If there is one true religion...

sigh. . here we go again. I'm tapping out of this one. . there is no point in debating religion with the religious. for they "know the truth". . we are all but blind sheep that have gone astray. .fortunately for all us sinners, they are here to lead us to "salvation". . whatever that is. .it's like an acquaintance of mine that believe that a vaccine for corona virus is accepting the mark of the beast. ..please people. .have you faith, believe whatever gets you through the day. . but dont, I repeat . . don't tell me my beliefs or faith is wrong because you think something else. . you have no right or place and you make you faith seem more like simply rhetoric that keeps you warm on a cold night. . just stop it

Salvation just means growing up and only you can do that. My post was more on nature and evolution than religion. I guess you missed that.

To my way of thinking, be you following a theology and named god, a philosophy of a named philosopher, a religion that puts man above god and focuses on knowledge and wisdom, like mine, a political tribe like Democrats and Republican, statism or any other thinking system, --- all groups named are following an ideology, --- and can thus be seem and described as a religion.

Labels are going crazy and melding atheism with agnostic and believer etc. My consolidating thinking systems into ideology KIS.


Reducing everything to ideology seems dangerous, especially as ideology is a loaded term these days.

You could say there is ideology in everything, albeit to different degrees.
Reducing everything to ideology seems dangerous, especially as ideology is a loaded term these days.

You could say there is ideology in everything, albeit to different degrees.

Correct. That is why I use that term.

Everyone's got one and it encompasses all the other terms I put, whichever you use to describe your belief or thinking system.

I see it as KIS and accurate and not dangerous at all.

You did also insult all Christians and Muslims so you're not exactly a bastion of Reason friend.

Believe me, mine is Enduring.

Reason says they deserve and will get insults from all moral people.
Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.


Humanity centered religions, good? Yes. Esoteric ecumenist Gnostic Christianity being the best of these.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes. Islam and Christianity being the worst of these.

What religion do you favor?

If Christian or Muslim, tell us why.

Reason says they deserve and will get insults from all moral people.
Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.


Humanity centered religions, good? Yes. Esoteric ecumenist Gnostic Christianity being the best of these.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes. Islam and Christianity being the worst of these.

What religion do you favor?

If Christian or Muslim, tell us why.


Firstly, any religion of sufficiently large size will commit attrocities.

Even Buddhism has extremists that commit acts of violence and murder.

If Gnositicism had gotten large enough it would have been no different. Just because a religious espouses peace doesn't mean everyone adheares to that instruction. Love thy fellow man is a central tenant in EVERY Abrahamic Religion and it gets ignored in ALL of them by certain individuals.

Amazing how you know EXACTLY what Jesus would have felt. You know a person of whom there are limited historical records and the religious ones from a factual standpoint were written by humans who are know for being flawed, and seeking to confirm the religious nature of their associate, and were written around 2000 years ago. Its like me claiming I know EXACTLY how Julius Caesar would have felt about TikTok (which I do, he would consider an abomination like most people).

We do need a secular morality, its wrong to assume you aren't a good person just because you don't have a religiously based moral code, but it is equally wrong to say you aren't a good person because others who share your religion did bad deads.

People are people. They will do bad things in the name of God, in the name of Liberalism, Fascism, Conservativism, Socialism, Nationalism etc. etc. The people are the problem.

We live in a world where there are many religions so we can either all tolerate each other, or we can purge each other until only is left standing. Personally, I'd rather we all get on.

AND THAT INCLUDES NOT ASSUMING EVERYONE WHO FOLLOWS A CERTAIN RELIGION IS A SHEEPLE OR A MURDERER. Give them a chance to prove themselves, and if they are peaceful, let them practice their religion in peace, unless you are imposing your Gnosticism on other people which I think Jesus wouldn't approve of.

And given Jesus is my son, I think a father knows better than some stranger on the internet. Don't make me get Satan... I mean @Reason in here.
Firstly, any religion of sufficiently large size will commit attrocities.

Even Buddhism has extremists that commit acts of violence and murder.

If Gnositicism had gotten large enough it would have been no different. Just because a religious espouses peace doesn't mean everyone adheares to that instruction. Love thy fellow man is a central tenant in EVERY Abrahamic Religion and it gets ignored in ALL of them by certain individuals.

