I Just Got Stopped By Mormons


Yeah, two of them as they were on their way to church or whatever. They weren't bad salesmen and were actually pretty respectful when I said I didn't want to hear any passages or anything.

I was just like "ewww, these guys a creepin' me out". I should have told them I was gay, lolz.

Has anyone else been stopped like this? Doesn't have to be Mormons but I know they're notorious for this.
straight men try to get me to sleep with them
I shouldn't make eye contact
i should tell them im gay
Yup. I'm a Mormon. Just got done "selling" the church. They probably weren't on their way to church... we don't usually proselyte unless we're on our two-year "mission," and when we are we do it full time. Probably mostly beside the point, but I thought it was funny that the first post I saw on registering was yours.
While on my mission, I got stopped by born-again christians, atheists and agnostics, catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, seventh day adventists, and... yes... homosexuals. We Latter-Day Saints try to talk to everyone while we're serving missions, and we can get annoying I guess... but try putting on the badge. You become a target, literally and figuratively. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, thanks for being nice to them.
straight men try to get me to sleep with them
I shouldn't make eye contact
i should tell them im gay

that was actually my mistake. I was walking alone and I made eye contact with one of them from 50 feet away. I was like, oh shit, what did I get myself into.
Not so many Mormons trying to spread their message around here, we get JWs, but 90% of the time it's a knock on the door not being confronted in the street. I know the intention from their perspective is good but I do find it annoying as I am staunchly anti-religious. I imagine they would be on the receiving end of a lot of abuse, we are not a overly religious country.

Telling them you're gay doesn't always work, but it sure is fun. I've tried that one, in response they suggested they could help me with that, it got a tad awkward for them when I slyly grinned and said O'rly?!

Then they got all serious on me :(
I just tell them that I stopped at the Old Mormon Fort recently and joined the Followers of the Apocalypse.
we are not a overly religious country.

[MENTION=37]Lurker[/MENTION] are you not American? Cause I think we're very religious over here, just so many factions. And most of the religious people aren't the mainstream but if you look at the way many political debates are handled, I think you can get an idea of just how religious we are.
Shrug... I view a lot of proactive telephone or live solicitations as a borderline derivative of harassment.
[MENTION=37]Lurker[/MENTION] are you not American? Cause I think we're very religious over here, just so many factions. And most of the religious people aren't the mainstream but if you look at the way many political debates are handled, I think you can get an idea of just how religious we are.

Nuppers, I'm Australian. You guys are very religious over there, very, from my perspective it also seems quite intertwined with politics, definitely more than here. While there are of course people in Oz who are devoutly religious most people I've run into are quite apathetic about the topic of religion, it's not uncommon for someone to have to think really hard about if they're "supposed" to be Protestant or Lutheran etc because it's never played a role in their life.
I just start blatantly hitting on them and they usually excuse themselves after a while. Nice people, but I have a low tolerance for religious suggestions. Had enough of that growing up to last me!
I have no life, so when the Jehovahs or the Mormons come 'round I will engage them in a debate by quoting them fake verse composed of ice cream koan.
I don't really have any problem telling people I am not interested. I don't really feel the need to lie to strangers in order to get them to leave me alone. I understand where they're coming from and why they're doing what they're doing and I don't really want to hurt anyone's feelings but at the same time I really don't care about what they are trying to say. Often times I will say I am not interested and walk away.
They are excessively persistent. They will not leave.
I was once followed home (on foot) from a pair who would not leave me alone when I told them I wasn't interested.
I've been at my mother's when they arrive and try to speak to her through the screen door as she's telling them, "No thanks!"
Short of threatening them with the police, it's nearly impossible to get them to go away until they've finished with their script and badgered you to let them pray over you after handing you their freaking pamphlets or jack chick comics.

I know many people who make a sport out of scaring them away.
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Next time ask them if they are wearing any magic underwear

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cbfgmorIGE"]YouTube - Magic Mormon Underwear[/ame]
Tell them that the only way to truly know God is by studying quantum mechanics (there is, indeed, something to be said for this). It works for me every time.
Yeah, two of them as they were on their way to church or whatever. They weren't bad salesmen and were actually pretty respectful when I said I didn't want to hear any passages or anything.

I was just like "ewww, these guys a creepin' me out". I should have told them I was gay, lolz.

Has anyone else been stopped like this? Doesn't have to be Mormons but I know they're notorious for this.

A jehova's witness comes into my work and talks to me
on a regular basis. He's about 900 so I don't really mind.
I figure he's just really lonely. He however encourages
me to read bible passages and other such activities though
I have never stated my disinterest.
I'm always kind and respectful to those that come to my door to spread the word. I will always ask that they not stop by again as I don't appreciate solicitors of any kind.

Once, about 15 years ago, after my divorce, I was working 2 full time jobs to be able to keep my house.
A couple of people from Latter Day Saints came to my door.
I listened, and politley told them I would appreciate it if in the future they didn't stop at my house.
About a month later on a Saturday morning I am sleeping in and there is knocking at my door. I ignore it, but they persist. Now I'm pissed off!
I answer the door and it is the same 2 people.
I screamed and cursed a blue streak at them about waking me up!
I must have looked like the devil with my hair all disheveled from sleeping!

Never saw them again.
Tell them that the only way to truly know God is by studying quantum mechanics (there is, indeed, something to be said for this). It works for me every time.


I did this several times, coincidently the first time I was on my way to a class about quantum mechanics and had my study books with me, it worked like a charm and still is.

I probably wouldn't mind so much being stopped by any religious people on the street if they were not so annoying and persistent. I usually give some polite answer like "I don't discus politics and religion with strangers" but so many times it just wasn't enough, so I started giving other answers to their annoying questions.
They are excessively persistent. They will not leave.
I was once followed home (on foot) from a pair who would not leave me alone when I told them I wasn't interested.
I've been at my mother's when they arrive and try to speak to her through the screen door as she's telling them, "No thanks!"
Short of threatening them with the police, it's nearly impossible to get them to go away until they've finished with their script and badgered you to let them pray over you after handing you their freaking pamphlets or jack chick comics.

I know many people who make a sport out of scaring them away.

Mormons tried to use Chick tracts on you? Seems like a conflict of interest.
I don't mind Mormons and JW, they are mostly polite. The creepiest was this woman who was a Scientologist when I lived in Albq. I was at work too so I couldn't get away from her. She kept rambling on about crap and trying to give me L Ron Hubbard's book and stuff. I was "this close" to going off on her.