I wrote this big long response while you were typing that and it took me so long I'm posting it anyway.
Well I disagree with you because I like yeah Fes care for ppl as a group but Fis care for everyone as individuals. And when excersizing their Te Fis care about ppl as a group just like while excersizing their Ti Fes care about ppl as individuals.
How does Te make an Fi type care about the needs/desires of the group? Te is about labelling, categorizing and organising things. The only relationship it has with the group would therefore labelling, organising or categorising them, none of which rely on what the group needs or desires, but only what the Te user needs or desires from the group.
The same sort of thing goes for Ti in Fe types. Ti is essentially about objectively distilling complex systems down to their core essential truth (Einstein distilling a complex idea about the universe in to the formula E=MC2, for example). So I don't see how it would make a Fe user care about the needs/desires of an individual, if anything it would just help them figure out some core objective truth about whatever system they were using it on.
foureyes said:
Ans self-interested seems to be quite the synonm for selfish in my opinion. I mean I think I know what you mean but no I wouldn't necessarily agree.
Not quite. Self-interest is about seeing to your own needs
first, after that there's plenty of room for the needs of others. Selfishness is about caring
only about your own needs or desires, other people's needs are irrelevant.
Self-interest, therefore, can obviously make an person more prone to selfishness or at least to being
perceived as selfish.
foureyes said:
I think everyone is the same amount of selfish. If our Fi is supposed to make us really self-intersted which I don't really think it does than their Ti would make them the same way.
But an Fe type's Ti is going to be in the tertiary or auxiliary role, whereas an Fi type's Fi is going to be in a primary or secondary role, so it plays a much bigger part in their behaviour.
foureyes said:
I disagree with you here too because when your Fi, introverted feeling your feelings I think literally come from a place more inside of you and so its like when you are feeling really happy your trying to change the world by bahaving in a way that you think would cause the change desired.
I think you might be confusing "Feeling" as a function of the MBTI and "feelings" as an emotion, they're two different things.
Everybody experiences emotional responses to things (feelings), but Feeling as a function is just about whether you place a higher priority on those feelings than on pure objectivity, and the differnce between Fi and Fe is just whether you place a higher priority on the feelings of the individual or the feelings of the group respectively.
foureyes said:
While when your Fe and Ti you more behave that way with your thoughts and things, like you've go some genuis idea and your really excited to share it with everyone and in that way sort of make them understand how amazing the realization is and feel as excited or whatever about it as you do. That's sort of the same way Fis try and transfer their feelings to others as well.
Having what you think is a great idea, being excited about it and wanting to share that with other people and have them be excited about it too is not type specific.
foureyes said:
Even though your an FJ aas your type and everything which means your emotional more often than not, I still think that your introvered function, Ti, is your most natural though often not acessed tremendously state. When your Fe something externally needs to provoke you to be emotional, whatever that may be while with Fis its . . . well I mean it is like that but . . . Grr I hate knowing exactly what I mean but not how to say it.
No, as an FJ your most natural function would either be Ni for INFJs, Fe for E*FJs or Si for ISFJs. And any person can be emotionally provoked from either external or internal sources, it is not type specific.
foureyes said:
Basically I would just say that Fe and Fi are just different ways of feeling plain and simple. With Fi first you thinking about the situation (Te) and then you feel about it. When Your Fe you first feel for the situation and then you think about it how to respond.
Like I said earlier, I think you may be confusing "Feeling" and "feelings".
As for how Fi types react to things, we don't use Te first , especially not I*FPs as it's only our auxiliary function (4th place).
In INFPs it happens something like this: say something happens and we are presented with a problem.
Firstly, we respond to that by making a judgement about it based on our internal value system (primary Fi).
We the start intuitively generating possible alternative scenarios, looking for a solution (secondary Ne).
If that doesn't work we'll fall back on whatever worked in the past, whether it's actually a good solution or not (tertiary Si).
that doesn't work, only then will we use Te to try and make an objective rather than subjective judgement about it.