Amazing how you know EXACTLY what Jesus would have felt. You know a person of whom there are limited historical records and the religious ones from a factual standpoint were written by humans who are know for being flawed, and seeking to confirm the religious nature of their associate, and were written around 2000 years ago. Its like me claiming I know EXACTLY how Julius Caesar would have felt about TikTok (which I do, he would consider an abomination like most people).

We do need a secular morality, its wrong to assume you aren't a good person just because you don't have a religiously based moral code, but it is equally wrong to say you aren't a good person because others who share your religion did bad deads.

People are people. They will do bad things in the name of God, in the name of Liberalism, Fascism, Conservativism, Socialism, Nationalism etc. etc. The people are the problem.

We live in a world where there are many religions so we can either all tolerate each other, or we can purge each other until only is left standing. Personally, I'd rather we all get on.

AND THAT INCLUDES NOT ASSUMING EVERYONE WHO FOLLOWS A CERTAIN RELIGION IS A SHEEPLE OR A MURDERER. Give them a chance to prove themselves, and if they are peaceful, let them practice their religion in peace, unless you are imposing your Gnosticism on other people which I think Jesus wouldn't approve of.

And given Jesus is my son, I think a father knows better than some stranger on the internet. Don't make me get Satan... I mean @Reason in here.

Not much I would argue against, even as I dislike your assumption of the universalist religions like Gnostic Christianity.

I will point to one thing. German's recognized the error of their ways and rejected fascism. Christians and Muslims have not and they continue to idolize a genocidal prink as a good god.

If you want to invoke Satan to help you argue for Christianity, bring him on as she would be on my side.

Listen. Learn. Think in moral terms, if you can. Apply the Golden Rule to Christianity and Islam on their homophobic and misogynous teachings and get back to me with your verdict.

Come and reason, or learn to.

Not much I would argue against, even as I dislike your assumption of the universalist religions like Gnostic Christianity.

I will point to one thing. German's recognized the error of their ways and rejected fascism. Christians and Muslims have not and they continue to idolize a genocidal prink as a good god.

If you want to invoke Satan to help you argue for Christianity, bring him on as she would be on my side.

Listen. Learn. Think in moral terms, if you can. Apply the Golden Rule to Christianity and Islam on their homophobic and misogynous teachings and get back to me with your verdict.

Come and reason, or learn to.

Sorry. I'm almost on your side but I'm gonna need more proof. Like this very credible video, if you have any.
Sorry. I'm almost on your side but I'm gonna need more proof. Like this very credible video, if you have any.

Proof of what?

You do know that we are talking mythical and imaginary characters that only those who have gone into intellectual and moral dissonance would believe in. Right?

I can give you evidence of this fact in the thoughts of scholars and the ancients who were a lot closer to the action than we are. The Pope has even said not to read the Bible literally, while forgetting that all who believe in a real Jesus are literalist fools.

Remember as well that Gnostic Christians are esoteric ecumenists and hold no supernatural beliefs. All we have is the best of ideologies and religions.
That is why the inquisitions were sent to decimate us and burn our books.

To literalism.
I hope you can see how intelligent the ancients were as compared to the mental efforts that modern preachers and theists are using with the literal reading of myths.



Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. And everything else is only commentary. Now, go and study it."

Please listen as to what is said about the literal reading of myths.

"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."

Matt 7;12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

This is how early Gnostic Christians view the transition from reading myths properly to destructive literal reading and idol worship.

Be you a believer or not, our ideology is the best that I have found in either religion or the philosophers.

Not much I would argue against, even as I dislike your assumption of the universalist religions like Gnostic Christianity.

I will point to one thing. German's recognized the error of their ways and rejected fascism. Christians and Muslims have not and they continue to idolize a genocidal prink as a good god.

If you want to invoke Satan to help you argue for Christianity, bring him on as she would be on my side.

Listen. Learn. Think in moral terms, if you can. Apply the Golden Rule to Christianity and Islam on their homophobic and misogynous teachings and get back to me with your verdict.

Come and reason, or learn to.


You think the average Christian goes around saying "Gee, I'm sure glad we invaded those foreign lands to kill those dirty heathens!"

They don't. So its unreasonable to compare Christianity to Nazi Germany, and say Christians haven't rejected the bad practices.

There are Gay Christians and Muslims. A faith isn't just about a hard set of facts, religion is changing, adapting.

