I found a great INFP description!!!!

Well I may or may not be healthier. Who knows. I didn't mean to say something like that. I don't really think that.

And... I'm good at structuring myself because I get very anxious if I have a lot to do and I'm scattered. I need to feel like I'm on the right track. That said.. I'm not really tidy when it comes to the house. In fact, I clean maybe once a week. My bf (god bless 'im!) does most of the housework unless I'm having people over or just get into one of those cleaning moods.

But when it comes to work or school, I feel best if I'm organized and I feel fully capable of it.
Well I may or may not be healthier. Who knows. I didn't mean to say something like that. I don't really think that.

And... I'm good at structuring myself because I get very anxious if I have a lot to do and I'm scattered. I need to feel like I'm on the right track. That said.. I'm not really tidy when it comes to the house. In fact, I clean maybe once a week. My bf god bless 'im does most of the housework unless I'm having people over or just get into one of those cleaning moods.

well "being anxious if I have a lot to do and I'm scattered" is for me the only reason for me to organize myself. But the organization falls apart as soon as I have less things to do :D

I have ordered the book so maybe in a few days I can bring some more light on this :-)
If you're an ENFP, why would you?

INFP can learn extraverted intuition from ENFP because Ne is so very close to our hearts. It is our driving function. It is our reason for living and joy and breathing.

INFP can take life very seriously. I used to be more introverted so can understand that the seriousness can be better described as depth, meaning, a beautiful discordant melancholy. It is great and you can get lost in it. But for other types, though we can appreciate the depth and connection very much, INFP lost in FiSi can seem grumpy, disagreeable, selfishly lost in their own feelings and values. The moral crusades are exhausting, or rather being the target of an INFP crusade that just won't resolve because INFP has to feel his or her way through everything and will ignore 'colder' or more objective facts for their own moody perceptions.

Neither ENFP or INfP like criticism. So I bet reading that for an INFP is like an ENFP reading that she or he is ditzy, brainless, an airhead, incapable of focusing or finishing anything, shallow, childish, unreliable, overly emotional, scattered, a people-pleaser, inauthentic or disloyal or a neglecter of friends.

Maturity means addressing these pitfalls in ourselves that we overlook because we are so wrapped up in our main drives. ENFP's love affair with Ne means we love being in it so much that our lives can feel like a grand and marvelous adventure full of endless possibilities for action and experience, but we may fail to focus that powerful drive.

Likewise, if INFP's can get out of their deep inner world of feeling and just neutralise that and experience all of life's amazing varieties and qualities, it would do them good.

And ENFP should take heed of INFP's excellent loyalty and integrity.