Other functions can be used as well (Ti, Se etc.)
but not before we use Fi as it is an instinctual response for us. Also unless they've taken the time to develop it, INFPs tend to use Te quite negatively (trying to boss the problem around) as it is the hardest function for us to use because it takes so much energy.
foureyes said:
empathy is just atype of emotion and Fi and Fe are the order/ process of how we expirience emotions.
No, empathy is not an emotion. Empathy is (to quote from Wiki): "...the capability to share and understand another's emotions and feelings."
Also, Fi and Fe are not ways of
experiencing emption, but they are however indeed ways of
processing emotions.
foureyes said:
Acting on your feelings, is that what your trying to say here? I'm not sure I follow . . .
Sort of, congruence in this context means ensuring that your actions match the way you feel about things. You care about the environment, so you don't drive a honking great big car for example.
In the example I gave about being alert, what Fi types are being alert for is dis-integrity; a difference between how someone is really feeling and the way they are acting (an example would be those ingratiating salespeople who pretend to be your best friend and are only trying to make sure you get the best deal, but actually couldn't care less about you and are really only looking to screw you out of as much of your money as possible).
foureyes said:
Okay yeah now I really disagree with you. It's not like Fis don't try and hide their emotions it just really hard for them to because their feelings are their introverted most immediate state of being. But good lord it dosen't me that they don't try! Its just really hard for them to do thatcause that would mean they would be relying entirely on there underdeveloped Te function. Which it is extremly hard to do when they're already emotional. However it is possible to do with lots of practice, but to try and hide their emotions they would have to act a bit extremly another sort of way.
Like I said in the response to Last Dawn, I wasn't really talking about making a scene. You're right about that being how typical Fi types react to their emotions, but I wasn't talking about typical Fi types, I was purposely using the example of extreme Fi's who hadn't develpoed their other functions to show that unrestrianed Fi would demand that their actions match up with their feelings, regardless of how that would make anyone else feel. You just have to look at underdeveloped INFPs to see that the only person's feelings they typically care about are their own. Check out the post I made about that thread on typeology central to see what kind of thing I was really trying to say.
foureyes said:
An example would be I was really depressed all last year but never tried to let it show because I didn't want ppl to have to share in my burdens. But also because I was really upset, using my Te I did try to hide it by acting very aloof/ shy/ I engaged in minimal conversation.
Depression and underdeveloped functions are not the same thing, but I don't see how acting aloof etc. was a use of Te. Sounds more like a use of Fi+Ne to put yourself in other people's shoes (other individuals I might add) and deciding that you didn't want to put them through the feelings that you perceived they would feel.*
*(On a side note for anyone who might be reading this and is suffering from depression themselves, to a degree I think that keeping it secret and pushing people away was probably the wrong choice. Nobody likes a whiner but talking openly and candidly about your problems with the people who care about you is an important part of building a support system to help you get through it. Btw, glad to hear
you got through it foureyes).
foureyes said:
I agree with the very last thing you said. For an ISFP their Se would prolly act the sameway.
Ah thanks, I'm still a little hazy on how Se works as a problem solving function whch is why i wasn't sure about that.
foureyes said:
For the part before that, Fis know what they want very clearly in the short term, but in the long term they are as clueless as the rest.
I think there's a lot of truth in that, but I think saying "they know what they want
for the short term" might be a bit more accurate, because I can be paralysed with indecision when someone expects me to make a quick-fire choice about something. I need time to process the options, whether I'm choosing something that's going to happen right away or something that's going to happen years from now.
foureyes said:
Thanks for your post Defective Creative. Hope I made sense and that you can agree with me
Also, I've been having trouble acessing the other pages of this site for a while now and the only way I acessed this one to responnd was thru the history. I hope this problem will go away but if it doesn't and I dissapear suddenly from this site its because of computer troubles.
You're welcome, and don't worry about it, it's just a friendly exchange of ideas. Hope your computer issues sort themselves out.