You don't have to take an entire religions teachings to be a member of it, or agree with all of them. Plenty of Catholics use condoms. Plenty of Protestants don't keep Sunday sacred. Plenty of Muslims have alcohol or pork when no one is looking.

The times are changing and so are religions. Provided they remain flexible and don't push their faith on others, LIKE YOU ARE DOING then they are acceptable.

So you claim you are the bastion of Faith, Jesus, THE SON OF GOD, supports you, as does Satan. Something doesn't add up here. Jesus and Satan, not really good friends.
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Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor."

So it is okay for me to say to you that you are a small minded ignorant person for your religion? Like you've been saying to others?
Proof of what?
That God is Satan.

while forgetting that all who believe in a real Jesus are literalist fools
What does that about the albino, floating, faux vampire head with the rogue ghost hand in your video?

I hope you can see how intelligent the ancients were as compared to the mental efforts that modern preachers and theists are using with the literal reading of myths
I hope you can see that you are arguing against various ideas and beliefs from various different forms of Christianity. Essentially, you are throwing punches in the dark while blind folded with your hands tied behind your back. Your attacks against Christians and Muslim make no sense. If I may suggest, researching your enemies before you start picking fights or, if not fighting, then before attempting to open the eyes of every ignorant fool. You have included the Pope, Joyce Meyer, Bible 'literalists' and lump them all into the same category. I'm sure the Pope will tell you that Joyce Meyer and the prosperity movement is just as much heretical as a gnostic and any Bible thumping literalist will tell you the Pope is a poopie head. They are not the same. You claim to be speaking out against Christianity and Islam, yet your arguments are just as intellectual as some people in the states protesting for their right to get sick and die in the middle of a viral pandemic. It makes no sense. You say your gnostic ways are superior ideologically and religiously, yet gnosticism isn't a religion. It is a 'school of thought.' A collection of ideas. You can't say your way is superior if you do not even know that which you are supposedly superior to. (Of course, if what you are introducing is a religion, I am very interested in learning more) However, your fundamentalist approach does not spin a positive light on you or gnosticism. Is this how you are taught to spread your message? How do you think it is working for you?

"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."
I agree with this.

This is how early Gnostic Christians view the transition from reading myths properly to destructive literal reading and idol worship.

I sense that you had a personal experience, be it mystical or religious. Whichever you call it, doesn't matter. Congrats. Now you're overzealous.

Be you a believer or not, our ideology is the best that I have found in either religion or the philosophers.

So you stop learning? If I may suggest, you really need to understand your enemy. Learn what Christianity is really about. Start at the beginning. Learn what Islam is about. Then when you set out to defend your religion against your imaginary enemies you will know what you are talking about so you actually stand a chance of looking more qualified and dignified than the literalist, idol worshipping, Christian and Muslim scum you despise.

Orthodox Christian guy
Perennial philosophy guy
What religion do you favor?

If Christian or Muslim, tell us why.

since you are simply going to tell whoever answers they are wrong, what's the point?. .the only one who knows truth is you, we get it. . you don't really want a discuss, you seek an audience for your display of your "truth". .
this is the way of all who come here demanding we ae follow their personal belief system or they will attempt to engage in an endless argument, explaining their particular truth. .. been down this road too many times
You mentioned being bitten by a snake. You have been blessed as I am now here to bite you.

And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
Numbers 21:8

Could you know what that meant and what happened?
You think the average Christian goes around saying "Gee, I'm sure glad we invaded those foreign lands to kill those dirty heathens!"

They don't. So its unreasonable to compare Christianity to Nazi Germany, and say Christians haven't rejected the bad practices.

There are Gay Christians and Muslims. A faith isn't just about a hard set of facts, religion is changing, adapting.

You don't have to take an entire religions teachings to be a member of it, or agree with all of them. Plenty of Catholics use condoms. Plenty of Protestants don't keep Sunday sacred. Plenty of Muslims have alcohol or pork when no one is looking.

The times are changing and so are religions. Provided they remain flexible and don't push their faith on others, LIKE YOU ARE DOING then they are acceptable.

So you claim you are the bastion of Faith, Jesus, THE SON OF GOD, supports you, as does Satan. Something doesn't add up here. Jesus and Satan, not really good friends.

You are correct that that does not add up, because you are lying about what I have said.

Get the quotes that you infer in your last sentence, which you will not find, or apologise for your poor math.

If all you are going to do is lie about me, better to ignore me as I will ignore your lying tongue.
