...that INFJs are one of the most tolerable personality types I have encountered thus far. This isn't just sycophancy; I've literally had nothing but fantastic interactions with the two INFJs in my life, and the people on this forum seem pretty cool.
Fe is actually an amazing tool that I hope to get better at developing. My experience with Fi-ers, on the other hand, has been a little rough.
In contrast:
- INFP - They are their own trainwrecks. Dominant Fi is messy stuff.
- ENTJ - Extremely argumentative, but their arguments rely on inductive reasoning and can go as far as not believing in the merits of deductive reasoning at all. I've also been a victim of an ENTJ's inferior Fi grip.
- INTP - I'm an INTP and I'll be the first to admit that we can suck. I have a couple very good INTP friends and it can be a struggle. Over time, Dominant Ti can cause someone to build up an extremely messed-up logical framework and defend it to no end (I've met INTPs that have defended anti-semitism or white supremacy on a high throne of narcissistic "logic"). An INTP's confidence in his own deviant inner reality is a rather vexing force to reckon with.
- ESxx - From a different universe in which people like me are not welcome.

Good work, guys. Keep up the