You know the tyranosaurus rex had a brain the size of a walnut... all it contained was motor-neuro information and basic instinct (to eat and sleep and procreate etc).
A T-rex. Who can beat that!
Are you sure?
All humans do is eat, sleep, shit and watch tv...there's no interesting thought process involved.
Lol doesn't that sound good? Who cares that he isn't that smart? Who needs to be smart when all you have to do is impose your will and get your basic necessities met.
Ok,now in serious-mode I've always held the belief that animals who can't reason don't have a lower quality of life than those who do. I think a bird, a ladybug or even a flee can have a happy life regardless if they don't have a brain as complex as the one we have. Haven't you ever wonder why their lives seem much more simplistic due to the fact that they don't have to think about their choices and actions. They don't feel guilt, arrogance, distrust or any other emotion but all they have to worry about is their survival. I like to contemplate at birds who seem so free, so relaxed without having to worry about money or a place to sleep but they seem so happy just flying into the horizon.
A question I ask myself however: what about consciousness? I'm pretty certain that these animals can't 'enjoy' life. Because seriously, what would life be like without feelings?
Khloriael said:Insects, reptiles and amphibians do not have any cognative ability... to jump into their brain would be utterly pointless because what you would see is;
"Food..... Shelter...... Mate..... Food "
Who says that animals don't have feelings? Haven't you ever seen a dog whip his tail because he is about to be fed? Or a cat depressed over seeing their kittens die?
I'm pretty sure that animals do have feelings, but they tend to be alot different than the ones we humans posess.
Uh-oh no this isn't right! Sorry my fault.No, I was actually talking about this with these lovely little ladybugs and flees in my mind! When it comes to mammals I'm not so sure about this feelings thing either, and I have strong reasons to believe that they do have feelings, at least to a certain extent. I often have disagreements about this with people who think that animals don't 'feel' at all. When I look at my dog, I refuse to believe that he can't 'feel', that lovely animal even comes to comfort me when I'm sad, I'm for instance positive that he can sense these things.
(Forgive me if this all doesn't make sense, it's 2.26 in the morning here).
No, I was just teasing you. I know what you mean, and it is entirely possible that the reptilian brain is much like our primitive inner brain that has no recollection or awareness in a sleeping state.... It is science.. I am assuming people want to explore the thought processes of the animals. You know the tyranosaurus rex had a brain the size of a walnut... all it contained was motor-neuro information and basic instinct (to eat and sleep and procreate etc).
I am not saying I have been inside a spiders brain, but when a spider makes its web, it is like us walking. We don't 'think' about it... it is inherent, and intrinsic reflex.
Maybe the way I said it was a bit arrogant... I apologise for that.