can not be allowed to continue. We MUST listen to Music. We must listen to their voices, hear their words, feel their thoughts, and speak their essences, for that is what music wants. We must respect the global currency of giving and never taking or asking to take, even if we expect it. But music is fair. We give what music asks of us, our minds, our hearts, our voices, our bodies, and it will give us a brief glimpse of its world. What kind of world you ask? Hey, Music~??? Are you there?? I would like you to meet, my friend, _________.
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We must listen to their voices, hear their words, feel their thoughts, and speak their essences, for that is what music wants. We must respect the global currency of giving and never taking or asking to take, even if we expect it. But music is fair. We give what music asks of us, our minds, our hearts, our voices, our bodies, and it will give us a brief glimpse of its world. What kind of world you ask? Hey, Music~??? Are you there?? I would like you to meet, my friend, _________.

thats deep dude.

I want to see arbygil dance : ) It sounds so cool!

Dance is fun. I went to a ballroom dance class for a few weeks, and it was actually a lot of fun. Dancing with a special girl is great! I don't go to clubs though. That sort of thing is not my cup of tea. I don't dance unless it feels absolutely right.

Thought about making my own dance music once upon a time. I think it would be a really fun form to play around with.
I've enjoyed bouncing to electronic beats for many years, but never ever anything more than just bouncing, like any "moves" or so.

One year ago my girlfriend made me try Lindy Hop, and I loved it. I still do and I still feel surprised when I think about it.
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