I'd love help determining my type again please

I'd say that you are INFJ with some large P characteristics...of course that's kind of what I am too.
I really don't know you that well, so it's really just a shot in dark
Since I joined here last week, I was introduced to the eight functions for the first time. Upon learning about those, I could see some ways that MBTI fails. I mentioned this briefly in my intro thread.

These eight functions are more fundamental aspects of personality, and they're independent of one another. When we create a code like INFJ, it doesn't say anything about those functions. Ni could be dominant and eN at the bottom. Or eN could be dominant with Fi in second place, and Ni at the bottom.

So realise that there are many different profiles lumped together in INFJ, as there are in all 16 types. And sometimes one profile is not out of place in more than one grouping.

I believe now that loosely rating/ranking those functions is more meaningful than assigning myself some 4 letter code. And do that rating manually. You know yourself how you use them better than some questionnaire.

I can relate to the desire to have a four letter code though, because it gives us a sense of belonging in this little MBTI community. But ultimately, if understanding our personalities is the goal, then I believe that the eight functions are a more realistic way to go about that.

And like you, in some ways I am J... (I'm organised, I tend to plan things if I have things to do; I feel good after I've made a decision; I like to complete things that I start; I can be quick to judge at times; and I can be directive with others when setting my well formed plans into motion. )

But in other ways I'm P... (I'm not particularly tidy but I know where everything is; when I make plans, they're sometimes revised once set into motion; I like to pick and choose because it's nice to have that freedom; I'm hesitant making decisions because I like to make the right decisions; I take multilateral views of things, and tend to be informative in conversation where I express those views.)
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These eight functions are more fundamental aspects of personality, and they're independent of one another. When we create a code like INFJ, it doesn't say anything about those functions. Ni could be dominant and eN at the bottom. Or Ne could be dominant with Fi in second place, and Ni at the bottom.

So realise that there are many different profiles lumped together in INFJ, as there are in all 16 types. And sometimes one profile is not out of place in more than one grouping.

I believe now that loosely rating/ranking those functions is more meaningful than assigning myself some 4 letter code. And do that rating manually. You know yourself how you use them better than some questionnaire.

The bold is completely incorrect.

While yes everyone will have a unique order to their functions. The core structure of it will elude to the persons type. For the case of an INFJ, one pretty much needs to have Ni>Fe>Ti>Se with Ni being the top function. The other functions can be more or less interspaced between the rest of them with no special order. That is where details about the person comes from. The theory of the functions would have no base to it if you didn't have the core structure of how it all fits together. You need to have a judging and perceiving function paired together. They filter information through each other. In the case of an INFJ, Ni, the perceiving function, gets filtered through Fe, the judging function.
Maria's scores on the main set of questions:
Extraversion (E): 0 64 - I) IntroversionSensing (S): 22 72 - N) iNtuitionThinking (T): 20 75 - F) FeelingJudging (J): 71 15 - P) PerceivingYou scored as an INFJ.
Assuming that you are an INFJ,
Your DOMINANT function is Introverted Intuition.
Your AUXILIARY function is Extraverted Feeling.
Your TERTIARY function is Introverted Thinking.
Your INFERIOR function is Extraverted Sensing.

Please bear in mind that the supplementary questions are experimental and may be highly unreliable. If these scores conflict with your previous scores, it is probably because the questions are still not reliable enough.
Maria's scores on the supplementary questions:
Extraverted Thinking / Introverted Feeling : 27Extraverted Feeling / Introverted Thinking : 52Extraverted Intuition / Introverted Sensing : 20Extraverted Sensing / Introverted Intuition : 32Rationality (Dominant Judging Function) : 38A-rationality (Dominant Perceiving Function) : 19According to the supplementary scores, Maria could be an ENFJ or an ISTP. These are opposite types, because the supplementary questions measure for preferences that opposite types share in common. See the FAQ for an explanation.
These results conflict with the evaluation of Maria as an INFJ.

My test results show INFJ. Well, I still want further introspection and contemplation because of how others have stated they see a few P tendancies in me. I have figured out something that might explain the reason why others see a very strong P quality about my eyes. I realized that I make my eyes appear very soft when interacting with people, so that they feel safe and comfortable around me. I would assume that this means a J tendancy to care about how I affect others around me. Further thought will ensue, but pls feel free to comment further on this.

