Firstly, any religion of sufficiently large size will commit attrocities.
Even Buddhism has extremists that commit acts of violence and murder.
If Gnositicism had gotten large enough it would have been no different. Just because a religious espouses peace doesn't mean everyone adheares to that instruction. Love thy fellow man is a central tenant in EVERY Abrahamic Religion and it gets ignored in ALL of them by certain individuals.
Amazing how you know EXACTLY what Jesus would have felt. You know a person of whom there are limited historical records and the religious ones from a factual standpoint were written by humans who are know for being flawed, and seeking to confirm the religious nature of their associate, and were written around 2000 years ago. Its like me claiming I know EXACTLY how Julius Caesar would have felt about TikTok (which I do, he would consider an abomination like most people).
We do need a secular morality, its wrong to assume you aren't a good person just because you don't have a religiously based moral code, but it is equally wrong to say you aren't a good person because others who share your religion did bad deads.
People are people. They will do bad things in the name of God, in the name of Liberalism, Fascism, Conservativism, Socialism, Nationalism etc. etc. The people are the problem.
We live in a world where there are many religions so we can either all tolerate each other, or we can purge each other until only is left standing. Personally, I'd rather we all get on.
AND THAT INCLUDES NOT ASSUMING EVERYONE WHO FOLLOWS A CERTAIN RELIGION IS A SHEEPLE OR A MURDERER. Give them a chance to prove themselves, and if they are peaceful, let them practice their religion in peace, unless you are imposing your Gnosticism on other people which I think Jesus wouldn't approve of.
And given Jesus is my son, I think a father knows better than some stranger on the internet. Don't make me get Satan... I mean
@Reason in here.