- Enneagram
- Type 4,6,9
I don't know if it's right or wrong, you're entitled to your feelings, but it seems a bit privileged. When you come from a family that is in extreme poverty, if there's room at your house for somebody to stay when they visit, you offer it. Many people can't afford a hotel. Many people are struggling. My current boyfriend comes from a more privileged income status and I straight up told him, if he's with me, if people need a place to stay and we have room, that's how it is going to be. Does your husband feel the same way as you or does he have no issues offering his house for others to stay in? If you are both on the same page, I see no issue. People can think what they want. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. On the other hand if your partner would offer his home and you're blocking it, that's not fair to him. I would consider compromising. It's both of your homes. But yeah, it's not inherently right or wrong. From my upbringing it definitely seems weird, but I'm not you and you're not me. We have the right to our own preferences.
My husband's friends are professionals with no children, so they can afford a place to stay. They live in a more expensive town than ours.