Also, I am very sorry to say that I have been unable to figure out how to make a video of myself. I need to get more information this week, and maybe buy a digital camera if that is what I need for it. At this point in time, I have been trying to create something just with the use of my web cam. If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know, thanks !! :)
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Also, I am very sorry to say that I have been unable to figure out how to make a video of myself. I need to get more information this week, and maybe buy a digital camera if that is what I need for it. At this point in time, I have been trying to create something just with the use of my web cam. If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know, thanks !! :)

I have not done this before M, but I believe it can be done. Google this "how to make a video using a webcam" and see what you get. I got this how to from youtube, but can't pull it up since I'm at work. Just use a search engine, if it can be done you'll be able to find it that way!

So this is literally driving me nuts, and I realize how unhealthy it is for me to focus so much on it. I'm seriousely considering taking some time away from this place, because in theory, I am basing who I am, on four numbers and a profile. Truthfully, the coolest thing that appealed to me about knowing my type, (whatever it is), was so I could feel like I finally fit in somewhere that felt completely right for me. It's almost like looking for that special person to spend your life with. Except with this, you are looking for those special people to spend your time with, and ironically enough, you are looking for yourself to see unison with, (reflections) in others because they will understand you and be able to relate.

I guess with always feeling like I was so different (before I got here), for a while it felt great to not feel that way. Now that I am uncertain of my type, I'm feeling too isolated in my "being different" again. Although I know I am loved and understood here, I still worry that there might actually be something wrong with me mentally (although I'd never truly want to admit it), and that is why I am not fitting into a type. And to that end, I truly think I just sound like a silly girl with too much time on my hands and nothing better to think about! :D Anyway, maybe this process takes more time that I thought. The thing is, I'm at the point now, where when I edit my MBTI section on my profile, I don't want to have to wonder or change it again... Tons of sorry's to everyone here having to put up with me, lol. And thanks,

Ria xx
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Well, nobody will not fit in profile perceftly, because if that was possible, we would have just 16 people in different bodies. But, everyone is unique. Each type manifeste different in certain person. Life, experience, genetic material, culture, education...type is just one of elements. Type does not define us. Don't overuse MBTI, it is not magic stick, it is just typology, rather accuarte, but still generalization. Write INFJ in profile:)
As I have been fairly inactive on the forums for the last little while, I have not posted any updated info here about my type. I have been very busy, and was starting to really annoy myself with regards to trying to figure out this issue. So, I thought I may as well post this today as I have a bit of time and desire to look at this aspect of myself again.

A little while ago, I had an experience at work which left me feeling upset and in need of talking about it with the Staff Social worker. As he is hired for counselling Healthcare providers, he's pretty good to talk to. I discussed my lack of clarity about many things at the moment, and one of the things I brought up, was typology. I asked him if he was familiar with it which he was. I didn't tell him my particular type confusion, but he told me fairly quickly that in his sense, I was INFJ. I felt relief about this, because I saw it as my not having to explore this any longer, despite how I do feel satisfied with this type yet subtly still end up questioning it here and there.

This felt like a good post for a change, so thanks everyone for all your help and for now, I'm putting this issue to rest.
I'm currently questioning my type again. When I first signed on with the forum, I was just re-entering a relationship again, to my current boyfriend. A bit about the background there:

We were together for two years previous to our breakup at the end of may last year. During the two years, we lived a really stressful existance because of his addiction, and we weren't getting any specific help for it. I was living with feelings of strong disappointment due to being lied to, and of course, I found it difficult to trust him. He was dealing with his own inner experiences, and we parted ways for three months. Towards the end of august last year, we were talking about reconsiling. I needed proof that he was going to get help before I considered being with him again. He agreed, and has been very diligent for the most part with his recovery to this day. I am going to the family of the addict group too, so that I can re-establish some broken ground that I experienced within my own life, due to the two years I had spent with him. Aslo, with the 12 steps, it's an amazing way to face my own past patterns to come to understand my own dysfunction that was present even before I met him...

During the three months we were apart (may to august), I felt light, free and relieved. My time was not spent obsessing on wheather or not he was practicing while I was at work etc. and I found I could breathe for the first time in a couple of years. I felt back to normal for the most part, and that's when I took the MBTI test and scored INFJ. When I signed up with this forum at the end of august when we were in the process of reconsiling, I know I was full of fear, pain and confusion. I know that many of my early posts do not resinate as true for me anymore when I go back and read them.

What I need from you:

A type you think I might be, and your reasons why.

I am also going to try and make a video post this weekend. My intention with that, is to try and answer any questions people may have for me, thus, my responses can be analyzed. Sorry this is so long!! ... and thanks :)

Your INFJ hands down. Just from your posts and our conversations it easy to see.
I'm not going to restate my opinion again, you know it already. I'm just glad you have resolution for your own peace of mind Ria. Now you can focus on other things. Our "J" can really take over sometimes can't it? Peace my friend.......