I need an advice from mature INFJs

should I just

  • Change my schedule for the whole time without classes

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I'm a really immature/unhealthy INFJ'T and I'm very self critical and need help,

I've once have Insomnia and because of it I had depression having alot of suicidal thoughts and overcame it, and this past days I've been so self critical and having depression and suicidal thoughts again maybe because of my insomnia, I've been obsessing really little things that I don't need to know to live, and I'm over thinking again once I overthink I can't stop myself sometimes that I sleep like 3:00 in the morning and I've been always blaming it because of PMS but I don't think it is, especially of what's happening around the world and that I don't have any schedule every day because there's no school... I just really need an advice
I have heard this before many times. I have met with people like you many times. You are just another lost soul in this world AKA hell. Even writing a book on what you need to do to be a healthy person doesn't work in my experience because people always do what they want. Sometimes people just want to swim in their own pool of shit no matter what. Also, there are smartasses who prevents you from helping people by forcing their BS opinion on lost souls like you (so you lost your right to a point of view) and using their authority to stop you from helping them, make people believe you are not trying to help but actually trying to harm because such an evil piece of shit you are in Hitler level — I'm too old to deal with this BS anymore. I suck at helping people and I'm not superman so nope I can't help everyone anyway. Ironically, the best way to help people is not helping them in my experience so they can find their own way because if you hold people's hand they can't learn how to be a healthy person on their own therefore they always be dependant of others because by holding their hand you prevent them from growing as a person so they stay as a child who looking for a parent who can take care of themselves but I'll at least show you the way: Don't obey to your feelings, learn what you should do and no matter what do what you should do, not what you want. Make sure you want what you should do, not some trivial wishes that will make you worst so you can turn your wishes into healthy shoulds. Lastly and most importantly, defeat the you who trying to drag you down so better you will be the survivor and therefore in control of you.

Good luck:

I'm a really immature/unhealthy INFJ'T and I'm very self critical and need help,

I've once have Insomnia and because of it I had depression having alot of suicidal thoughts and overcame it, and this past days I've been so self critical and having depression and suicidal thoughts again maybe because of my insomnia, I've been obsessing really little things that I don't need to know to live, and I'm over thinking again once I overthink I can't stop myself sometimes that I sleep like 3:00 in the morning and I've been always blaming it because of PMS but I don't think it is, especially of what's happening around the world and that I don't have any schedule every day because there's no school... I just really need an advice
greetings. . you have issues that really need the help of a professional. find yourself a therapist that you feel confident with and begin the process of healing. Sometimes you need to admit that things are beyond self help books and web advice and seek real assistance. . good luck on your healing journey
greetings. . you have issues that really need the help of a professional. find yourself a therapist that you feel confident with and begin the process of healing. Sometimes you need to admit that things are beyond self help books and web advice and seek real assistance. . good luck on your healing journey

This. Mental health is important. Find a therapist, it might take a few tries to find one that works for you.
I understand your situation perfectly I went through the same thing before and sometimes still do but what matters is that you want to get better. Here is what I did to find an escape find something you like to do something where you can put you energy on and creat a positive mode. This can be like music art or even learning. Next will be creat a schedule and try to follow it. Like you said because of school closed everything is a bit out of place so try to make a simple schedule to follow don’t make it too structured. Something that helped me with my depression was talking to myself it sound a bit crazy but it allows your thoughts to exit your body and mind. Go outside even if it means to just go out in the front yard. Go sit there for at least 30 minutes relax it really helps. These are things that helped me a few time hope they work for you wish you the bestღˇ◡ˇ(ᵕ꒶̮ᵕෆ
I can't talk about actually dealing with mental illness or suicidality, as I've never experienced such - except through empathy. If you're an empath (most INFJs would seem to be?) you might want to think about where you live, and what kinda people you're surrounded by during the day. You might also want to spend at least 2 hours alone in nature, if you don't already. I understand if spending time in nature sounds like a waste of time, for that is exactly how I viewed it prior to actually trying it. However, it turned this INFJ from emotionally unhealthy and blindly driven by empathy, to emotionally healthy and rationally compassionate.

And yeah... I see that I'm apparently late to the party. Hope you didn't kys.
My advice is to turn to Stoic philosophy. It was THE thing that helped me when I was in college. Start reading Marcus Aurelius, and then move to Epictetus and Seneca. Re-read multiple times. I am now a professor and have assigned these works to my students. Most of them have thanked me for recommending these and said they did wonders for their anxieties.