i didn't like the woman in the story very much. i would never have a relationship like that. i would be annoyed that the brother was always hanging around while i was going through marriage problems, i would find it a conflict of interest that should be left alone. i would never want the drama of being with the person, i can't stand dramas, and i would never want to be a component of drama on this scale in another person's life. the way that the brother treated her is not my idea of support, i think it is an inappropriate form of support, and i would never fall in love with someone who treated me that way. he would be out of bounds for me from the start. if i felt myself falling in love with him, i would make a very clean break with him. i have done this before when i have felt myself falling in love with someone who was interested in me, but who i could tell was not a workable match for me. i would have packed up and gone back to australia and got the hell on with my life - had some nights out drinking, done some yoga, and either meet a completely new totally wonderful guy, or just forget about love altogether for a while and focus on me. the woman in the story seems to believe that she didn't have a say in what she did after she fell in love but i don't believe in this and i think it is a way of being irresponsible about personal choices. but i am a different person to this character. she and i have different values and beliefs.